
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 13:Got an extra police companion

I lay on the hotel sofa, the neon lights outside gently casting over my body like a rainbow veil.

I sat up, stretched my arms, glanced at my new companion on the bed, and then looked up at the clock, expecting him to wake soon.

The thought of having a new companion excited me.

Perhaps it's because the policeman, like me, transformed from a human into a demon, and we are of similar age. This will differ from my relationship with Rahab.

I walked to the bedside and saw that although he was still covered in blood, his condition was normal, relieving me.

After a while, he opened his eyes slightly.

Realizing he was alive, he weakly asked, "Where is this?"

"Peach Blossom Land, a hotel in Mong Kok," I chuckled, handing him the barbecued meat rice I had prepared on the coffee table. "You've been unconscious for over seven hours. You must be starving."

Although the meal box had long gone cold, the policeman must be extremely hungry. He took the meal box and devoured it.

I pointed to the mountain of food on the table and said, "These are all for you. Help yourself."

Although his previous injuries were severe, he had already recovered. However, the energy consumption during recovery was immense, so he needed to replenish.

The policeman gave me a grateful look and then ate a piece of roasted sweet potato.

I watched him eat with a smile, saying nothing. Before long, he had finished all the food on the table.

After the meal, the policeman sat up and said sincerely, "Thank you for saving my life."

"Don't mention it. It was nothing," I smiled and said, "My name is Bi Yongnuo. What's yours?"

"My name is Zheng Zicheng. I'm twenty-two years old," the policeman said respectfully. "I am a senior inspector."

"So, you're two years older than me. No need to be so formal!" I laughed. "You met me when you were near death, which means your fate wasn't sealed. Besides, I gave you my life force, so you owe me ten years as my companion. It's a fair deal."

But Zheng Zicheng shook his head and said, "You not only persuaded me not to seek death but also saved me from serious injury. I am very clear about this kindness. I will never forget your great kindness and virtue!"

With that, he actually bowed to thank me!

I quickly helped him up and said, "Don't be like this. I urgently needed a partner, and you happened to have demonic energy, so I gave you the Devil eye to help you recover."

"Demonic energy? Devil eye?" Zheng Zicheng was puzzled.

I smiled slightly, moved a chair in front of him, and sat down to explain.

As I explained, Zheng Zicheng's expression became more and more shocked. By the end, his mouth gaped, and his face paled.

After I finished speaking, he slowly exhaled after a pause and asked, "You mean, I'm a demon now?"

"That's right," I said with a laugh.

"No! I can't be a demon!" Before finishing, he reached out to gouge out his left eye!

I quickly held his hand down and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Zheng Zicheng said excitedly, "I'll gouge out my eye. I don't want to be a demon! I don't want it!"

Zheng Zicheng's reaction caught me off guard. I thought people with demonic energy would be like me, accepting becoming a demon.

I pushed him back onto the bed and persuaded, "Calm down first. If you don't want this eye, how can you avenge your wife?"

Hearing me mention his wife, Zheng Zicheng's attitude softened, but he continued to mutter, "No... I absolutely can't be a demon. I absolutely can't go to hell! If I go to hell, how can I see Ruoru again... I don't want it..."

As he spoke, he covered his face and sobbed.

Hearing his sorrowful crying, I was about to comfort him when suddenly a voice whispered in my ear, "Xiao Nuo, use the Devil eye to deceive him."

I immediately knew it was Rahab using telepathy, likely back from Daji.

Before I could react, a shadow flashed at the window, and Rahab was already sitting on the bed.

He poked Zheng Zicheng's back with his tail and said, "Young man, although your wife is dead, she hasn't gone to heaven."

Zheng Zicheng's crying stopped slightly. He turned around and saw that the speaker was a black cat, and he was stunned.

"This... this cat is talking?" Zheng Zicheng pointed at Rahab, incredulous.

"What cat? I'm an old demon!" Rahab looked at Zicheng and squinted with a smile, "Call me Rahab!"

"Ra... Rahab," Zheng Zicheng called, still full of doubt.

"Good, we'll be companions from now on," Rahab said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zheng Zicheng immediately waved his hand and firmly said, "No, I don't want to be a demon!"

"Why? Are you afraid you won't get to heaven and see your wife again?" Rahab's green cat eyes stared at him and asked.

Zheng Zicheng nodded. Seeing Rahab burst into laughter, his face darkened with anger, "What are you laughing at?"

Rahab shook his head and smiled, "Talking about heaven, that's just a lie!"

Rahab's words not only shocked Zheng Zicheng but also puzzled me.

As far as I know, 'heaven' does exist, but it's not the worry-free paradise described in the Bible. 'Heaven' is merely a vast container for souls.

The energy left after a person dies is what we call a soul. Souls are divided into positive and negative types. Positive souls are absorbed into 'heaven,' while negative souls are absorbed into another container called 'hell.'

Occasionally, some stray souls remain in the human world, seen by those with exceptionally sensitive senses, which is what mortals call "seeing ghosts."

The exact location, appearance, and purpose of 'heaven' have never been known. Its legend has been passed down through demons since ancient times, but its existence is undeniable.

These things were Rahab had told me before, but now he was claiming 'heaven' doesn't exist, which confused me.

Rahab seemed to notice my confusion and used telepathy to say, "Xiao Nuo, I'm lying to him. What I told you before is the truth."

Although I couldn't understand why Rahab was lying to Zheng Zicheng, I remained silent and lightly touched my nose.

Touching my nose was a prearranged signal between Rahab and me, indicating that I heard his telepathic message.

"No heaven? I don't believe it," Zheng Zicheng shook his head.

"I'm a demon who's lived for thousands of years. What good would it do me to lie to you, a fool?" Rahab said, shaking his long tail. "I'm telling you, when people die, their souls do leave their bodies. But these souls are just residual energy that usually dissipates after a while. However, some souls linger in the human world."

Zheng Zicheng's expression changed upon hearing Rahab's words. He hurriedly asked, "You mean some souls stay in the human world? Could my wife be one of them?"

"Your wife..." Rahab said, giving me a secret glance, and I understood his intention.

If I wasn't mistaken, Rahab wanted me to use the 'Eye of Illusions' to make Zheng Zicheng see his wife's spirit, thereby persuading him not to abandon his demonic identity.

As expected, Rahab continued, "She died unjustly, so there's a good chance she's lingering in the human world. Why don't you show me her photo so I can keep an eye out?"

Zheng Zicheng quickly took out his wallet and opened it in front of Rahab. Inside, there was indeed a photo of him and his wife embracing.

The couple in the photo looked sweet and loving, and anyone could feel their affection at a glance.

Back then, Zheng Zicheng looked spirited and full of life, a stark contrast to his current desolate state. It was clear that his wife's death had dealt him a severe blow.

Looking at the photo, Zheng Zicheng seemed to recall the days when his beloved wife was still alive. Now separated by life and death, he couldn't help but sob again.

Can the policeman easily agree to cooperate?

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