
Diary of a Teenage Wolf

Aliyah White is a teenage Wolf. One faithly night in the woods goes wrong. Now she's half human and half beast. But that's the least of her worries, throw in the constant nagging of her wolf, her uncontrollable anger, and let's not forget the new wolves in town trying to kill her. This is Aliyah's story.

Thaswassup23404 · 都市
2 Chs

Monday June 22, 2025 (Pt.1)

I jolt awake, startled by the knock coming from my bedroom door.

"Come in," I said, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes. My body ached all over and I couldn't for the life of me remember how I got home from the walk in the woods.

"Aliyah sweetie are you okay?" my mom asked, concerningly opening the door. She has a worried expression plastered across her dark features.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired."

She walks over to me, then sits on my bed. Mom grabs my hands, placing something cool inside of them. I look down at my palm to find a necklace in the shape of a crescent moon.

"What's this for?" I bring the necklace closer to my face, inspecting every detail. The crescent-shaped metal is beautiful. There are weird runes engraved in it, but I didn't understand what they meant.

"It's the necklace that your grandmother gave me when I turned seventeen. She said it protected me from things that go bump in the night." Mom laughs, lightly. "Which till this day, I still don't know what she meant. But I feel you need it more than I do, so here's an early birthday present."

Well, it's a little too late for that, I thought.

"Thanks mom."

I lean into her, giving her a warm hug. She smiles, returning the jester. I don't know how long we stay like this, but it seems we're taking too long cause dad comes in holding a cup of tea in his hands. He hands it to me. The smell of chamomile, passionflower, and honey fills my senses.

"Thanks for the tea, dad." I sip a little, already feeling the works of the herbs. My thoughts calmed and my body felt more relaxed.

Mom stands placing a kiss on my cheek, while dad left a sloppy one on my forehead. "Lunch will be ready in twenty," dad said, mom leading out my bedroom door.

It closes with a soft click, and I finally let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Throwing back the covers, I inspect my leg. What I saw shocked me. My left leg where the wolf had bitten me had completely healed overnight.

Slowing hard, I rush to the bathroom, nearly tripping over my own feet. My stomach drops even further when I see all my scars and the cut I got when I had hit my head on the rock had healed.

What the hell is happening to me?


Okay, I lied.

Right after lunch, I struck a hike through the woods, trying to wrap my head around what had happened last night. The only scenario I could come up with is that I've lost my mind and the wolf biting me was a figment of my imagination.

Today the woods seemed different, almost like it was holding its breath, waiting for me to make a wrong move. No birds sung in the trees, the squirrels were awfully quiet as well, and not one bug buzzed.

Everything was silent.


My heart hammered in my chest as I descended further into the wood, trying to remember any landmarks that caught my eye. I make it to the creek that ran through the woods. I remember seeing it before the wolf attacked me. That must mean I'm getting closer.

I walk a log I recognized and continue on my journey deeper into the woods. When I make it to a clearing, I noticed a red stain that tinted the grass.

So, it wasn't a dream

Walking around the stain, I inspected it from all angles. But I still didn't change the fact that I ended up in my bedroom with no memory of how I got there. Nor that I had somehow taken and shower and changed clothes. I found that out when I realized my hair was damp and it smelt like my shampoo, lavender and peppermint.

I think I've official gone crazy.

You haven't gone crazy

I jump away from the stain, confused, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. That voice sounded strangely familiar. Then I realized it was the same female voice I heard last night.

"Who the hell are you?" I said, my voice coming out in a panic.

Don't worry Aliyah. I will not hurt you, the female voice reassured calmly. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't, because I'm in your head. The names-

But whoever she was didn't get to finish, because a low growl escaped from something behind me. Turning slowly, I spot two wolves, one with a coat as dark as the night sky, and the other a rustic brown, and they both looked pissed, for reasons I didn't know.

I take a step back, nearly tripping over a rock. The wolves follow my movements growling, their lips twisted in an anger snarl revealing sharp pointed teeth.

When I tell you to run, Aliyah, I need you to run. Can you do that for me, Aliyah? But on my signal, okay?

I nod. "Okay"


The wolves continue forward, growling and snapping at me.


My heart counted to pound in my chest. The entire forest was quiet.


Waiting for the wolves to make their next move.

Then the black wolf lunged at me

3…Run, Aliyah

Following the voices' instructions, I bolted back the way I had come.