
Devil in red

[MATURE CONTENT] Everyone knew who he was; that celebrity that never hide what evil he did, what flaw he had and what murder he had committed. No one cared anyway after all he was handsome and very attractive. His charm cleared all his sins. But what happens when this celebrity, Edward Copper meets Michelle milles his soon to be nemesis? I mean he had his night with her and later on he offered her a contract for him to marry her, for the sin he committed with her. What was he thinking? No one knew but what one was sure of was that he didn’t know how love could play with him. How Michelle milles was going to reveal his color behind that mask, after all she loved him. *devil in red*

Publish_it · 都市
6 Chs

Problem solved

Alrando tries to echo his words again. Where he sits on, he pushes the chair backwards hanging the legs in the tip. His eyes narrowly staring at Michelle, he picks up his cigarette on the table. In the bottom of the cigarettes, it still had little red lights, that stimulated when his breath pulls in.

When he did the action of inhaling, he coughs when Michelles words came to him as a sudden shock.

"What?!" She yells like she was going to beat him at the moment. He feared the energy this lady right in front of him portrayed, but the cards he had in his hands were mightier than just her mere display.

"You must be kidding right?" She accompanied words, before standing from the black office chair. Alrando waved his hands in the sky, clear the thick engulfed smoke in the air. He's eyes vented to Michelle's direction as she rose to her feet.

"No, you cannot marry him. Why can't you do it?"he expels his hands again in the air, while trying to clear his view. With the ray of light, penetrating through the room accompanied with car horns and human parade, Alrando could rearly bear the noise he listened to. "Your job is in the line." He mentioned to Michelle as his face frowned.

He knew perfectly well what was going to happen to him if he didn't get her to sign the papers and agreeing to marry Copper. He crossed his hands again, holding the cigarette in between his two fingers, legs on the table and his glare hard. He wanted her to break but she was certain of her conviction to not marrying Copper. What was so special about her anyway? That the famous celebrity and billionaire wanted to marry her.

Suddenly her voice begins to crack when she hears the words he said. Her job was in the line. What was she going to do anyway. She couldn't marry him because she wasn't in love with him. Another reason was that, how was she going to tell her mom about the man she married. She looked to Alandro, holding her hands to her chest and re-thinking her words again.

"I..I..ca..n't…I can't marry him. I'm sorry."

"Think again. I'll give you until tomorrow. Today, your off duty. Go home." He assured before her pointed the door, for her to walk out.

"Okay." She could bearly speak. All she could do, was to walk her way out of his office and made her way, down the stairs. As she descended down the stairs, she wonders of the possible ways she could get a new job. All the thoughts that kept coming back was that she should head back to her mothers house. When she got back to the locker, that was painted at each conners, she pulls her apron into her own vent. She pulls her bag out and made her steps counting subconsciously. As she walked out of the bar, she headed for the waterfall in the middle of the city. As she stares at the water, she smelled a familiar scent; her normally purchased baked bread.

She runs over to the shop along the street. From the top of the building, it had pizza shaped object, situated at the top of the whole shop. When she sights the image, her mind pressure down. Maybe this was going give her an answer. When she reached the outskirt of the shop that had an outpost shade, she stood right under it. When the woman that sells the bread appears, she smiles at her, ordering her favourite mashed bread with cabbage in between, accompanied with coffee, her best supplement.

She stands humming words that took a toll on her mind word, thinking again about what to decide next. As she stood, a lady that had her hair all packed to the back. Walked by her and stood. Her heart defined face stared at Michelle who was lost in her thoughts while standing. She taps Michelle to pay her bills and when her hands rested on her body, she jolted.

"Hey, you okay?" The lady asked with a warm curious smile spent across her face.

"Oops, sorry" Michelle who has been day dreaming apologized before searching for her purse in her bag. Her hands dipped into her bags as she tried to find her small pink purse. As her hands made action inside the teddy shaped bag, she couldn't get hold of her purse and suddenly, the lady stretched 50box to pay her bills.

"Thanks." Michelle stopped and shyly collected the bread she ordered. As she turns to walk away the lady stopped her.

"It's okay. What's wrong?" She asks again.

"I don't know… nothing. Am alright." Michelle kept confusing her words together. She shakes her head to come to her right senses. It wasn't any help.

"C'mon. I just paid your bill. You owe me. What's wrong." The lady chuckles and hits Michelle by the arm.

"Today I met with my boss and he asked me to marry a celebrity or else I'll lose my job." Michelle stated as they both sat on a bench just in front of the waterfall. People passed by, mostly couples who came to see the sight. Michelle and the lady sat while talking to each other.

"What?! Really. It's not that hard. Why can't you do it?" The lady laughs, shocked. Who in the world would place such a tempting offer? She wondered.

"It's not just the normal celebrity it's Edward cooper." Michelle said.


"I don't even know him that much or like him." Her face frowns as she remembers how their nights were together. The kissing and a night with him.

"You know, I'll take the chances. I mean life won't bring something great to you, but it will bring tests along. Take it and somehow you'll later fall in love with him. I'm Caro by the way." She introduced her self after.The lady looks to her time and notices she was already running late.

"Michelle milles."

"Bring your phone." The lady quarries.

"Huh, what…" Michelle exclaiming while her hands stretched her phone forward, after unlocking it.

"That's my number and my full name. Give me a call when the deal is done." She said and stood to her feet. She smiles at Michelle once again before walking along with her black hills.

"Uh… Caro Edward?" Michelle looks at the name that the lady used to save her number. The name was familiar. She had seen it somewhere on a list in goggle, when she searched Coppers name out, as she always stalked him on socials. Then, she remembers who the lady was.

"She's… wait! What?!!"