
devil incarnate

universalplayer · アクション
2 Chs

Meeting the devil

in the void of nothingness zho Feng floated in space haaaaaa what going on tough I died how am I still here what going on where is this could this be a place where the dead gather why is this place so dark can't even see a thing wonder why or could I have survived the fall and ended up in a hospital maybe my eyes got blind from the fall could I be hallucinating as zho Feng was lamenting a crack appeared out of no where and begin to suck everything at it's part as if it was alive, what going on I fill like am getting sucked by some unknown force zho Feng tried to struggle but it was in vain as the force grew stronger and eventually sucked him in as the crack closed,

my lord are you sure it's that human you want to use as your apostle yes am sure his life is very pathetic and sad if not him than who, I know lord but you have to think twice this is our last chance to send someone to vinas I beg my lord to you reconsider your choice,

enough there is nothing to reconsider are you actually doubting my choice, no I was not enough I don't want to here it he is on his way here at this moment as the word came out of Lucifer mouth a crack appeared then after that crack came a man ouch my butt zho Feng hit the ground after he finished adjusting his self zho Feng started to inspect his surroundings what he saw shocked him there way a someone sitting on a throne looking at him the person was 100 meter tall even if the person way still sitting on the left hand of the person zho Feng saw another person not as tall as the first but nearly 69 meter tall the person wore black and was holding a giant sword in his hand excuse me please can I know who you are zho Feng said, after the sentence silent filled the hall after a brief moment of silent a voice finally spoke human am Lucifer as you all know me back on earth as the god of destruction I go by so many names am sure you know some of my name lucifer bragged, ohhhhhhh Lucifer yes who doesn't know about you back on earth you are the god of madness yes that correct, wait what did you say god of what Lucifer voice sounded angry and was clear as thunder he has never been humiliated so badly before , so you want me to repeat my self right ok we all know you on earth as the god of madness haaaaaaaa zho Feng laughed enough at that moment space it self seems to Spain zho Feng could feel he have died a million times already and still resurrected it was a tragic feeling it's seems like he was chatting with the devil his self of course it was the actual devil he was talking and cursing.