Bickey and I entered the Hokage office, and the first thing we see is a Person buried in load of Paper work. I don't even know why they don't just make their assistant make them do unimportant paper work and himself do the important one, and oh even more easy use a clone with a brain that can do independent action and make them help you.
Anyway we are way of the topic; we entered as Minato turned toward us from his paper work and smiled "Hello! Bickey, Lycan what can I do for you today."
Tough we aren't close we have a good relation with him due to his relationship with Kushina so we simply told him our request "We wish to leave the village, I want to find our family members that are still alive and restart our Uzumaki Clan." Bickey said his preplanned dialog.
The smile in Minato disappeared, what now stood before us was a Hokage who in my mind took his own life to make sure nine tail didn't destroy his village and made sacrificed his own Son happiness to do so.
Minato "Why are you leaving the village then? Can't you just lead them to our village so they can become our clan together? After all the Uzumaki did have a huge role in creation of this Village Konoha." He was talking about us supporting Miko Uzumaki, Wife of Senju Hashirama.
Bickey replied "Yes! There is a possibility, but we were allies in our past, now with you marrying Kushina the bond are even bigger. But I can't make decision on my own. I don't know how many are alive but I promise you that we will always be allies."
Minato sighed and said "Ok! I grant you the permission to go, and you can also ask the Konoha for help in negotiation if there are some Clan Members in captivity in other village."
We both bowed and said "Thanks you Hokage-Sama."
Minato then said "Does Kushina knows this?"
Bickey said "We were going to tell her after this conversation. I'll make sure Lycan and I visit this village every time we pass by."
With that word we left the hokage office.
4th Hokage Minato didn't know we belonged to a Camp of Survivor of Uzumaki after all there were less than 300 members including children's so giving this information to a group of people that could possibly leak this information was a huge risk so it was a big NoNo.
After saying Goodbye to Kushina and a tearful goodbye from her, we went our ways.
We travelled for 2 days; Bickey didn't want to use the passageway that we arrived from due to his Cautious Nature. After 2 days, Bickey took me to a location that was inside a water fall and was only assessable using "Hiding like a Mole" Technique.
After arriving and teleporting back to our base that took 3 more hours, I was greeted with half of the camp waiting for us.
Bickey went directly to Grand Elder whereas I went toward my mother and father.
After the huge emotional dram and more, I was lead back to my room. Finally now I was 8 years old, I could learn advanced Jutsu and Fuinjustu.
Just comparing my Chakra it was over a Basic Chunin Level and nearing a Jounin Level. His data were
Name – Uzumaki Lycan
Age – 8 Years 9 months
Title- Prodigy Genius
Status- Normal
Level – 25
Hp (Heath point) – (100%) (Regeneration 1% HP/Minute) – (C-)
Cp (Chakra Point) – (100%) (Regeneration 1% CP/Minute)- (D)
Strength- 120 (12 Times the strength of an Average man)
Vitality- 400 (40 Times the strength of an Average man)
Dexterity-250 (25 Times the strength of an Average man)
Intelligence- 250 (25 Times the strength of an Average man)
Wisdom- 250 (25 Times the strength of an Average man)
Luck- 50 (5 Times the strength of an Average man)
Money – 5,000,000
(Note- Please remember that there are people who are faster than light in this world, that is 300 Million Kilometers Per Second, Lightning is 1/3the speed of Light but there is no definitive answer as both lightning and Thunder have different speed and finally the Speed of the Sound is 340 km P/s. Still those people who think this is overpowered think again.)
So if I was in my past world I would have been unstoppable but in this world where people can travel in the speed of Sound and Lightening on daily basic, its super weak.
I still haven't started my true training because my body is still tender, until my teenager Hormones don't develop I will have problems truly developing my body, and if do so forcefully, though my power is Super Healing there is a chance that I will cause problems.
And the most important reason is I am waiting, waiting for the Nine Tail to break out and use myself to be its new container. If I go to the Village at the moment there is a huge possibility that Minato will use me as the new container and if I promise to give up on nine tails if his son is older, then I will probably have the tail beast for 10 years before giving it to Naruto. But who am I , at that time I'll probably be 20 years old and that time forget about a fox, I can contain Jubbi if I desire.
But this process requires times, which I will have in the future.
Now my training has been upgraded 10 times from the past. The Elders have taken upon themselves to teach me everthing about our clan.
Knowledge about how a seal is created, how we Uzumaki who have Vitality above other being and can use our blood as the ink to create seals.
The thing about chakra is it changes according to user, Hasirama wanted to stop the war, he gained power to stop a Tail beast.
Madara wanted power, he got stronger and stronger as his age progressed.
Other Hokage and KAkashi were the same, but Kakashi due to emotional trama didn't want to grow strong due to him losing friends, his power slowed down considerable. His Trama made him a character with the potential to be as strong as a Hokage to a weak Jounin before the fight.
This thinking of protecting and not wanting to lose people made him so weak that he couldn't protect the one person he cared, and became scared of his own power due to him killing his friend with it.
Still this Chakra is making him stronger daily, destroying and healing method has made sure his body is strong, but due to his child body he had to wait to do any extreme training.
Nowdays his most painful training is to stretch is body in impossible direction, nearing severing his muscles but healing and tring again,
He is looking forward towards the future.