
DevAnsh: The Battle of Kaliyuga

Darkness, corruption, and sins filled the world, resulting in the fourth and final phase of humanity: Kali Yuga. This led to the premature birth of the fated ruler of Kali Yuga, Kali. Kali is fated to terrorize the world until Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, will take the Avatar of Kalki to kill the Asura King and restart the cycle of humanity by wiping the slate clean. But with the untimely arrival of the demon into the world and Lord Vishnu in his 4-month sleep, the gods decide to leave the Fate of the humans in their hands. But, to help them even the odds, they will provide them with an Ansh(Part) of their Dev Shakti(divine power). They gave the humans chosen the task to banish or defeat the Demon and his army. Devansh is an unfortunate youngster who is unaware that he will become part of this battle when he met an accident. He needs to grow his strength along with his comrades in hopes of being able to save humanity from a cruel fate. With crazy fights, unique and complex power systems, interesting backstories, and some dark and light moments, this story has everything that an action-fantasy fan wants.

Sha_Des · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Fish out of Water ??

In the lake,

A conch appears in front of Devansh as he struggles for air. He reaches up and grabs hold of it. As soon as he grabs the conch, the light it emits gets brighter. Devansh opens his eyes to find himself surrounded by darkness. There is a light source in front of him, multiple silhouettes appear in front of him. They merge into a single silhouette of a person with four arms and the rear half of a fish.

"You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become." A deeply soothing, mesmerizing voice echoes through the void like darkness. The silhouette fades away with a conch appearing in its place. The words of wisdom are still echoing in his mind. " I am what I believe in?" he said as he moved forward towards the conch that just appeared. He grabs onto the conch. "I want to believe I am a good person. I want to fight against my problems. For once, I want things to turn out my way. I believe I can do this."

He finds himself back drowning in the lake. But something is different this time. The water around him starts to whirl around him. His arms and legs started to change. Blue Scales started to appear on his body. His legs turn into a golden tail fin. His hands get webbed fingers and he was not struggling to breathe anymore. He could see very clearly through the water. The conch is still in his hand.

"Woahh!! I am a fish now. How did this happen? It's cool but also a little weird. But now I can get out of here." Devansh said. He swims towards the surface of the lake. It is much easier for him to swim in this new form that he has transformed into. He reaches the surface and starts to wave toward Kakol who was struggling with the Bat Asura. He gets a chilly sensation on his back as if he is being attacked. He dipped his head instantly as the Crane Asura tried to snatch him out of the water. He dipped inside the lake again just in the nick of time. "You pesky little human. Stay in your place or it will be much more painful for you." said the Crane.

Devansh tries to swim deeper into the lake when he is suddenly snatched up in the beak of the crane. He pulls the beak from the corner but it has no effect. He notices that the conch in his hand is starting to glow. "Why is it glowing? What am I supposed to do? Maybe, blow in it. It is used that way." he said blowing into the conch. An enormous wave of water comes flowing out of the conch along with a majestic, soothing tone like the ocean. The water floods the mouth and stomach of the crane. It starts to fall along with Devansh.

"Deja vu! I feel like I have been falling a lot today. But no need to worry. I can swim easily in this form. I do not need to worry." he said. He notices that he is about to splatter on the ground instead of water."No no no! Why on land? I am a fish out of water. I need to land in water only." He is praying to god by joining his hands when he recalls the conch. He blows once again into the conch as water floods out of the conch. The water accumulated in that area softens his falls enough to save his life.

His tail turns into legs as he stands up on his feet. He looks around to find the crane demon nearby. The asura lifts its head with a lot of effort still feeling the impact of the fall. It gets up and charges toward him. Devansh is in a panic trying to think how to tackle the situation. " I have had enough of running away from my problems. It's time to face them head-on. I am what I believe in." He thought as he stands his ground.

The crane demon attacks him with its beak. But, Devansh holds the beak open with his webbed hands. His strength surprised him. He grunts as the demon tries to escape from his grasp. "Let me go, human worm. I am the Great Asura Bakasura. The likes of you will not best me," he said. He strikes him with his wings, freeing his beak. Devansh falls back from the blow but immediately gets up.

" I am not lost or give up again. I am not a loser. I am Devansh, the son of Devaki and Ansh. It's not the name of a human worm but of the human that will defeat you." He takes the conch in his hand and blows in once again in the hopes of water flooding out of it. But the attack from earlier had a greater impact on his ribs. So, his breath is quick compared to his previous tries. A small stream of a jet of water hits the crane like a bullet. He starts to bleed from the wound.

Without giving the monster any time to recover, he continues to attack him with a barrage of water jets until the demon gets perforated. It falls on the ground, the blood from his wounds turning black. It dissolves into a puddle of black liquid which freaks out Devansh. He steps back a little before there is a loud thud that shakes him as well as the ground. He turns back to see the bat monster defeated with feathers piercing throughout its body. "Good thing this asura did not fall on me. Guess my luck is not that bad after all," he said with a sigh of relief.

"Well done boy! You were quite good in your first fight. Not as good as I was during my first fight, but still good enough. Seems like you already have an Ansh of your own. You will love it in Gurukul. Hope onto my ride. You wanted to ride one, didn't you." Yama said.


Fun Fact-

According to Hinduism, the conch shell is a revered and sacred emblem of the Hindu god Vishnu, known as the Preserver. When blown, the sound heard from the conch shell is said to be symbolic of the sacred 'Om' sound and Vishnu, who's always portrayed holding it in his right hand, is the god of sound.