
Chapter 004- The kingdom hidden in the mangos Pt2

*Translated into English*

The boy than pounced onto ray scratching and kicking at him, but since Ray was a trained warrior he easily pushed him off due too the overwhelming difference of strength.

Ray then smiled cockily and said "You think you can attack me, a warrior of the Ama Kingdom? You are 100 years too early too challenge me!"

AN/It's quite ironic that Ray said a cringy anime line without knowing what anime is.

But his cocky grin slowly turned sour as he say the boys body slowly got up in an unnatural way. But that isn't what turned his mood so sour is was what happened after, and the boy got up his muscles began to bulge, starting from his arms to his calf's, then legs, and then his chest. The boy who was only 5'3 was now enormous and muscular reaching almost 8 feet in height. He know towered over ray and looked at him like an ant. Ray looked at him in horror, but he took his spear anyway, if he was gonna die, he'd die fighting.

But before the battle even began the boy sniffed into the air as if he had caught a peculiar a smell, he head then tilted to Sloham who gulped in before he ran toward the gate run awa- I mean to bravely tell the people of his kingdom of the threat that was coming. Thye boy than looked at the gate before sniffing the gate, the boy was now sure that towards the gate was the smell.

Ray than ran up behind the boy and stabbed his leg in hopes that it would stop its advance towards his home, but his hopes shattered as the boy, no, the beast walked away without batting an eye. Ray sighed angrily.

"I guess no bonus today I guess."

In truth Ray didn't really care if the beast entered his kingdom, The beast may be stronger than him but the experts in the kingdom were more than enough to take him down, I mean how could a kingdom stay hidden if it had no power.

The Beast entered the gates only to be met by families looking at him al around and could hear boys cheering, when he looked down he saw a man in a robe who was waving too the crowd. He than took out a large staff with a bright blue crystal before humming some words. Then and ball of rock seemed to have manifested out of nowhere, before the beast could react the man in the robe blasted the rock at his head and the beast was knocked unconscious.

When the beast awoke it found itself in a chamber, The chamber was covered in mossy stones, when it tried to move it couldn't, his arms, legs, and chest were chained up, and every time it tried to escape the chain only got harder. But it still persisted, Ayaan was now a irrational beast without common sense.

Then a group of knights in Silver armor and helms covering their face came into the chamber, along with the robed man who had knocked him out. Though the beast did not care, he only ahd one goal, and it was a mango.

beast screamed



So the robed man obliged, he took out a mango and threw at the beast, the beast caught it with his mouth before gnawing on the mango, seed and all. When that happened the beast deflated and it's muscles went back to normal, and now he was just a boy again. When this happened he passed out.

The robed man than smiled, he approached the boy boy and grabbed his chin. He pulled it upwards to get a good look at the boys face. The man than smiled a devilish grin.

The man than whispered into the unconscious boys' ear.

"Now that I've given you what I want, your gonna give me what I want."