
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 7: Suddenly, the sound of gunfire erupted.


However, not long after I closed my eyes, a loud gunshot suddenly shattered the silence, sending a shock through the night!

Gunshots rang out, seemingly from across the street. Remembering that the bathroom window should have a view of that area, we quickly went inside and peeked out the window.

At this moment, the sun was rising, casting golden rays everywhere, and the street scene was fully visible. We saw a pregnant woman with disheveled hair lying on the street, barely alive.

Blood was gushing from her belly and chest; it seemed the two bullets had hit her stomach and heart.

The street was deserted, indicating the shooter had already fled. After a short while, an ambulance arrived swiftly, likely summoned by nearby residents who heard the gunshots.

Following the ambulance was a silver sports car with a flashing blue police light on the roof, indicating it was a police car. The silver police car arrived first, reaching the injured pregnant woman faster than the ambulance.

As soon as the police car stopped, the driving officer rushed to the woman's side and knelt down to check on her.

"She's beyond saving," Rahab said coldly.

I opened my Devil Eye and listened carefully; the pregnant woman's heartbeat had indeed stopped.

Suddenly, the male officer began to wail and cry uncontrollably. The other officers had already gotten out of the car and surrounded the male officer and the pregnant woman. Seeing the scene, their faces were filled with sorrow, indicating they were familiar with the woman. The male officer might even be her husband.

By then, the paramedics had gotten out of the ambulance and quickly pulled the male officer aside, attempting to resuscitate the woman. Unfortunately, after a while, the paramedics shook their heads.

The male officer seemed to be overly stimulated and fainted on the spot. A paramedic quickly supported him to the side, while others wrapped the pregnant woman in a black bag.

Such scenes were not unusual for Rahab and me. Where there are demons, there are always countless accidents and disasters. Perhaps this is God's curse on us, or maybe demons inherently carry a lot of negative energy.

But this time, watching the scene of life and death on the street, a fleeting sense of regret flashed in my heart.

The woman reminded me of my mother; both died tragically on the street, both were mothers, and both had their husbands arrive after their deaths.

Perhaps, if we hadn't been staying here, that woman wouldn't have died.

However, this world has no "perhaps." Even devils cannot change that.

"Sigh, that damn gunshot woke me up," Rahab yawned and said, "But since we're awake, we should get going and investigate."

Rahab had slept all night and was naturally full of energy, but I had just gotten into bed when the crime occurred, so I was a bit tired. I said, "I can't. I haven't slept yet, and I'm really tired. Can you at least let me rest for a few hours?"

Rahab looked at me, shook his head, and sighed, "Alright, you stay here and sleep. I'll go out and look around first."

Hearing Rahab say that, I jumped into bed and fell asleep immediately.

It wasn't until a few hours later, when Rahab returned, that he woke me up.

"I've searched all the nearby prostitutes, but there's no trace of Daji," Rahab said, licking his paws while sitting on a chair.

"So, what do we do? Expand the search area or look outside of Hong Kong?" I yawned and noticed my breath was foul, so I quickly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Rahab followed me inside and leaped onto the sink, saying, "Let's stay here for a few more days. Some prostitutes only come out at night, and we need to check each one thoroughly."

As I brushed my teeth, I mumbled through the foam, "Is the Daji we're looking for the legendary nine-tailed fox, the original fox spirit?"

"That's right, it's her. Daji was originally an ordinary fox. After accidentally obtaining the Devil Eye, she gradually gained intelligence," Rahab replied, wagging his tail. "Since then, she practiced diligently in the deep mountains day and night, eventually breaking through and transforming into human form."

After spitting out the foam into the sink, I asked, "So after her cultivation, she became Daji, entered human society, and bewitched King Zhou, causing the Shang Dynasty's downfall?"

"Yes, in fact, many famous beauties throughout history, like Yang Guifei and Chen Yuanyuan, were her. Because emperors and kings held the fate of the people in their hands, Daji only needed to enchant them and incite them to wage wars. The countless souls lost in these wars would then transform into energy for Daji to absorb," Rahab explained.

I exclaimed in astonishment, "So her lifespan is practically endless?"

"If she lived peacefully, the sorrow and anguish from the wars would indeed sustain her for thousands of years. However, this little fox never settled for an ordinary life. Even after becoming a demon, she kept practicing diligently, using a lot of demonic energy," Rahab said, then tilted his head as if recalling something. "I had a few encounters with her. Power-wise, she is among the top demons. There was a time when the Seven Lords of the Demon Realm needed a replacement, and Daji wanted to join them. Unfortunately, one of the original Seven Lords refused to let her join, citing her non-demon origin."

"She must be incredibly powerful!" I said, slightly surprised.

"Yes, so I'm not worried about her being killed by Rofocal, but rather being recruited by him," Rahab nodded. "I don't know what Rofocal is up to, but if he gets to her first, our plan to recruit other demons will be further hindered."

I thought for a moment and asked, "So once we find her, how can we persuade her to join us?"

Rahab smiled mysteriously; his green eyes gleaming with cunning. " The mountain man has his own clever plan."

Is Daji nearby?

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