
Chapter 12

When Sam got there, Officer Parsons introduced them to the doughy, pale man, on whom he’d draped a beefy arm.

“I’d like you to meet my husband Oliver.” Parsons fixed Joel with a hard stare as if daring him to insult him in his face.

Keeping an arm around Parsons’ narrow waist, Oliver gave him a huge smile and extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Joel and Sam shook hands and returned his greeting. Joel breathed a quiet sigh of relief. It appeared Parsons had not informed his husband about the unflattering description of him. Oliver complimented them on their dancing and gave them the usual platitudes Joel was used to hearing.

However, Joel thought it strange not to hear any propositions or the typical pickup lines.

Maybe because he already has a hot boyfriend?He studied Oliver while he carried on a conversation with Sam. He couldn’t imagine climbing into bed with a man whose waist was larger than his chest. At least not without a lot of money.