
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 20: The mysterious Man in Iron mask

"Now, you shouldn't have any reason not to believe it, right?" I looked at Luo Hu's face as pale as paper and said with an evil smile.

Of course, this woman's severed hand is not a real thing, but an illusion created by me using the " Eye of Illusions". However, Luo Hu doesn't know the art of pupil, so he naturally believes it to be true.

At this time, I could see his expression changing over and over again, as if he was thinking about whether to agree to my request.

After a while, he suddenly took action, pressed a few times on the keyboard, and finally said dejectedly: "That's it! I hope you can keep your promise and stop hurting her!"

"Why do you say that we have to part ways with her?" Seeing that he finally cooperated, I felt happy and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your leader and I have never met, but after all, you are very friendly to me, I don't I will give you up."

"It's too late. The helmsman has neglected his duties. It is a capital crime no matter what." Luo Hu held his head with one hand and looked miserable.

Just when I was about to say a few more words of comfort, a burst of creepy laughter suddenly came from around the study!

"Hehe hehe hehe..."

The gloomy laughter came from all directions. Although it didn't bother me, when Luo Hu heard the laughter, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, his body shaking violently.

"Teacher, have mercy...Teacher, have mercy..." Luo Hu lay on the ground and murmured.

Seeing Luo Hu's appearance, I knew that the owner of the laughter was the target of this trip, the Satanist leader Samael.

His laughter was eerie and had a hint of cruelty. When most people heard this laughter, they would be frightened like Luo Hu.

But for me, it's natural.

I walked to the desk and the laughter suddenly stopped.

At this time, on the computer screen, I only saw a smooth metal mask.

In fact, the so-called mask is more like a facial mask. The entire mask roughly fits the face of the person on the screen, allowing people to know the position of the facial features, but cannot see through their appearance, making it extremely mysterious and obscured.

The most special thing about this mask is the metal surface, which is smooth and traceless, airtight, and even has no eye holes or nostrils.

However, I vaguely felt that a pair of eyes were watching me.

Through the excessively smooth metal mask, my appearance on the other party's screen was reflected without reservation.

We looked at each other in silence.

The surroundings were very quiet. The congregants outside the door had left at some point. In the huge study room, the only sounds left were the sound of the computer running and Luo Hu's trembling breathing.

I looked at him with a smile on my face, but the man in the iron mask seemed to disappear and didn't respond, which made me a little embarrassed.

"Are you Samael?" I asked with a smile while sitting on the soft fur chair, taking the lead in breaking the silence.

The man in the iron mask remained silent.

"I'm Bi Yongnuo. Look, I'm a devil just like you." I pointed to the left red eye and said.

The man in the iron mask remained silent.

"Hey, since everyone is a devil, let's talk properly and don't let me talk to myself like a fool." I said a little dissatisfied.

The man in the iron mask remained silent.

"Although I always smile, it doesn't mean I have a good temper!" I said, feeling a little angry.


The man in the iron mask suddenly sneered.

I had no idea that this was the first thing the man in the iron mask said, and I couldn't help but look stunned.

The man in the iron mask seemed very happy to see my dumbfounded look. He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Then he pointed at me with his black-gloved hand and said with a breathless smile: "Trash! I'm talking to you. Oh, trash! Be good, don't be so surprised, trash!"

At this moment, I don't feel angry at all, because the man in the iron mask is laughing so crazily.

Seeing him pointing at me and laughing loudly, I couldn't help but wonder if I was looking for the wrong person.

I turned my head and asked Luo Hu, who was still kneeling on the ground, doubtfully: "Is this really your leader?"

Although Luo Hu was still in fear, he reluctantly nodded.

I was suspicious, why was Samael so different from the arrogant and cold-hearted person described by Rahab?

"You loser, what right do you have to doubt me!" At this time, the man in the iron mask suddenly stopped laughing wildly and said coldly: "I tell you, I am Satan, the leader of the devil. Kneel down quickly. "

I shook my head and said, "I won't kneel to a fake."

The man in the iron mask coldly snorted and said, "Disobeying my leader's orders is a death penalty!"

I smiled and said, "I'm not one of your followers. Your dogma cannot restrain me."

The man in the iron mask was silent for a while, then asked coldly: "Then what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

"I have two purposes for this trip." When it came to business, I immediately put aside my doubts and said seriously: "First, I want to ask you why you wanted to kill Zheng Zicheng, an ordinary person? Not only did he shoot his wife to death, but also Are you going to kill even an unborn baby?"

The man in the iron mask touched his chin with his hand and asked doubtfully: "Zheng Zicheng? Hmm...ah! I remember, is he the loyal policeman?"

After I nodded, I heard him continue: "Actually, I killed his wife and children because..."

"I won't tell you! Wa haha haha!"

The man in the iron mask laughed again!

There was a fire in my heart. Seeing my angry look, the man in the iron mask became even more proud and said with a smile: "If you are against me, I won't tell you! I killed that woman for the purpose... think about it for yourself, waste!"

After that, there was another burst of arrogant laughter.

I was furious, but I didn't show it in my body. I was just thinking about how to let him know how powerful I was.

"Since there is no room for conversation, we have no choice but to use " Eye of Illusions " to make him suffer a little! "I secretly decided in my heart.

In an instant, the entire study was filled with strong demonic energy, which was exactly what happened after I released the power of the demonic pupils.

I don't know what the other party's strength is, so I had to use five successes at once, just in case.

Ever since I awakened the magic pupil in the hall to protect myself, I have not closed it, so the man in the iron mask should not be aware of it, so I am ready to launch an offensive.

What's more, the man in the iron mask is not near me, so he shouldn't be able to feel the sudden increase in the demonic energy emanating from my body.

This situation is just perfect for me to make a sneak attack!

Although I couldn't see the eyes of the man in the iron mask, I had a feeling of being watched, and I knew that his gaze could penetrate the mask.

As long as he sees my eyes, no matter how far away I am, I can invade his thoughts!

Sure enough, after I was ready, when his eyes came into contact with my left eye, the surrounding area was swallowed up by darkness.

In the pitch-black environment, the only thing I could see was the man in the iron mask on the screen in front of me.

"The invasion of thoughts went smoothly without any hindrance!" I was secretly happy.

I never imagined that it would be so easy to invade the thought realm of this Satanic leader, which made me once again doubt the authenticity of him being Samael.

But no matter what, I have to teach this arrogant guy a lesson.

I immediately concentrated on carefully constructing the illusion that the man in the iron mask would see. In order to continue the negotiation, I planned to give him a blow.

After thinking for a while, I finally decided to let him see his right hand automatically pull out his left hand in the hallucination.

Of course, the Man in the Iron Mask would not really cut off his hand, but the pain would be ten times worse than reality.

When everything was conceived, the darkness around him disappeared without a trace.

After the surroundings returned to normal, the man in the iron mask was still laughing wildly, but I knew that he would soon stop laughing.

When I thought of this, my face returned to its usual smile.

I looked at him with a smile and said nothing, quietly expecting his horrified reaction.

However, as time passed by, he was still intoxicated with his crazy laughter.

"Did my illusion fail?" I wondered in my mind, "That's impossible. I clearly invaded his mind, so he should have seen my preset illusion. Why hasn't he reacted yet?"

Just when I was thinking hard about it, suddenly, I felt my right-hand move, and then I grabbed my left wrist firmly and wouldn't let go!

I was shocked and tried to separate my hands, but suddenly I realized that they were completely out of control!

At this moment, I have realized that the hallucination that was supposed to happen to the Man in the Iron Mask somehow bounced back to me!

I looked up at the man in the iron mask in shock, not knowing what was going on.

Suddenly, a tearing pain erupted in my left shoulder and spread rapidly.

The blood gushed out crazily from the wound, spraying all over my face, and everything I saw suddenly turned blood red!

"Trash, you will always be trash. Whatever you do, you will fail! Hahaha!"

The man in the iron mask laughed again.

Is the man in the mask Samael?

Johnson_Sam_1992creators' thoughts