
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Chapter 12:I lend my Devil Eye to the police

After Rahab left, I softly called the severely injured policeman. It took several tries before he opened his eyes slightly and responded weakly.

"Hey, can you hear me?" I patted his face and asked. He barely responded with a "hmm."

"Okay... long story short, there's a chance for you to heal, but from now on, you won't be an ordinary person. Are you willing?" I asked, leaning closer to hear him better.

After a pause, he weakly said, "No... don't save me. Let... me... die."

"Why not? Because your wife is dead, you don't want to live alone?" I asked.

"Yes..." he said weakly but firmly.

While considering how to persuade him, I noticed a blood-stained cross necklace hanging around his neck.

"Do you believe in God, and the heaven?"

The policeman paused before reluctantly nodding.

"Then, do you think your wife, watching from heaven, would want you to live or die like this?" I asked, though this kind of persuasion was outdated.

"I... don't know..." he said weakly.

I sat down, sighed, and then said, "You still want revenge for your wife, don't you?"

The policeman didn't answer, but hearing the word "revenge," he breathed heavily.

"Honestly, I don't know if heaven really exists or if God is watching us from afar. But I know many tragedies shouldn't have happened," I said sincerely. "Like your unborn baby, who never saw his parents and was killed by a murderer. Is that just? Your beautiful family was destroyed by two bullets, and the killer might still be out there causing more harm. Do you want him to continue his evil deeds freely?"

The man weakly sobbed, breathing rapidly.

"My master once told me, 'If you can live, don't think of dying.'" I looked at him warmly and said, "Accept my offer, find the killer, and stop him from harming others. Let your deceased wife and child rest in peace!"

Thinking of my master, my mood became heavier.

"Yes... yes!" The man nodded vigorously, holding back his tears.

Seeing him persuaded, I smiled at him and said, "Alright, I'll first give you some of my life force. Otherwise, if you accept the Devil eye later, you might die from exhaustion. I'll give you ten years of my life! The condition is that you become my companion for ten years!"

With that, I bit my fingertip and let a drop of blood fall on him, mixing with his dirty blood.

"If you accept my condition, just say 'deal,'" I said.

"Deal," he said softly.

I repeated the word, and suddenly, I felt a surge of energy leave my body, transferring ten years of my life to him.

With the extra lifespan, although his body was still covered in wounds, his breathing became steady and smooth.

"Alright, you won't die now. I'll give you the 'Eye of Reminiscence' next. It will hurt a bit, so I'll knock you out first," I said.

Seeing him nod slightly, I lightly flicked his temple, just enough to knock him out without causing injury.

While he was unconscious, I quickly opened his eyelids, gouged out his left eye, and swallowed it. Then, I removed my 'Eye of Reminiscence' and inserted it into his left eye socket.

Next, I tightly closed my empty right eye socket and opened my left 'Eye of Illusions' to aid my right eye's regeneration.

One of the functions of the Devil eye is rapid regeneration. As long as the injury doesn't damage the Devil eye itself or the brain, even severed limbs can be restored with the right materials.

Eating his ordinary eye was to replenish the nutrients lost from losing an eye.

The eye replacement was quickly done. Seeing everything go smoothly, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With the Devil eye and becoming a demon, the policeman's wounds began to heal rapidly.

I helped him up and carried him on my shoulder, ready to leave. Suddenly, I felt four killing intents coming up with the elevator.

Just as I reached the elevator door, I heard a "ding," and the doors opened.

Inside the elevator stood four bald, muscular men in black clothes, glaring at me.

"Kid, give up," one of the men said coldly.

I sighed, thinking that I had just saved a life, only to have to kill a few people to maintain balance.

The men were surprised when I entered the elevator with the policeman instead of retreating. Then, they became furious.

"It's you who should surrender... No! I actually plan to kill you, not capture you alive," I said, ignoring their anger. "Alright, starting now, I'll count down from ten. If more than one of you is still alive after ten seconds, you'll all die."

With that, I ignored them and pressed the elevator button.

"Bas..." one of the men managed to say before his left hand inexplicably held a soft, wet object.

Looking down, the man saw it was his own tongue.

"Ten... nine... eight..." I counted down with an evil smile, watching their horrified expressions.

The elevator quickly returned to the ground floor. When the doors opened again, the elevator was filled with blood and flesh, with three no longer arrogant corpses in the corner.

I supported the policeman and left the building, followed by a captive with blood-stained hands.

Humans, sometimes in the pursuit of survival, can instantly regress and become beasts.

Is human being human or bestial?

Johnson_Sam_1992creators' thoughts