
Detective black

FG_Frost · アクション
23 Chs

Darkness is never ending

Adrian stepped into his apartment, the weight of the day's events settling heavily on his shoulders. He tossed his coat over a chair and glanced around the dimly lit room. The familiarity of his surroundings offered a small measure of comfort. He moved to the bedroom, shedding his clothes and slipping into bed. The softness of the sheets and the gentle rhythm of the rain against the window began to lull him into a much-needed sleep. His mind drifted, thoughts of Elena and the Firebrand fading into the background as exhaustion took over.

Across the city, in the quiet confines of the Elemental Archive, Ms. Ellison was performing her nightly rituals, ensuring the tomes and scrolls were safe and the wards were intact. The Archive was a labyrinth of knowledge, a sanctuary for the secrets of elemental sorcerers. Tonight, however, it was not as secure as she believed.

A sudden noise broke the silence. Ms. Ellison turned sharply, her senses heightened by years of guarding the Archive. Out of the shadows stepped a sorcerer she didn't recognize. His eyes gleamed with malice, and his hands crackled with raw energy.

"You're trespassing," she said, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

The sorcerer smiled, a cold, predatory grin. "I'm here for the tomes. Hand them over, and this can end peacefully."

Ms. Ellison's eyes narrowed. "Over my dead body."

"So be it," the sorcerer replied, launching himself at her with a burst of elemental power.

Ms. Ellison countered with a wave of her hand, summoning protective wards and ancient spells. The room erupted into chaos, arcs of energy clashing and illuminating the dusty chamber. She was skilled, decades of practice making her a formidable opponent. But the sorcerer was relentless, and he wasn't alone.

From the shadows, a child emerged, watching the battle with eerie calm. His presence was disconcerting, a silent observer in the violent dance. Ms. Ellison noticed him but couldn't afford the distraction.

As the duel intensified, the sorcerer managed to breach her defenses, his attack hitting her squarely in the chest. She stumbled, pain radiating through her body, but she stood firm. Gathering her remaining strength, she cast a powerful incantation, binding the sorcerer in place.

"Leave now, while you still can," she warned, her voice laced with authority.

But the sorcerer only laughed. "You're strong, but not strong enough."

In a swift, brutal move, he shattered her bindings and struck her down. As she fell to the ground, the child stepped forward, his eyes devoid of innocence. With a delicate motion, he reached out and touched Ms. Ellison's forehead. She gasped, a look of horror and recognition flashing across her face as her soul was siphoned away. The child's eyes glowed briefly, then dimmed, leaving Ms. Ellison lifeless on the floor.

The sorcerer gathered the ancient tomes, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Well done," he said to the child, who nodded solemnly.

As the intruders left, the Archive was plunged into a haunting silence, the knowledge it safeguarded now in the hands of those who would use it for dark purposes.

Meanwhile, in a secluded holding cell, Elena faced the Firebrand. He was restrained, but his arrogance remained unchecked. She paced in front of him, her icy blue eyes fixed on his face.

"What's your endgame, Firebrand?" she demanded. "Why target Adrian? And who's helping you?"

The Firebrand chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "You think you can intimidate me, Frost? You have no idea what's coming."

"Enlighten me," Elena retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because from where I stand, you're just another thug with delusions of grandeur."

The Firebrand leaned forward, his restraints creaking. "This city is on the brink of a revolution. The old ways are dying, and we're ushering in a new era. Adrian Black is a symbol of the past, of a system that needs to be torn down."

"And who's 'we'?" Elena pressed. "Who are you working with?"

"You'll find out soon enough," he replied cryptically. "But know this: we have power, real power. More than you can imagine. And we're not afraid to use it."

Elena's frustration boiled over. "Do you really think you can win? Adrian and I will stop you. We always do."

The Firebrand's smile widened, a chilling sight. "You're too late, Frost. The wheels are already in motion. By the time you and Black figure it out, it'll be over."

Elena felt a cold knot of dread tighten in her chest. The Firebrand was confident, too confident. There was more at play here, and she needed to uncover the truth before it was too late.

She left the cell, her mind racing. The Firebrand's words echoed in her ears, a grim reminder of the battle ahead. As she stepped out into the night, the rain had stopped, leaving the air thick with the promise of an impending storm. She knew one thing for certain: whatever the Firebrand and his mysterious allies were planning, Adrian and she needed to be ready. The fate of Lumis depended on it.