
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · ファンタジー
113 Chs

016 Cooperation with Mrs Quinn

On the back of Alice's hand, a handkerchief was tied, and two blood stains spread slowly through the handkerchief. Ryan stroked Alice's arm and led her into the church.

As Ryan and Alice moved, the floor creaked. It was a very old church. There was a small amount of paint on the gray yellow wooden seat that had not fallen off. It curlled up and fell off when someone walked by. Through the faded painted windows, tiny dust rose and fell in the light, making the angel statues standing beside the wall with sharp swords feel like they want to live.

Several nuns walked quickly through the window. Ryan lowered his hat to block the sun. He saw them enter the clergy working area behind the church. In the open and closed door, the female nurse and priest disappeared. The female nurse was negotiating with the clergy about the funeral.

"So quiet."

At the front, a one person high cross was erected in the air. The 'son' on the cross had open arms and a slightly sideways face with pain. His eyes looked at the living beings in front of him with compassion.

Under the cross, a row of lighted candles made the statue above more solemn.

Mrs. Quinn, with her back to the church door, sat alone in front of the candle and looked up at the statue of the son of atonement. she should have heard the sound of the two people coming in and said, "how long has it been? I haven't seen such a quiet church for a long time."

Ryan approached the altar and lit a candle. "It's always so quiet here. Time gives it a different meaning from other churches."

"What does it mean?" Mrs Quinn turned to look at Ryan who had just made a cross on the chest.

"Atonement. Mrs Quinn." Ryan turns around and explains.

The expression on Mrs. Quinn's face was relieved. She nodded and looked at the statue of the son again.

Ryan was right. Most churches are not so solemn. Most of the statues on the altar are the cross or the virgin embracing the son.. After all, the story of the son suffering is too cruel for ordinary people.

This church was close to Anderson's tomb area in the East and the first prison in Porto in the West. Such an environment hds changed its function from giving hope to ordinary believers to guiding sinners to atone, which created its unique atmosphere and style.

I once asked the vampire, if he had the ability to turn around the time and could go back to that day, would he make a different decision in this church that represents atonement, so that everyone's life path would go on a completely different path? The vampire was silent for a while and smiled. He replied, "unfortunately, I have no ability to turn the clock."

"Mrs. Quinn, I know it may be impolite to ask, but I want to ask: Mrs. Quinn, are you guilty?" Ryan turned Mrs. Quinn's wheelchair and faced her, who was addicted to the crucifixion of the son.

Mrs. Quinn looked at Ryan squatting down. Her wrinkled lips were slightly open. Maybe she was influenced by the environment: "I'm guilty."

Alice closed the door behind the altar, and her thin body leaned against the decaying door. Now, they didn't want anyone to disturb them.

The light green in the vampire's eyes disappeared and was replaced by red: "now, Mrs. Quinn, admit your sins before the son."

Her will was distorted, and Mrs. Quinn used her dry dumb voice to narrate a fraud that lasted for 20 years!

It all started with a family scandal witnessed by an underage child! And this child was now Poche! The young Poche and the sudden outbreak of war had covered up the truth. By taking advantage of the influence of the war, Quinn and his wife began to subsidize orphans and disabled soldiers, shifting public opinion and preserving the status and wealth of the 'Quinn family'.

As Poche grew up, the Quinnes' control over their once young children became weaker and weaker. The contradictions between ancestors and grandchildren are becoming more and more intense., When the Quinnes realized that they would eventually withdraw from the world, they began to use last solution to restrain the more and more wild Poche——heritage.

When Mrs. Quinn finished all this, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, because strictly speaking, Mrs. Quinn was not a sinner!

"Mrs Quinn, do you really want to leave your legacy to Poche?"

Mrs. Quinn was confused. She didn't know why she said this. She looked up at the statue of the son of God. Maybe it was the atmosphere here. However, since it had been said, there was no need to keep it. After all, she also knew that she didn't have much time. Maybe it was the last chance that God gave her to come to such a church before she dies!

"Of course not! He doesn't deserve it. I may not be a respectable person, but Quinn's industry is really great! Poche, he doesn't deserve it!" Mrs Quinn was angry and helpless. At least according to the current trend, Poche will not let any lawyer approach her, which also means that she cannot change her will!

"Well, I think I can help you." Ryan smiled.

"Hum." Mrs. Quinn snorted and seemed to be amused by Ryan: "how can you help me? Do you have the qualification to notarize the will? If you try to delay the funeral, you will help me!"

Mrs. Quinn stretched out her dry hand, as if to fiddle with the wheel of the wheelchair so that she could continue to face the statue of the son of God. she had just confessed her sin. Now she should pray for forgiveness.

Ryan watched Mrs. Quinn's movements and helped her turn the wheelchair around.

"I can help you procrastinate, but I'm afraid I don't need to do more for your time." Ryan said.

After drawing the cross, Mrs. Quinn put her hands together in front of her chest and said faintly, "I know, maybe three days, maybe one day, maybe today."

"May I ask What disease do you have?" Ryan stands next to the wheelchair and took off his gloves.

"I don't know." Mrs. Quinn said calmly, "at first it was just a humble mole, and then it moved to the bones and internal organs. The doctor said that something was eating our bodies. Maybe our sins were punished."

Ryan shook his head. "Mrs. Quinn, I don't think what you have done is a sin. It is human instinct to cover up the family scandal. Even if it is a sin, the good deeds of you and Mr. Quinn have made up for it."

"You don't have to comfort my dying old woman." Mrs Quinn waved her hand.

"I don't mean to comfort you. I'm telling the truth." Ryan walked to the altar. The half man high stone column was sunken in the middle. In the white stone basin, the clear holy water could not reflect the shadow of vampires.

Ryan rolled up his sleeve and bit his finger with his back to Mrs Quinn.

"For a long time, people believe that holy water can make all evil manifest." Ryan reached out and took the cup from Alice, filled it with holy water, and crossed his bloody finger on the brim of the cup. "If Mrs. Quinn insists that she is guilty, I don't know. Will Mrs. Quinn confirm it?"

Ryan handed the cup to Alice, leaving aside the unhealed wound, and put on his gloves. Why didn't it heal? You'll know right away.

Mrs. Quinn looked at the glass Alice handed over with some doubts. The holy water in it was not very clear, just like diluted whisky.

Seeing that Mrs. Quinn hesitated, Alice put the cup into Mrs. Quinn's hand. Her thin palm pressed Mrs. Quinn's hand holding the cup. The handkerchief tied on the back of her hand had been untied. Two red marks were printed on her white skin. "Madam, drink!"

Mrs Quinn nodded helplessly, smiled at Alice, raised her glass and drank.

I cannot describe to you how Mrs Quinn feels. Because, facing the reality, such a busy philanthropist has no time to sit down with me face to face and waste an afternoon telling the story. But I can tell you a little bit about how to use 100 kinds of vampire blood.

When a memory or event is too long, the time span is too long, and it takes too long to tell. You can let the vampire bite you gently, then cut the vampire's fingers, take his blood, and then feed it to the person you want to tell. In this way, you don't have to say a word, and the narration is finished! Note: this process should not be too long, because the wound of the vampire will not heal until the blood carrying events and memories has found a carrier. You do not want the vampire to bite you more because of excessive blood loss and hunger! Remember The blood of things.

So, as for Mrs. Quinn, I can only use a vague word.

Mrs. Quinn, she put down the cup. First, she was confused, then suddenly, then angry. Finally, she pushed away the wheelchair behind her, broke the cup in her hand, and stared at the crucifixion statue of the son in front of her with clenched fists!


Ryan quickly walked behind Mrs. Quinn and picked up the wheelchair. Alice held Mrs. Quinn who hadn't stood alone for a long time. With the joint efforts of the two, she pusheed Mrs. Quinn back into the wheelchair.

"What happened to Mr. Poche Quinn?" Ryan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Mrs. Quinn opened her eyes wide, and there were many emotions in her eyes,"how did you do that?!"

"Do what?" Ryan put on an incomprehensible expression: "did Mrs. Quinn see anything? Did the holy water really give her any enlightenment?" Ryan smiled. "I always thought it was just a legend. It is said that holy water also has the ability to heal injuries. How does madam feel now?"

Mrs Quinn was silent. She tried to find a clue in Ryan's eyes, but she didn't see anything. Mrs Quinn closed her eyes and reopened them for a long time. "You said, you can help me. Then, tell me, what do you want?"

Vampire smiled. It's a very pleasant thing to talk to smart people. Louise, Kim and Mrs Quinn were all smart people. After encountering unexplained events of common sense, they did not panic, but reflected. Louise immediately sought asylum, Kim offered cooperation, and Mrs. Quinn was smarter. She saw from her rich experience that this was a deal.

"I want you and your friends. As you can see, Anderson house's industry is declining. We need stable customers." Ryan's pale green eyes have been bent.

Did everyone think of it? Ryan came up with this idea when he saw a group of staggering rich old people in the reception hall of [Anderson funeral home]. The traditional funeral industry was dying. Fortunately, the older generation of rich people who hesitated between the trend and tradition were also dying. If Ryan wants to continue to maintain the Anderson family, he needed these people to stop hesitating and choose tradition.

Mrs. Quinn's eyes narrowed, and she couldn't help laughing: "haha, interesting guy, Is it for me to see the truth and heal me in order to continue my influence among my friends??"

Ryan smiled and shook his head. "No, no, Mrs Quinn, don't put the miracle of the son on me. I can't afford it."

"A miracle?" Mrs. Quinn nodded and patted Ryan on the shoulder with her bloody hand. "Well, it's a deal."

"Deal!" Ryan held Mrs Quinn's palm.