
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 14:The bald prisoner confessed

I watched him with sympathy and, without further hesitation, memorized his wife's appearance. Activating the "Eye of Illusions" with demonic energy, I feigned surprise and said, "Ah? Zicheng! Your wife's soul is right beside you!"

Hearing this, Zicheng immediately became tense, looking around anxiously for his wife and calling out, "Ruoru, Ruoru! Are you really here? Can you show yourself quickly? Do you know how much I miss you? Ruoru!"

Seeing his anxiety, I pulled him aside and said, "Calm down first. It's not easy for ordinary people to see souls, but now that you have the Devil eye, you can use it to see your wife. Just summon the Devil eye."

Zicheng turned to me and asked urgently, "How do I summon it?"

While he looked at me, I entered Zicheng's mind and set up the illusion of his wife's soul appearing.

"Don't rush. Relax," I smiled and said, "As I told you before, the Devil eye needs negative emotions or evil thoughts to awaken. Close your left eye first, then try to think of something that makes you angry or sad. If you feel your left eyeball vibrating, that means the Devil eye is open. Then just open your eye."

Hearing me, Zicheng took a deep breath and closed his left eye. But only a few seconds later, he opened his left eye again.

Zicheng's dark brown eyes had turned blood-red.

"This kid is really vengeful," Rahab whispered, and I nodded in agreement.

After Zicheng opened the "Eye of Reminiscence," he eagerly looked around. As soon as he turned to the left, he saw a woman in a white dress sitting beside him.

The woman was surrounded by mist, her face gentle and smiling as she looked at Zicheng. She was his deceased wife, Ruoru.

"Ruoru... Ruoru!"

Seeing his lover again, Zicheng was emotional and reached out to hug her. But Ruoru stepped back and shook her head, indicating that he couldn't touch her.

"You can't touch her," I reminded.

Zicheng nodded at me, then looked tenderly at the illusion and began to cry.

"We should leave for a while."

Seeing Rahab nod, I turned and left the room with him.

After four years of training, the illusions created by my "Eye of Illusions" were ever-changing and could automatically

Once outside, Rahab asked, "Did you instruct the illusion to persuade him to remain a demon?"

"Yes, the illusion will tell him it can only appear once a month, and Zicheng needs the Devil eye to see the soul," I nodded. "I think, to see his wife every month, he won't abandon the Devil eye. Also, the illusion will speak for us, making him willing to stay with us."

"That solves the problem," Rahab said.

"By the way, you were gone for so long. Did you encounter any obstacles?" I asked, calculating that Rahab had been away for a full seven hours.

Rahab snorted arrogantly, "Obstacles? You're kidding! I was just talking with Daji for a long time."

I teased, "Hey, didn't you get all flirty with Daji and end up staying for some... quality time?"

With a swift motion, Rahab flicked my arm with his tail and coldly said, "My self-control is a hundred times better than yours, you little pervert!"

Rahab's strike was quite painful, and my arm felt hot and uncomfortable.

"Just kidding, you stingy cat! One day, I'll pluck all your stinky fur!" I rubbed the sore spot on my arm and asked indignantly, "So, did you manage to persuade Daji?"

Seeing that Rahab had stayed with Daji for so long, I thought he had successfully recruited her. But to my surprise, Rahab shook his head and said, "No."

I was stunned and asked, "Even your clever plan couldn't make her join us?"

"The plan's success or failure will take another seven days. She said she needs a week to think about it. She'll come find us after a week," Rahab paused and continued, "There's something else. Daji mentioned that before I arrived, ten men in black tried to break into her place and capture her."

Hearing about men in black, I quickly asked, "Were all those men bald?"

Seeing Rahab nod, I told him about the four men in black I encountered when leaving the mall.

After listening, Rahab pondered for a moment before saying, "I suspect these men in black are Rofeco's subordinates. No wonder there hasn't been any news of him searching for Daji for the past ten days. He must have been trying to use us to find her."

I asked in confusion, "But how did they know our whereabouts? And why did they target Zheng Zicheng?"

"Daji told me you released demonic energy at her place, and later, to guide you to find me, I spread demonic energy on the top floor of the mall," Rahab thought for a moment and said, "So it's very likely that Rofeco has some devices to detect demonic energy. And in the mall, those four men in black were probably targeting me."

"Very likely," I agreed and then asked, "But Daji should have been able to handle those ten men, right?"

"Of course. Even if it were an army, Daji wouldn't be fazed. She just used a bit of her charm and said coquettishly, 'My bed can only accommodate one more person,' then turned and went into her room," Rahab sneered, "Then, those ten men killed each other in the hall, fighting for the chance to enter her room."

"She's truly a beauty capable of toppling kingdoms!" I praised sincerely.

"Now that her location is exposed, she'll definitely find a new place to stay. Let's hope she keeps her promise and visits us in a week," Rahab sighed, shaking his tail.

At that moment, the room door suddenly opened, and Zheng Zicheng stood at the door with tear-streaked cheeks, indicating that the illusion had disappeared.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"I'm fine. Thank you both. If it weren't for you saving me earlier, I would not only be dead by now but also wouldn't have been able to see Ruoru again!" Zheng Zicheng wiped his tears and said, "Ruoru's words just now made me realize something. After explaining everything to my superiors, I will resign from my position as an inspector. Although I don't know why you need me as a companion, I will follow you no matter what. Please take care of me from now on!"

With that, he bowed slightly to Rahab and me.

I helped him up and smiled, "No need to be so polite. We're companions now."

Zheng Zicheng nodded. Seeing him covered in blood, I said, "Why don't you take a shower first? Afterward, you can tell us the whole story. You can wear my spare clothes; they're in the bathroom cabinet."

Knowing he was filthy and uncomfortable, Zicheng turned and walked into the bathroom.

But as soon as he entered, we heard him shout, "Who are you!"

Rahab and I immediately rushed in to see a bald man in black lying on the floor, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. It was the survivor from the elevator in the mall who had killed his three companions.

I laughed, "Don't panic. He's a prisoner I captured. I forgot about him."

With that, I dragged the bald prisoner out of the bathroom. Though puzzled, Zicheng didn't ask further and closed the bathroom door behind him.

Once the door was closed, I patted the prisoner's cheeks, but after several attempts, he still didn't respond.

Sighing, I poured boiling water from the kettle onto him.

Steam immediately rose from his body, and within moments, he screamed in pain and woke up.

This bald prisoner had indeed killed his companions in the elevator within three seconds, so I spared his life and took him as a prisoner.

Although I had given the "Eye of Reminiscence" to Zicheng, he couldn't use it skillfully yet, so I intentionally kept a prisoner to gather information.

At first, the bald man was very stubborn, refusing to confess despite my various tortures. Left with no choice, I used the "Eye of Illusions" to make him hallucinate that he was in the Cretaceous period, being hunted by dinosaurs.

In the illusion, he was in an ancient forest, constantly being chased by various dinosaurs.

I intentionally gave him a chance to catch his breath, but whenever he let his guard down, a brutal dinosaur would appear and attack him.

Since it was an illusion, even if he was torn to pieces by the dinosaurs, he wouldn't die. But the pain of being bitten was very real.

Normally, this level of torture would have scared or shocked an ordinary person into unconsciousness, but I could tell this bald man had undergone special mental training. So I adjusted the illusion to make him feel utterly hopeless without breaking his spirit.

I leaned in slightly, patted his terrified face, and asked with a smile, "Did you enjoy the dinosaurs? It's an experience most people dream of. Want to go on another magical journey?"

The bald prisoner quickly backed away, his face full of pain and fear. He shook his head vigorously and waved his hands, missing three fingers on each, "No... please, spare me! I'll tell you everything, everything!"

I nodded and smiled, "You should be grateful you didn't give in earlier. Otherwise, you would have missed this precious opportunity to get up close and personal with dinosaurs."

The bald prisoner nodded frantically, still looking at me with immense fear.

Seeing this, I laughed heartily and then asked, "Who sent you?"

The bald prisoner trembled and said, "Our leader."

"Leader? Who is your leader?"

"Rohu," the bald prisoner said a name.

Seeing my puzzled expression, he hesitated and then continued in a low voice, "Actually, the real orders come from our master. The leader just relayed them to us."

"What's the name of your organization?" I asked with a frown.

"S-Satan's Cult," the bald prisoner said weakly, but his eyes and tone revealed a fanatical pride when he mentioned "Satan's Cult."

"Hmph, this just got interesting."

Rahab, who had been silent, suddenly sneered.

What kind of organization is this?*Satan's Cult?*

Johnson_Sam_1992creators' thoughts