Detective Nagito will face many foes! Join him on his adventure to be the best teen Detective! ill try to update daily! If you enjoy this check out my other story's! as always Enjoy! Don't be afraid to leave a review on how i could improve my Story!
It was a dark and stormy night, tears fell like raindrops as a woman mourned her husband, he was the victim of a murder and the Detective would comfort her making her tears dry, the sun shined and claimed another angel as the husbands soul left our mortal plain.
"Dude this sucks"
"Well Hiro Rome wasn't built in a day"
"Well maybe if you paid attention in English class Nagito you would be able to write better"
"Yeah yeah"
Nagito Furwakari , a detective in Highschool and his best friend Hiro Yamagishi. They try their best to solve anything from a bank robbery to a mass murder will they have the skills to succeed? Let's find out.
"Man, it's hot out!" Hiro said, wearing all black in the middle of summer.
"Why are you wearing black anyway?", i asked confused
"To hide bloodstains", he cheekily smiled
"Very funny", i let out a small chuckle and we continued walking to school we arrived five minutes late to class, the school day was boring class felt like it lasted hours, we went to lunch and i sat alone while Hiro was approached by the ladies, he acted so nonchalant about it but so many people were jealous. I was one of them, he eventually came over and sat with me but only to ask about that girl sitting alone over in the corner of the room.
"Hey Detective!"
"What? "I was trying to eat my ramen.
"Whos that?", he pointed in the direction of a girl sitting alone in the corner of the room she looked like the type that didn't get out much and she also had a bruise on her forearm and on her leg meaning her father probably beat her and she had a heavy amount of makeup on her cheek telling me she was probably covering up a bruise, we made eye contact and she looked sad i could see the pain behind her eyes, they told me she wanted help but she was afraid to ask for it, for fear of what would happen to her. I smiled and laughed nervously, she let off a fake smile, one that says all I need.
"That's Haminaro Sakai", i said while eating my ramen almost choking
"I see…", he put his hand on his chin
"You can't help her", he was taken aback
"How did you know?", he didn't know the answer was written on his face.
"I saw it in your eyes that look you give when you pity someone, the kind of look that tells you want to help but you don't know how to",he looked perplexed at my explanation.
"English Please"
"It was written on your face", he nodded in understanding, the bell rang and Haminaro stood up but hesitated. I could see the pain on her face.
"Got a crush, Big Detective?, he said mockingly
"Maybe so Hiro…", i thought about what i could do to help her my first case is domestic abuse and i will solve this Mystery!