
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 29: Yan'er almost fell into lust

As soon as we landed, the circular exit above us was sealed.

"That was close," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. But then I noticed Yan'er's strange expression, a mix of a smile and a smirk. I realized I was still holding her in my arms.

I quickly put her down, my face turning red.

Yan'er giggled. "Big brother, it feels so nice to be held by you like that!"

I replied awkwardly, "Please, stop teasing me."

Yan'er laughed, "Big brother, you're really funny."

She then reached out her jade-like fingers and pressed my face, leaving me with no choice but to smile wryly.

The circular platform we were standing on continued to descend rapidly, and the Devil eye kept spinning.

After I mentally counted sixty-three seconds, the ground beneath us trembled, and the space around us suddenly opened up. We had reached the lower level.

We found ourselves in a large corridor, with fiery red oil lamps placed at intervals along both sides, their light stretching endlessly into the distance.

I bent down to retrieve the Devil eye, but it had turned into a bloody mess, likely due to excessive friction while spinning.

"Let's go," I said.

We walked along the corridor, which was filled with carvings on all sides.

Upon closer inspection, I realized the carvings depicted scenes of hell.

The lifelike carvings, combined with the flickering firelight, gave the impression of being in a sea of flames.

"Big brother, this place feels strange," Yan'er said, frowning.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm here. Just close your eyes and don't look. I'll guide you."

Yan'er nodded and smiled lightly, then closed her eyes and followed me.

After walking a few hundred meters, a faint sound of a flute reached my ears.

The flute sound was soft but continuous, like a gentle laugh or a coquettish murmur, very pleasant to hear.

"Yan'er, do you hear the flute?" I asked.

Yan'er tilted her head, listening for a moment, then shook her head. "No, I don't."

"Hmm," I replied, thinking that the Devil eye must have enhanced my hearing.

After walking a bit further, the flute sound grew louder, and Yan'er could hear it too.

"Why does this flute sound so strange?" Yan'er asked, puzzled.

A few dozen meters later, we saw a large door in the distance, and the noise behind it suggested a Satan's Cult gathering.

We quickened our pace, and the closer we got to the door, the clearer the flute sound became.

When we stood behind the door, the flute sound was unmistakably clear.

The flute's melody was enchanting, like a woman's soft whispers, mournful sighs, or seductive moans, utterly mesmerizing.

"Yan'er, stay close to me at all times," I whispered. Just as I was about to gently push the door open to peek inside, Yan'er suddenly hugged me from behind and said in a sweet voice, "Big brother, I'll never leave you!"

I turned my head to look and was startled. Yan'er's cheeks were flushed, her lips slightly parted, breathing heavily, and her eyes were filled with a mix of longing and shyness, making her look incredibly seductive.

It seemed that Yan'er, having overexerted herself earlier, had not fully recovered. Her willpower was weakened, and the strange flute sound had ignited her desires.

"Yan'er, snap out of it," I said, lightly patting her face. But to my surprise, she grabbed my hand and began to suck on my fingers passionately, looking at me seductively.

The warm, moist sensation traveled from my fingers to my brain, and Yan'er's tongue kept licking my fingers, causing a crack in my previously firm resolve. The enchanting flute sound immediately took advantage of this.

Although a voice in my mind urged me to wake up, it grew fainter with the flute's rhythm.

My body became increasingly hot, and my mind started to blur, but the voice urging me to wake up persisted.

I knew that if this continued, I wouldn't be able to resist making love to Yan'er, which would be disastrous.

Taking advantage of the remaining clarity in my mind, I took a deep breath, hugged Yan'er tightly, and kicked the door open!

Holding Yan'er, I leaped into the room, only to be stunned by the sight before me.

We were in a vast plaza filled with thousands of people, all completely naked, engaged in frenzied lovemaking in groups of two or three!

The flute sound ceased with our intrusion, but the thousands of people continued their passionate acts, their moans and gasps echoing endlessly.

Yan'er, having regained her senses, was so embarrassed by the scene that she buried her head in my chest.

"Who goes there!"

A fierce gust accompanied by an angry shout descended from above!

I heard the unusual wind and quickly dodged to the side. Just then, with a "bang," the spot where I had stood was shattered, sending debris and dust flying!

After leaping backward several dozen meters, I finally steadied myself and looked at my assailant.

At the entrance stood a man wielding a short iron flute, glaring at us with fierce eyes. It seemed the flute music we heard earlier was played by him.

His face was difficult to discern, but upon closer inspection, I realized his face was covered with dense black hair—likely a sufferer of hypertrichosis.

Beside the hairy man was a one-meter deep crater, evidence of the terrifying power of his earlier strike!

"Where is your leader?" I asked in Chinese, having heard him speak the language earlier.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass in the sacred hall!" the hairy man roared.

"Heh, you'll know who I am soon enough. Just call out your leader," I replied with a smile, though inwardly I remained on high alert.

The power of his earlier strike was indeed terrifying; it would take me sixty percent of my strength to create such a crater. Yet, after his attack, his breathing was steady, indicating he hadn't used his full strength. Moreover, his eyes remained their natural color, showing he hadn't summoned his Devil eyes. His strength was undoubtedly formidable!

"Foolish boy! How dare you cause trouble here!" he shouted, leaping into the air for another powerful strike.

I dodged again, but this time his soaring attack was a feint. As he landed, the imposing aura disappeared, and he lunged at me with his iron flute.

With my retreating momentum exhausted, I had no choice but to engage. Though this thrust lacked the grandeur of his previous attack, I knew the contained force was equally, if not more, formidable.

I channeled my energy, enhancing my strength to seventy percent, enveloping myself in demonic aura, and caught the iron flute with my bare hands.

"Eh?" The hairy man looked astonished, clearly not expecting someone to catch his strike bare-handed.

Seeing his momentary distraction, I kicked toward his lower abdomen and simultaneously pushed off the ground with my other foot, attempting to seize the iron flute.

"Foolish!" he roared, not dodging but instead increasing the force transmitted through the flute, trying to pull me toward him.

I quickly released my grip and jumped back. Steadying myself, I smiled at the hairy man. "Hairy guy, you're stronger than I expected. I'll need to go all out to defeat you."

He snorted. "Boy, you're not bad yourself. In over a hundred years, you're the third person to survive my attack."

I laughed. "In that case, there's no need to fight any longer. Just bring out your leader; I have important matters to discuss with him, matters that concern you as well."

Unexpectedly, the hairy man shook his head with a sly smile. "No, you've piqued my interest. I haven't had a good fight in over a century. Now that I've found a worthy opponent, I want to have a proper battle! Don't die too quickly!" He said, swinging his iron flute as he leaped toward me.

I quickly dodged, inwardly cursing my luck. Not only was I holding Yan'er, but even without her, defeating this hairy man without going all out would be challenging.

"Hey! Stop! I'm carrying someone; it's not fair!" I shouted while running.

The hairy man laughed behind me. "Put her down; I promise not to harm her!"

I shook my head and shouted back, "No, I have a contract with someone. I can't put her down!"

Suddenly, he appeared in front of me. I hastily stopped.

He smiled with a murderous glint. "How about this: I won't use my weapon, only my Devil eyes. How does that sound?"

He sheathed his iron flute at his waist before I could refuse.

His left eye blinked, turning blood-red. A powerful demonic aura erupted from him, causing those engaged in the hall to awaken in terror, scrambling to escape.

Feeling the intense aura, I was filled with astonishment, for only the Seven Lords possessed such an evil and potent demonic aura.

"Who are you?" I asked, shocked.

"Heh, I am Wukong Walker, one of the Seven Lords of the demon realm!" The hairy man replied, suddenly transforming into a white-haired Taoist with an ethereal demeanor.

His hands moved fluidly, executing the "Parting the Wild Horse's Mane" of Tai Chi, a move soft yet imbued with immense latent power!

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