
Me and myself (1)

(I will now be giving cain thought 'example' also WEEKLY UPDATES ARE ON BABY!)

'this is one of the prey I hunted when I was in the forest. But why did I see its memories, and why only the last moments?' looking at the bio-map in front of him cain took it apart piece by piece to look for anything that might tell him what that spec of light was.

'There is no difference from before. It's the same as when it was back when it was alive, the only thing to tell it apart is its eyes, when it was alive they had thought and life in them now there empty as if they had no, "soul."

Realising that that 'spec' way had been a part of the wolf's soul and that he had potentially absorbed it he did a quick check over his own body to see if anything had changed, even going so far as to bring up his bio-map to check if any new adaptations had appeared. he was shocked to see that there was a glowing orb of his inside of his bio-map right above his heart/mana core hybrid, which he is calling a 'primal heart' as it could do both the job ad a human heart and mana core as well at the functions of a beasts mana core slowing him to have far greater control over his mana like a human while not losing any of the potency or flexibility of a beast

Looking at his 'soul' cain began to study it so he could understand it and if possible even replicate it. Realizing that using his soul as a test subject may have adverse effects he instead used the small 'soul shards' as he was calling them to study. But he soon came across a problem, he couldn't touch the soul shards without fusing with them. after a while of thinking cain decided to see if he could interact with the shards without touching them.

at first, cain continued to control them as he did with the bio-maps to see if absorbing one had changed anything but sadly nothing. after a few hours of trying, and failing, to control the shards he had an idea. 'i can use my mana to control my form and even make templates to change into later, such as my defence, attack and speed forms. so what if I used my mana to control the soul shards in a way similar to my own bio-mass?'

realising that he may have found the way to use the soul shards he began to see if mana could move, or even interact, with the soul shards. and surprisingly, it did, however, it was much more expensive than normal control. first trying with the smallest soul shard he began to coat it in mana and try to pull it towards him.

the moment the mana incased the soul shard he could sense the difference in this compared to altering his own form, even with his impressive mana pool from storing mana in his heart and blood, he was rapidly depleting his reserves faster than they could restore.

realising that this was the most inefficient way to do this he decided to let the shard go, almost as soon as his mana left the shard it began to return to the cluster. realising that he was going to need to separate it from the cluster before he could research it fully he began to look through the memories of the first humans he ate.

after a couple of minutes of looking through the memories, as he could look through them much faster than they would take in real time, he realised that doing 'surgery' on the shards could work.

first creating a 'table' that he could use he began to pull some bio-maps his way to look for things that may work. something that he could do In the white room was make things that would interact with other things in the room. pulling some geans and bio-mass from his stores he began to make a table. first, the legs were made extendable so if he ever needed to study something else he wouldn't haft to turn it over to look at the other side.

next the actual laying part, first, he made it into three parts so he could adjust it so different angles for ease of access. next, he made it so each part could open up so could use the first function properly. next, he began to make the tools, sticking with the norms he made a scalpel, a saw, a drill, tweezers, scissors, Forceps, spikes and needles all of various sizes and shapes.

cain also made some things for smaller inspections such as microscopes, centrifuges, incubators, Petry dishes, tubes, beakers and freezers, all of different types.

to get used to his new tools he created the wolf from earlier. after making the wolf he kept it the same as the original but let some random change happens because he already knew the full form of the original wolf. after the body fully formed he placed it on the table and began to extract certain things from it such as muscles, blood and spinal fluid to study on a smaller scale.

being the tests he was horrible, but he learned extraordinarily fast because of the density of his neurons which allowed him to remember things better and think faster. while his first tests ended up ruining the body and making it more of a butcher house, around the tenth test he could already salvage some major parts and around the 100th one he would put master surgeons who had studied their whole lives to shame with the precision he could work at with even the most complex bodies.

while he was doing all of this he would randomly change something about the body so it didn't remain the same throughout so he could learn a wider variety. sometimes he would even change the body he was using from a wolf to a tiger to even a human sometimes. after thousands of tests and practise with every bio-map he had, even his own, he was confident that he was good enough to try studying the souls. but first. he realised something during his tests. 'what if the souls aren't corporeal?' realising this he began to make different organic machines out of organs and genes that could detect energy around them and would fuse machines so he would have more control over what would happen while keeping the same diversity so that if the souls weren't corporeal he could at least understand how they would work as an energy.

hers a little gift as i got a new laptop so I can make more chapters maybe and if you want even more well than VOTE VOTE AND VOTE SOME MORE

Black_rabbit24xcreators' thoughts