
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 27: Find a clue

After hastily visiting several casinos, I had absorbed enough life energy for 270 years, which should be sufficient for the upcoming battle in Italy.

In addition to the casinos, we investigated other places in the city where Satanists might appear. We even checked out various churches in Florence, but we couldn't find any information about the Satan's Cult, let alone the location of their subdivision.

That evening, the sky was overcast, and the stars and moon were hidden in the darkness. It was already around nine o'clock at night, but we still couldn't find any trace of the Satan's Cult.

"Could it be that Luo Hu deceived us?" I asked in confusion, growing more and more irritated. I decided that I would make him taste my wrath once we returned.

To my surprise, Rahab shook his head and said, "No, Luo Hu's panic was genuine. He must have told us the truth. However, the Satan's Cult is extremely secretive and hasn't revealed any information about the location of their subdivision."

"So what can we do? Return empty-handed?" I asked Rahab, thinking of Yan'er back at the hotel and wondering if she was still crying.

Rahab lightly swished his tail and smiled, "If we can't find them, let's make them come to us!"

I didn't understand his meaning, but I saw Rahab pointing his tail towards the distant Florence Cathedral. "Go to the top of that cathedral."

Following his instructions, I took Rahab to the cathedral, only to find that it was already closed.

Though the surroundings were brightly lit, there was no one nearby, and the resident clergy had long since gone to bed.

I quietly approached the cathedral, aimed for the top of the dome, and leaped up, landing precisely at the apex without making a sound.

The Florence Cathedral is one of the tallest buildings in the area, offering a panoramic view of Florence's nightscape from its peak.

"Unfortunately, now is not the time to enjoy the view," I said, turning to Rahab on my shoulder. "Rahab, you want us to release our demonic energy to lure the Satanists out, right?"

In Hong Kong, Rahab and I had been tracked by Satanists after releasing our demonic energy. We speculated that the Satan's Cult had developed instruments to detect demonic energy.

Seeing Rahab nod, I wasted no time, focused my mind, and began to release my demonic energy.

Rahab, without any visible action, unleashed a wave of demonic energy even more sinister and intense than mine from his small cat body.

Our combined demonic energy resonated and overlapped, spreading instantly to every corner of Florence.

The demonic energy sent birds and beasts scattering in all directions, and babies began to cry.

After a few minutes of continuous release, three dark figures suddenly appeared in the northeast, swiftly running across rooftops towards us.

"They're finally here," Rahab said with a sinister smile, and the demonic energy dissipated instantly.

The three figures moved quickly, reaching the cathedral's rooftop in no time.

Dressed in tight black clothing and exuding strong demonic energy, their left eyes glowed with a sinister red light in the darkness, revealing them as demons.

The three stopped about a hundred meters away, watching us with indifferent expressions.

Using the Italian that Rahab had taught me through telepathy, I smiled and asked, "You must be from the Satan's Cult, right? We disturbed you because we have urgent matters to discuss. Could you tell us the location of your subdivision?"

The leader, a white man in his thirties, surprisingly spoke in Chinese, coldly saying, "Bi Yongnuo, stop pretending. Our leader has told us everything about you. The black cat on your shoulder is Rahab, one of the Seven Lords, correct?"

Realizing that his identity was known, Rahab didn't hide anymore and coldly laughed, "Since you know I'm one of the Seven Lords, you should be sensible. If you can't give me an address in three sentences, I'll break your arms."

The white man seemed unafraid of Rahab's title, arrogantly saying, "So what if you're one of the Seven Lords? Our leader is the King of Demons. You're just a traitor, daring to threaten me."

Rahab ignored him, turning to me and saying, "Just a few years in hiding, and it seems demons have become idiots."

I didn't respond, merely smiled at the white man and said, "Your Chinese is excellent. You must have been a demon for many years to speak so fluently."

The white man snorted, "Three hundred years of cultivation, far beyond what a young brat like you can compare."

"Sigh, three hundred years of cultivation, such a pity to see it wasted," I said, feigning regret but still smiling.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" the white man shouted, moving to point at me, only to find his hands had already fallen to the ground.

The white man looked at the cathedral floor, blood from his severed hands splattering everywhere, and was stunned.

"One more word of nonsense, and I'll make you a eunuch," Rahab said with a yawn.

The other two black-clad men were furious, their demonic energy surging, but they didn't dare act rashly, unable to see how Rahab had severed the white man's hands.

The white man, enduring the pain of his severed arms, weakly asked, "What do you want..."

Before he could finish, his mouth was filled with his own bloody lower body.

"That's the fifth sentence. Say another word, and I'll make you eat more," Rahab said coldly, his eyes fixed on the distant scenery, calmly enjoying the view.

The three demons were terrified, unable to see Rahab's movements even with their enhanced senses, indicating a vast difference in their power levels.

The white man had learned his lesson, remaining silent with his mouth full, only signaling to his companions with his eyes.

One of the bald men, trembling with fear, said, "It's not that we don't want to tell you, but if we do, we'll be killed. Please spare us."

I smiled at the bald man, "But you'll die if you don't tell us. However, if you do, we can protect you."

The bald man looked desperate, "We cannot betray our leader."

Rahab suddenly asked, "Bound by a 'blood contract'?"

Seeing the bald man nod, Rahab thought for a moment and said, "You two can go back. Tell your leader you couldn't find us. Eunuch, you stay."

The two men were relieved to be spared but still worried about punishment upon their return.

After thanking us, they turned and fled.

But after only a few dozen meters, as they leaped across a building, their heads suddenly exploded with a "boom"!

The headless bodies fell into the empty alley below, accompanied by a rain of blood.

Some residents, hearing the noise, looked out and saw the headless corpses, screaming in horror.

"Let's go. I knew Samael wouldn't treat his subordinates kindly," Rahab sighed, running towards the hotel with the white man's head in tow.

As soon as the two black-clad men had turned to leave, Rahab had silently decapitated the white eunuch, anticipating their fate.

To prevent the white eunuch from suddenly dying and his brain being destroyed, Rahab had killed him first. Even in death, as long as his brain was intact, the "Eye of Reminiscence" could still be effective.

On the way back to the hotel, Rahab and I couldn't understand why the Satan's Cult would so carelessly dispose of their demonic subordinates. Demons were already few in number, and with the destruction of their heads, their Devil eyes would also be lost.

"Perhaps they know we have the 'Eye of Reminiscence' and don't want us to use it to find the subdivision's location," Rahab said calmly, which seemed the only reasonable explanation.

After running for a while, we reached the hotel.

Due to the urgency, we didn't enter through the front door but leaped directly onto the balcony of our room.

As soon as we landed on the balcony, we found only Yan'er inside, with no sign of Zicheng or Luo Hu.

"Big brother!" Yan'er exclaimed, rushing over to us.

"Yan'er, why are you alone? Where are Zicheng and Luo Hu?" I asked urgently.

"After you left, Brother Zicheng was meditating peacefully. But after a while, he suddenly stood up and shouted angrily at the window, then stormed out. I was worried something might happen to him, so I knocked Luo Hu out and followed Zicheng. But I lost track of him and had to return. When I got back, Luo Hu was also gone," Yan'er said anxiously.

"A diversion?" I asked Rahab, puzzled.

"No, I think the enemy is after Zicheng. The Satan's Cult won't give up on him. It seems he has something that Samael desperately wants," Rahab analyzed calmly.

I placed the white eunuch's head on the ground, puzzled, "We kept our whereabouts secret. How did they find us?"

"That's not the main issue. We need to catch up with Zicheng first. Without his 'Eye of Reminiscence,' we'll never know the location of the Satan's Cult's subdivision," Rahab said calmly.

"How do we find him? We don't know where he is," I asked Rahab.

"I anticipated we might get separated, so during training, I secretly planted one of my hairs on him. With its scent, I can find him," Rahab said, lifting his head and sniffing the air before smiling, "It seems he's headed towards the outskirts, but I don't know what made him so angry."

Collect it if you like.

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