

rutpak · アクション
2 Chs

Big changes happening around the world

In the year 2026 big change occurred. People from all around the world started to visit hospitals with weird symptoms. Next day it turned out that everyone who had those symptoms awakened one of the countless powers that were unknown until now. The whole world was thrown into chaos, people didn't know what was going on and everyone awakened searched for an unknown until now way to level up but they knew that there was one because they could feel that they were on level 1 and that people around them were on level 0. Because of this many awakened even started to kill people but that didn't change their stats. After around a month situation more or less stabilized but more and more awakened appeared without any knowledge how to gain more strength until three months later unimaginable thing happened that shook the whole world. Weirdly looking doors in all kinds of shapes appeared everywhere. There were countless of them and they all appeared at the same time, but no one and nothing was able to open them with force and an only a bunch of them was opened. Brave people around the world decided to come inside and what they saw was unimaginable. Doors outside looked like there was nothing inside but people who were inside told others after leaving that there were beautiful sceneries inside looking like they weren't from earth, but every group coming from many different gates told about different sight, even those coming from gates close to each other told about the different scene. Unfortunately, any recording technology wasn't working inside. Hearing stories about beautiful purple forests, high mountains, giant oceans people couldn't hold themselves back, especially awakened ones, and rush inside doors to explore them. People were going in and to get inside one of those gates there were queues in which you needed to wait for hours to get inside, but the situation changed when a group of around a hundred people got slaughtered by a weird-looking human-shaped silhouette. One enemy was able to do such a horrifying thing, of course, not everyone believed this story but most people cooled off after hearing about such an accident. They even got wary of the gates, what if this thing inside would come out? It would be a disaster! The country in which this tragedy occurred tried to block all opened gates and don't allow people to get in by using soldiers to guard it but this decision didn't last long. More precisely this decision was cancelled when in another gate a person got experience from killing a small creature. This announcement caused a huge commotion because finally, people found out how to level up. From then on the attention of the whole world was on those doors. Scientists we're trying to find out where they come from and how the change in human bodies happened but people whose bodies changed didn't care about it but rather about what will they encounter inside of the gates. As for normal people, they were waiting with hope for their awakening. Many statistics already showed that most of the awakened were around 14-20 years old but even some people as old as 70 years old were awakening. It was a pity that they won't probably be able to use their abilities anyway. More and more people died but this couldn't stop people from exploring new places, there were already groups of people with levels 3 or 4 who, when died, left behind weird stones with part of their understanding toward their power. After another two months and most people who awakened in the first month were already around level 2. Statistics showed that on 100 people one was awakened, in each door there were thousands of people every day until one of the elites with level 5 found the giant entrance to a cave where the restriction that only 1000 people can enter appeared. Immediately after leaving, he shared what he found with others on the internet, calling for other elites to check out what's going on. Unfortunately, some weak awakened tried to seize this chance to level up faster and 1000 of level 2 entered. They were seen by others but they didn't think about it then. After getting in what hey didn't anticipate was that they won't be able to leave. A couple of days later a team of thousand people with levels 4 and 5 got in and was able to leave with around 100 people. After getting out they told others about things that happened to 1900 people who didn't leave. They were all dead! Inside this cave was living giant batz there was darkness everywhere and the hundred left was able to win this fight just because they were lucky. They were throwing their abilities like basic fireballs and tried to guard each other, they started this tactic from the moment when there were 500 people left alive. The good news was that they found some ways to craft equipment, everybody alive got some part of this knowledge after the bat was dead. In this way, by fighting with monsters inside people gained vast amounts of knowledge about how to get stronger and also how to get better equipment and even sometimes about the origins of their powers. This way ten years have passed. It was near 2037 and many guilds and powerful organizations appeared, some even took over countries they were coming from, technology was almost at the same point it was 10 years ago. But there was only one thing that didn't change yet, it was that doors that were closed stayed like this since the start. Now when the first person reached a level 50 some of them opened. On the day of the opening of new gates young 15 years old boy got awakened uniquely. He, by accident, found dying fire mage while walking through the dark alley and got his magic stone. Situations like this were often but people who didn't awaken weren't able to gain anything from them. What was unique was that he wasn't even able to touch this rock before he started to feel horrible pain on the front of his palm and then, mouth with sharp, giant teeth appeared and swallowed this stone. They left after themselves something like a tattoo looking like them and what was more important now, ability to use fire magic. Luke, because that was the name of this young boy, reached level one at this moment.

It's the first chapter of my new book. It's my second book but the first one was rather a test and a way to gain more experience, I was waiting for a theme like this to start a new book with more preparations and some planning beforehand. I don't know how many chapters there will be every week since I'm still learning in school but I'll try to write one chapter a day. If you have any ideas you want to share with me write them in comments. Thanks for reading :)

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