

The stories of demons and angels have been told for centuries. The humans of today do not believe in these beings and thrive in cities that they've built. However, they have existed for a long time and still live today. Following after the prophecy of the war between Satan and Micheal the archangel, both celestial beings are still at war. To the present, follow the story of SHADOW: a demon for hire. After finishing a commission, he encounters a little girl with a mysterious background. Together with his friends, he uncovers the truth behind her birth and her relation with ending the forever war of good and bad. [Originally released on Wattpad]

DeviSata6 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 1 | First Encounter

Rain is pouring. The beauty of the moon and the luminosity of the city collides and creates an ominous feeling that welcomes the walkers of the night. Such people are welcome to do as they please and prey on those who feed on the light. From ages old and new, they are known as demons. Well at least what they are considered. But.... what is this?

A trail of blood. An obese man is limping as he grovels in pain. He pants so excessively as to be compared to a pig. Behind him, lies a shadow, a being with almost no concept of presence.

"I beg of you, I'll give you double the amount of whoever sent you"

Without paying attention, the person resembling a pig collapses on the floor releasing a small groan on impact. The being reveals himself. The man on the floor releases a small screech as he observes "it" approaching him.

A being, mainly constituted in black, crouches down to look at his prey.

" Then mister.... oh yes, Aswold. Are you willing to receive a debt that is the same net worth as your company?" he exclaims as he pulls a little smirk.

"How... who would pay such a price for my head!" he screams as he shrugs.

" I don't know man. I'm just hired to kill you, nothing more.. nothing less"

"Who are you!?" the man screams as his head gets cleanly chopped off.

"Oh people call me... SHADOW" as he smiles with great satisfaction.


The rain stops and all that remains are the puddles that were created. Suddenly a phone rings.

*ring *ring

"Was the mission successful?"

"Do you even have to ask MARBAS?"

"Oh don't be so harsh. I just wanted to check on you. You know it gets very boring here without you~~ " he proclaims in a flirtatious manner.

*call ends

"Oh so cruel.... like usual"

The man on the other side of the phone lays his telephone on his desk and walks on front of a mirror. A sharp man is represented. He wears a black suit and a red tie. His hands are covered with white gloves and with multiple rings of different colour variations. His attracting eyes are a blend of both red and yellow. He has a lion mask on his face and has a necklace bearing a golden circle with multiple motifs in the middle and on the sides.

"Ah.. isn't this a wonderful night" he smirks in delight.


As Shadow hangs up his phone calls, he lets out a sigh of disappointment. He stays put but then starts to walk out of the alley and into the main road blending in with the crowd. He keeps walking until he makes it to a much darker area of the city, A part of the city where gangsters, *entertainers* or those who are unfortunate live. It's dirty and not welcoming to strangers but for shadow, it is something he lived with since childhood.

During nice long walks like these, his hobby.. well more of a habit, is to observe and to try to depict what a person is doing. He observe as he watches many people walk by him. A gangster, a woman, a murderer, a normal person, job hunters. These were the norm for him. These pair of skills was very helpful in many cases during his assassinations. Therefore his observation skills were top notch that almost no-one was able to escape his gaze.

He walked some more. Crossing the road, he set his sights on a girl at the side of an alley way. She had brown hair, pale skin and red eyes. Her only piece of clothing was an old rug. Thinking she was nothing but a frail girl, he blinked in a care free manner thinking nothing would happen. As he opens his eyes, the girl was nowhere to be found. Shadow never felt so concerned and vigilant towards a mere infant. Even for a second, he never lost vision on his targets, never. Something wasn't right and he had to figure out why. She wasn't normal.

He pulls out his knife and slowly approaches the last place he spotted her. Upon entering the alley, he got surprised by her sudden appearance.

"Who are you? I doubt a little kid is able to disappear so fast like that" he says as he points the knife down her eyes.

The little girl remains silent.

"Hey can you h-"

As he was about to spout his last words he is interrupted by violent growls coming from her stomach.

"Food" she says in a monotone voice

-Chapter 1 end-