
Chapter 55

Winter walked through the city Raque. She got here a day early since the Black bulls should be in Raque soon.

That gave her time to explore for a bit and enjoy the sites.

' This is pretty nice, though I really don't like how everyone is staring at me. It's getting quite annoying. ' Winter thought as she noticed all the stares she got from other people.

The men in particular were probably having perverted thoughts.

Winter kept going as she made it to the beach.

' That must be them. ' Winter thought as she walked toward the chaos.


The black bulls were currently having fun on the beach.

" Dammit Luck. I was trying to relax here. " Magna said as tried to hit Luck with a wooden bat.

" Bit we are at the beach. Come into the water. We can have competitions. " Luck said as he dodged.

" No Luck. I just want to sleep. " Magna said as he tried to hit Luck.

" Then put down the bat and go sleep. " Luck said.

" I was until someone woke me up!! c Magna yelled as he then strays do throw fireballs at Luck.

" Magna stop don't use magic. There spoke on the beach. " Asta yelled to try to reason with him.

" Same for you Luck. Stop. " Asta yelled as Luck fired back.

Noelle stood on the side as she self-conscience about her swimwear.

' Will he actually notice me in this? What if he doesn't like it? ' She thought as she looked at Asta.

Vanessa was sitting on a chair as she chugged her booze while men stared at her body.

" Ah, this is the life. " She said as he leaned back on the chair.

Finral was trying to pick girls but failed miserably as he kept using his pick-up lines.

Charmy was going to every store to try out food while Gauche was fantasizing about his sister because he is a sis-con.

However they all stopped and stood up straight as they turned their heads to the left.

They say Yami staring at them with an angered look on his face.

" Do you think we came here for a vacation? " Yami asked.

They rushed towards him and knelt in front of him.

" No sir. " They all said.

" You can go relax and have fun but we have a job to do. Also, we have someone who's going to help us. " Yami said.

" Are they underestimating us?!! " Magna asked.

" Shut up. " Yami said.

" Yes sir. "

" She's a mage from the Diamond Kingdom. Julius asked Elden to send someone to help us here just in case the midnight sun attacks.

She should be here. Speaking of which. " Yami said as he looked to his left.

The others looked to their right as they saw someone walk toward them.

She had long white hair that went past her shoulders with one bang covering part of her face. She had blue eyes that stared at them and wore comfortable clothes that brought out her beauty.

Most started sweating as they saw her mana pool. It was huge. Asta used Ki and knew she was incredibly strong.

" Yo. Glad you could make it. " Yami said.

" Pleasure to meet you. You must be Yami. " Winter said as she looked at him.

" Yep. Alright, introductions. That's Noelle, Asta, Magna, Luck, Vanessa, Finral, Gauche, Charmy, and Grey. " Yami said as he pointed at each person.

" Hello. My name is Winter. Nice to meet you. " Winter said.

" Hello. " Asta said.

" Can we fight? " Luck asked.

" Sorry but no. " Winter said.

" Please? " Luck asked.

" Luck. " Yami said getting annoyed.

" Sorry. " Luck said as he sat on the ground.

" Okay to put it simply we have to get to the underwater sea temple. There will be a current that will take us straight to it but we have a problem.

It's underwater. Noelle, you're going to be the one to protect us as the current takes us to the temple. You have a week, good luck. " Yami said as he walked away.

" Now where is the nearest bar. " Yami muttered.

" He really is how Elden described. " Winter muttered.

" Excuse me. " Asta asked a she stood in front of Winter.

" Your Asta right? " She asked.

" Yes. I have a question. Can you please help me with my training? " Asta asked.

" Hmm, you use an anti-magic sword right? "

" Yes. "

" Alright, but later in the day. I don't get much time to enjoy life so I'm going to go pick out some clothes and eat some food. " Winter said.

" Okay. " Asta as she was she will help him later.

" Then we are coming with you. "

Winter turned her head to the left as she saw Vanessa and Charmy come up to her.

" Alright. " Winter said smiling.

" Great lets go. " Charmy said a she walked toward she food stalls.

Winter and Vanessa followed her.

Asta watched them excited for the training later. He then turned to towards Luck and Magna who were back to fighting.

He looked around to find Noelle but couldn't.

" Magna where's Noelle? " Asta yelled.

" Don't know. She must have went somewhere." Magna stated as he sent another fireball at Luck.

Asta looked at them and remembered what Yami said.

'She must have gone to train. I should too but it's not every day I get to come to see the ocean. Besides, I have training later. 'Asta thought as he went to the water to swim.


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