
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 18: Go into dangerous territory alone

Located in the southern district, Repulse Bay boasts one of the rare, beautiful beaches in Hong Kong.

The water here is clear, and the sand is fresh. With fewer buildings and population compared to the city center, it's a wealthy area.

The tranquil and comfortable environment exudes a leisurely atmosphere not found in other areas.

That evening, with a gentle breeze and sparse clouds revealing stars,

Several miles east of the main beach of Repulse Bay, a private villa stood. Dozens of luxury cars were parked outside, and numerous bodyguards escorted their employers into the splendid house.

The guests, all dressed up, greeted familiar faces warmly as they walked in, indicating they all knew each other well.

At the grand crystal entrance, guests had to show their invitations to the guards. Once verified, they were allowed inside.

The guests' private bodyguards had to stay behind, watching their employers leave before taking up their posts as instructed.

This mysterious gathering was the monthly meeting of the Satan's Cult Hong Kong branch.

The cult had many followers, spread across various social strata. Those attending this meeting were among the higher ranks, including notable city figures, ensuring the vicinity was cleared of any bystanders.

Of course, I was the exception.

I stood alone in a hidden spot afar, quietly observing the cult members entering, grateful that the tight security couldn't keep me out.

As most guests had entered, I seized the moment when the guards were distracted and approached the gate quickly.

"Sir, please show us your invitation," a bald, black-clad guard stopped me at the entrance, speaking coldly.

I smiled, removed my sunglasses, and handed him a flyer I had found on the ground.

After scrutinizing it, he handed back what he perceived as an invitation, nodding, "Please, go in."

I nodded back with a smile, put on my sunglasses, and turned off my Devil eyes.

Just past the gate, several men with metal detectors approached, signaling for me to raise my hands for inspection.

Smiling, I complied, lifting my arms for their detectors to scan me.

The detectors remained silent, and after a short while, they confirmed I carried no dangerous items and let me in.

I chuckled inwardly, thinking how I, in fact, was the most dangerous weapon, undetectable by their devices.

Following the crowd through the brightly lit corridor, I reached an ancient wooden door at the end.

Pushing it open, I entered a hall large enough for hundreds, currently occupied by about a hundred people.

The hall was brightly lit, with no seating arranged, only tables laden with snacks and drinks.

People, holding glasses of wine, formed small circles, chatting quietly, their eyes occasionally drifting towards the curved staircase leading to the second floor.

It seemed the host of this villa, the head of the Satan's Cult Hong Kong branch, was about to make an appearance.

After grabbing a drink, I found a secluded spot to stand.

Looking at the ripples in my wine glass, my thoughts turned to Zicheng, who was undergoing Rahab's training.

"I wonder if he can withstand the rigorous training," I mused, emptying the glass in one gulp.

From the interrogation of a captured cult member, I learned about the cult's routine gathering in Repulse Bay today.

Rahab speculated that after a series of their members were killed, this meeting would focus on discussing these events.

According to the captive, any significant actions had to be reported to their leader for approval before execution. The leader's orders were usually conveyed during these routine meetings.

"Xiao Nuo, you should try to speak directly with Samael this time," Rahab instructed before I left. "You know what to say, right?"

I nodded and asked with a smile, "Want me to pass on a message for you?"

Rahab snorted, "No."

Whenever Rahab spoke of Samael, there was always a hint of hatred in his tone.

At first, when I asked him why, Rahab would change the subject.

It was only after some probing that I learned Rahab and Satan were good friends in private. It was because of Samael that Satan died during the Second Angelic War.

Although Rahab never clarified what exactly Samael did, his actions after the war, using Satan's name for his own purposes, gave me a good idea of why Rahab hated him so much.

If it weren't for the impending apocalypse and the greater matters at hand, Rahab would never consider negotiating with Samael again.

"So, it's just me going this time, without bringing Zicheng along? This could be a rare practical experience for him," I said, glancing back at Zicheng, who was practicing summoning his Devil eyes.

"No need, he can't even summon the Devil eyes at will yet. Let him stay here and let me train him," Rahab flicked his tail, "Time is pressing, and I need to use his desire for revenge to make him grow quickly."

We watched Zicheng, who was practicing in front of a mirror, blinking his left eye repeatedly.

Although it took him more than ten blinks to turn his eyes bright red and another dozen to revert them to their normal color, considering he had only acquired the Devil eyes a few days ago, his progress was commendable.

I watched his determined expression, reflected in the mirror, and smiled at him as a form of encouragement.

Gratefully, Zicheng nodded and continued his practice.

Thus, I was going on this mission alone.

We agreed to meet in seven days. Zicheng would continue training with Rahab, while I needed to infiltrate the Satan's Cult's routine gathering during this time, speak directly with Samael, and ascertain his purpose for seeking the demons.

While I was lost in thought, the cult members had already gathered unknowingly.

Now, over two hundred people stood in the hall, chatting and laughing excitedly, a stark contrast to their earlier demeanor.

Suddenly, a strange, high-pitched music filled the room, dimming the previously bright lights.

The atmosphere became surreal, making it easy for one to relax.

Everyone fell silent and looked up at the second floor, their faces serious yet unable to hide their excitement.

Then, a man in a black suit appeared on the staircase, flanked by four burly men. He was Luo Hu, the head of the Satan's Cult's Hong Kong branch.

Luo Hu was not tall, but he was robust, his clothes bulging with muscle, indicating his strength.

He had a harmonious expression, nodding as a bodyguard whispered reports to him.

Luo Hu smiled and waved at the cult members, who responded enthusiastically.

Soon after, he waved his hand, and the uplifting music quieted down, though the enchanting undertone only intensified, making the cult members' expressions grow vague and listless.

The music was peculiar, clearly intended to bewitch the mind. However, the allure it carried was far inferior to Daji's or Yan'er's seduction techniques, so even without activating my Devil eyes, I remained resolute.

Luo Hu closed his eyes, brought his hands together, and the other cult members followed suit, quietly bowing their heads.

I mimicked their actions, slightly bowing and bringing my hands together. Fortunately, my sunglasses allowed me to discreetly observe others.

After everyone quieted down, Luo Hu began to recite a prayer praising Satan. The words were so obsequious and cringeworthy that it sent shivers down my spine.

After the prayer, Luo Hu led the cult in singing a hymn. Unfamiliar with their scriptures, I mumbled along, trying to blend in.

During the hymn, the cult members, regardless of gender, were so excited they lost all composure, some even moved to tears, kneeling on the ground, unable to calm down.

Watching them in their frenzied state, worshipping a Satan who wouldn't protect them, I couldn't help but find it laughable.

Then, Luo Hu waved his hand again, and the music stopped. The cult members regained their composure, standing quietly in their spots.

Luo Hu smiled and nodded, scanning the crowd below before loudly saying, "Brothers and sisters, let us thank our lord for giving us a beautiful night to gather here, to praise our lord together, and to share the joys and sorrows of the past month!"

After his speech, the ground floor erupted in praise.

With another wave of his hand, Luo Hu's expression turned serious as he announced, "However, today's collective sharing ceremony will be suspended. I have an unfortunate piece of news to share with everyone."

The crowd instantly buzzed with whispers, curious about the bad news.

"Perhaps our brothers and sisters are unaware that in the past month, more than ten of our Lightbringers, while on their missions, were brutally murdered!" Luo Hu spoke calmly.

His words caused an uproar, with some members cursing loudly.

I guessed the "Lightbringers" Luo Hu mentioned were the bald, black-clothed men.

Luo Hu waved his hand again, quieting the crowd before continuing his speech, now with a stern tone.

"The mission of the ten-plus emissaries of light was directly decreed by the spiritual leader, aimed at spreading the true essence of our faith, persuading the masses to join our religion, and accept the redemption offered by our deity!" Luo Hu scanned the congregation once more and said coldly, "Yet, these foolish sinners not only reject the mercy of our deity but also maliciously trample upon our benevolence! This is a blatant affront to our deity!"

Upon saying this, Luo Hu's gaze swept across the room, ultimately resting on me.

A stir in my heart, and I instantly realized he had uncovered my identity, though the method of his discovery eluded me.

Despite the revelation, I remained composed, offering Luo Hu a slight smile, deciding to gauge his reaction before making my next move.

Luo Hu stared at me and said coldly, "Fellow believers, I dare to pose a question on behalf of our deity: faced with such an individual, how should we administer punishment?"


"Shatter him into countless pieces!"

"No! We cannot allow him to perish so swiftly! We must first starve him for three days, then slice off his flesh bit by bit, sprinkling a pinch of salt with each slice."

Everyone eagerly voiced their suggestions, each crueler and more venomous than the last.

Hearing these proposed punishments, I couldn't help but shake my head and bitterly smile.

At that moment, many from the congregation noticed Luo Hu's unwavering gaze on me, and they turned to face me.

I got caught?

Johnson_Sam_1992creators' thoughts