
In the Beginning


"Arthur, don't just swing wildly, and straighten your back!"

"Yes, Father..." My name is Augustus Arthur, and the man who is instructing me is my father. I was born in Windmill village and was raised by my father and my elder brother. We lived a simple life, and we were raised to be knights. My father was a former holy night, but he retired to live with my mother, who died when I was born. He was heartbroken when she died, but he managed to raise me and my brother by himself.

I'm now 14 years old, and my brother is 15 years old. My father is currently teaching us how to use a sword, and he often says I'm very talented, but aside from that, I can't do much. My brother on the other hand isn't good with swordsmanship, and often skips training to hide in the forest and read books about magic. We often spend a lot of time together, and our bond as brothers is one of the most important things in the world to me. When my father was busy with work, he would stay with me and make our meals. He was even the person who taught me how to read.

Although, even though we have a strong bond, we are very different. For some reason, when I was born, I never had any magic. This was a big deal, because in a world where everyone has magic running through their veins, if you don't have any you would be shunned. My brother, on the other hand, was born with an abnormally high amount of magic, but he was weak physically. Although, with his abnormally high amount of magic, people thought he would surpass my father and become a holy knight. But, three years ago when my brother went to the village Church to get his blessing..... everyone's view of him changed. He was supposed to be a talented child, destined for greatness, but to them, he ended up being a disappointment.

A blessing from the Church means that the Gods would grant their followers a gift or special skill when they come of age. I never had to do it, because, unlike others who had magic, I never had any. These gifts needed magic to be used, so why would I go to get a skill when I knew I wouldn't be able to use it? But my brother had plenty of magic, so he would be able to get a skill. Although surprisingly, his skill turned out to be useless. "Brother, what ability did you get!?" I asked him, not knowing of the influx of emotions he was going through. "Come on Lucien, what's the matter?"




It's been 3 years now since then, and my brother hasn't been the same since. I, later on, asked my father about how he was acting, and he told me that he did get a blessing... But not one that he hoped he would get. He told me that he got the ability to absorb small electric currents, and that's all it could do. I was surprised, to say the least, and saddened when I heard of my brother's ability. I could understand why he seemed so sad. After years of everyone telling him he would surpass our father and become one of the strongest holy knights in the world, everyone must have been disappointed and started looking down upon him at the altar.

And now, all he does is hide away in his room. My father has been training me to defend myself. Even if I can't use magic, he says I'm a natural swordsman. At my current level of strength, I would be able to survive on my own in the forest as long as I am careful. Everything has been going well for me, and I've been living life peacefully, but I can't say the same for my brother. I had no magic, but at least I was following in my father's footsteps and was a talented swordsman. But even though my brother had a lot of magic, all he could do was absorb small amounts of electricity. And don't forget he was very weak, so he could barely even lift a sword. He was the laughingstock of the whole village.

I try to stop them from talking trash about my brother, but no matter how much I yell at them, or how many of them I beat up, they wouldn't stop. The only times I see my brother now, are when he comes out of his room to eat. I try making conversation with him, but it's like he doesn't even realize we are even there. All we could do is watch over him, and make sure he doesn't do anything foolish.

I know nobody is gonna read this, but I just had an idea in my head that i had to write down before I forgot about it. I'm not good at writing conversations in stories, and I'm not good at making fight scenes either, but I really liked the idea so I'll try my best.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ivana_Humpcreators' thoughts