
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

5834 · アニメ·コミックス
105 Chs

Chapter 23: The Chūnin Exam Arrives

No one in the village was aware of Sato's secret departure. His absence went unnoticed, concealed from everyone's knowledge.

When there were no missions, Hinata's access control became incredibly strict. Leaving the village without permission was an arduous task unless accompanied by Sato and Ino-Shika-Cho for leisure.

As for Ino, Sato had reached out to her only a week ago, but now he no longer took the initiative to seek her out.

Thus, after the three-day holiday, the members of Team Eight undertook another D-rank mission.

Upon completing the task, Kurenai reviewed Sato's three-day training progress.

"No... unbelievable!"

Kurenai, Hinata, and Shino couldn't help but widen their eyes in astonishment upon witnessing Sato's combined ninja technique. Their faces mirrored their sheer shock.

Especially for Kurenai, belonging to the same generation as Kakashi, Sato's skills evoked the image of a powerful deceased ninja. Excitedly, she inquired, "Sato, how did you develop this technique?"

"Through the illusion you taught me, Kurenai-sensei, and the mention of Uchiha Shisui," Sato humbly replied. "You once mentioned that Uchiha Shisui was renowned in the ninja world for his Phantom Body Flicker Technique, which combined Sharingan illusions with the Body Flicker Technique during the Third Ninja World War."

"Moreover, the Shadow Clone Technique, a distinctive illusion technique, differs from ordinary clones. Since my instantaneous movement is quite adept, I pondered if I could develop a similar technique incorporating a phantom body flicker."

Hearing this, Kurenai praised him, saying, "Your idea is brilliant. Although your body flicker technique and illusion skills may not rival that of 'Shisui,' your combined ninjutsu of the body flicker and Shadow Clones can undoubtedly be considered a toned-down version of the Phantom Body Flicker Technique."

"Unless the enemy possesses significantly stronger chakra to disrupt the instantaneous flow within the body and their Yin Release chakra surpasses yours, this technique will offer a distinct advantage in battles of similar level," Kurenai added, her excitement evident in her tone.

Not just a slight advantage—Sato was currently only a Genin. How could a Genin develop such combined ninjutsu? This true and false phantom Shadow Clone technique dealt a severe blow to the perception of Genin.

To achieve such a combination of ninjutsu, one needed excellent Body Flicker Technique and illusion foundations. This meant Sato's present control over his chakra had reached an astonishing level.

No wonder he had already mastered sensory techniques, illusions, and basic medical ninjutsu by the time he was in the fourth grade.

"Sato, that's incredible..." Hinata's beautiful lavender eyes brimmed with admiration as she gazed at Sato, who was being praised by Kurenai. Her admiration for Sato grew during their time spent together and intense training.

During their solitary moments together, Hinata's eyes, heart, and even her dreams were filled with youthful thoughts—secret love.

If things continued this way, Hinata firmly believed that in a few years, she would be transformed by Sato's positive influence.


Sato took three days to complete the test paper, which pleased Kurenai immensely. It further solidified her determination to have Team Eight participate in the Chunin Exams this year.

Consequently, Kurenai ceased assigning D-rank missions to the team, opting instead for C-rank missions.

The Chunin Exams served as a platform not only for Genin to be promoted but also as an opportunity for allied nations to assess each other's strengths.

In particular, the Chunin Exams held by the Hidden Leaf Village attracted numerous ninjas from neighboring countries. These exams were not exclusive to village ninjas alone.

Each Chunin Exam witnessed the participation of senior Genin who had been eliminated in previous exams. These experienced Genin were the elites of their level, having engaged in life-or-death missions and gained extensive combat experience.

The Chunin Exams involved battles, often with bloodshed and intense examinations.

Consequently, Kurenai wanted Team Eight to witness bloodshed before partaking in the Chunin Exams. To accomplish this, she not only assigned C-rank missions to them but also requested the Third Hokage to select tasks involving hunting large beasts or eliminating bandits. These missions aimed to enhance their coordination, intelligence, and other capabilities.

Sato and the rest of the team did not disappoint Kurenai. Regardless of the task assigned, they completed each one with near perfection.

Moreover, Sato exhibited exceptional leadership skills during the missions, pleasing Kurenai. Sato's maturity exceeded his age, and his vast knowledge made him worthy of being the top student at the ninja academy.

His expertise spanned not only ninja knowledge but also various cultural subjects.

With such qualities, once Sato became a Chunin, he could assume the role of Team Eight's leader, allowing him to lead the team on independent missions.


Time flew by, and before they knew it, June arrived, signaling the imminent start of the Chunin Exams in Konoha's 60th year.

In the days leading up to the exams, Konoha welcomed many unfamiliar faces. Ninjas from other villages, donning their respective forehead protectors, roamed the streets.

These were the participants from different countries who had come to take part in the Chunin Exams.

While these arrivals went unnoticed by most of the recently graduated ninjas, Team Eight, under Kurenai's guidance, had been informed about the Chunin Exams during their continuous execution of C-rank missions. Kurenai sought their opinions regarding participation.

Sato readily expressed his desire to participate, and Hinata and Shino followed suit.

Accordingly, during their subsequent tasks, they silently worked on improving their synergy and cooperation.

Sato, capable of swiftly dispatching enemies, purposefully restrained his strength, keeping it only slightly superior to Hinata and Shino.

With double-digit experience in C-rank missions, the members of Team Eight had grown inseparable. Sato, as the team leader, conveyed his intentions effortlessly through mere gestures, allowing Hinata and Shino to understand him immediately.

Their understanding had reached a level where they could trust each other unconditionally.

The constant exposure to battle had desensitized them to bloodshed. Even the gentle and kind Hinata could face enemies without faltering.

However, this boldness extended only to their foes. Hinata retained her 'timid' demeanor when confronting ninjas from the village or anyone close to her.

Sato accepted her disposition without any complaints. Hinata's nature was an inherent aspect that could only be overcome through her own efforts, not through external intervention.

As long as she possessed a stronger resolve, she wouldn't be overshadowed by her younger sister.

Considering Hinata's potential, her limit would be an elite Jonin unless she awakened the Tenseigan of the Otsutsuki clan. Such strength would merely elevate her to a high-level combatant in the final battle.

However, Sato had set his sights on the Tenseigan for a while now and had no intention of relinquishing it to Hinata.

Thus, he didn't attempt to change her character but planned to protect this kind-hearted girl through his own means.

With the Chunin Exams approaching, Kurenai, Asuma, Kakashi, and the other instructors rarely granted their students days off.

During this short break, Sato and Hinata reunited with their long-lost friends, Ino-Shika-Cho, for dinner.

However, despite the familiar faces, there was one missing and one 'unfamiliar' addition.

Sasuke seemed to be omnipresent, while Haruno, who had not actively approached them since graduation, was absent.

The 'unfamiliar' face was Shino, their teammate from the past six years. Sato had not forgotten about him.

He understood that Shino appeared distant on the surface but harbored deeper emotions within.