

Her heart was beating as if it were to burst out of her chest and she finally understood his intentions when she heard the cloth around her wrist tearing, she became still and waited for him to free her without losing her guard.

"Dereck" Keane called on his beta" I put her under your watch," he said once he stood up.

With that being said his second in charge already knew what to do next, he took the woman by the arm and guided her out of the field, of course with curses and screams from Gwenyvere.

Tonight was to be their first night as alpha and concubine; he was growing very impatient to see her again.

Before nightfall Gwenyvere had already Layout a scape plan.

She was brought to a castle made of solid stone with big windows and spacious rooms like the one she was locked in.

In it, there was a bed thrice her size full of spongy and heavy blankets, several wooden cabinets, and a dressing table in front of a mirror. She thanked her stars that the windows weren't fenced but closed with crystal doors and she wasn't going to be in the dark with candles lighting the entire victorian room.

Dereck. Or shall she call him her hangman, had been at least considerate with her providing her with food and facilities of personal hygiene like a tub of aromatic warm water that a few made had prepared for her as well, of course, the prizes had a purpose and she felt like a seasoned chicken about to be sent to the stove. She had been very tempted to impregnate her hair with the petunia's fragrance, wear the garments she had on the bed and sleep like a newborn baby.

God knows she needed some rest; however, Gwen was more tempted to escape and had already made up her mind of how to go about it.

After finishing her dinner, she even kept apple for the journey in her dress pocket. Just in case she needed to be strong enough to stand on her feet and not lay on the ground with hunger.

Gwen made a chain with several blankets and made sure to tie one end to the bedpost with the expertise of a sailor just like her father had once taught her. She has always believed that acquiring that knowledge was an irrelevant thing to learn, but thank the lord she had paid attention.

A quick look at the panorama outside the window assured her it was time to shoot her shot, she held the unloose extreme of the blanket tightly and passed through the window with ease pining her legs along the stony surface of the castle until she finally made it to the ground.

If the so-called alpha had thought she was to sit and expect him to turn her into a squalid concubine, he could wait until the farming season as for her she was going to draw her pat in her own way.

Keane observed the letter he had received from allied packs, they confirmed what he had foreseen concerning the attacks on humans.

He had alliances with them. Therefore, they keep him abreast of the regular incidents within their territory. Incidents that incited them to believe that the wolves were breaking the pact of peace they had since the 1660s with humans.

Vampires, the message was loud and clear and he has thought the same after the main county was attacked. Regardless, to appease the humans he would send his Gama to work alongside them and make full reports. He wasn't going to let such a bond be broken.

He put on a coat and went in search of the one thing that has occupied his mind during the afternoon hunt: Gwenyvere.

The woman has given him a vicious mind for he hadn't stopped thinking about her even under his recent cold bath. It wasn't like a servant hasn't put at his disposal a warm bathtub. The truth was that he had waited for it to cool down completely because he had better ways to get warmed up, and now was just the right time. He tied his damp hair into a bun as he walked through the corridor that connects the main extreme of the castle with the one of the guest rooms.

Once he flung the door open, he already knew what his beta was to say. He looked at the bed that was tip over next to the window and couldn't help to smirk internally.


"How long?" he asked as he stepped into the room and took a deep breath, filling his nostrils of her scent. He did not fault Dereck for his concubine's scape for she was locked up, so he skipped his apologies to something more relevant.

"Not long " Said Dereck, and still with an apologetic look he took his coat off getting ready to shift and run in search of Gwenyvere "she is not far..."

"No. I will go for her" said Keane as he stopped Dereck by laying a hand on his chest "warn your Gamma of my absence".

Nothing like a good chase under the moon, he thought as he felt the adrenaline rushing in his veins and his wolf howling to take over.

Keane scanned the window behind them. If there was one thing, he could beat his chest for was his natural animal instinct. He wasn’t human and he was proud of it. It took him just a blink of an eye to jump through the deadlight and before he landed on the ground he shifted and galloped off to where ever Gwenyvere’s scent was taking him.

Not tonight little human, not tonight.

Gwenyvere sat down at the roots of a tree she couldn't see much, and she kept thinking of how she has never liked to step a single foot in the forest. It was pretty clear that she couldn't go on, every branch of three looked menacing to her but the mere thought of coming across a wild animal was at the top of the fear list, no matter how many times she repeated internally that the light of a brand-new day will help to orientate herself back to the county.