
Devil of my Word

Lucifer Morningstar, you may know him as the devil But for me he is my dad. I would say let's get into the story but I would rather give you my backstory first.

Lizzie_Taylor · テレビ
3 Chs

I Ran To The Devil


Lucifer and Chloe both look at me, Lucifer looked a bit mad/confused and Chloe looked concerned. "So I guess I completed my mission this was fun. I'll see you in another ten years or so?" I shrugged my shoulders and tried to back away. Next thing I knew Lucifer was behind me and He puts his hand on my shoulder, "Chloe I'm going to go home and talk with him, would you care to join me?"

And at that moment i knew I was in trouble, he was either one gonna send me back home or two something else and I don't know what else he could do.


It felt like hours, I was just sitting there in his penthouse looking out the window. I could somewhat overhear Lucifer and Chloe in the other part of the room. And here I am just sitting here waiting for an approval or for the biggest disapproval of my life.

I got up and walked around the room for a bit, looking at the decor and how he lives. so if I do get sent back I remember a few things about him. Or at least know how much I am like him, because of the way my mother used to say "You sound like your father", she wasn't big on tell me about him when I was little but when I started asking she did tell me some things.

Any ways, maybe I should go. It looks like I showed up at the wrong time. they are in the middle of a case now, well a case I was a witness too. But anyways I should say my goodbyes and split before I see someone else die and have to be another witness to another case I don't want to be dragged into in the first place. "Hey thank you for the company and allowing me to stay this long. but I have to get going, I didn't mean to intrude on your parade. So I will ... just be heading out if you don't monde. I know where the door is". I started to head for the door or his elevator door. The door finally opened and there was a person inside, she was a bit taller than me but not by much. She looked quiet mad, she walked up closer to me. She then grabbed me by my arms and dragged me over to Lucifer. "LUCIFER! Who is this kid and why is he here?". Lucifer looked over to the lady and then down to me, I was avoiding eye contact with him the entire time. He then walked over to me, "Why don't you go sit back down". I made my way back to a seat and sat down. I'm screwed after this now. Bloody Hell why did I do this.



sorry this chapter was short I am extremely busy. the next one will be longer.