
The Family

"He is late." Said the tall woman who had brown long hair, freckles all across her face, and a golden bracelet on her arm. "sigh" What takes this long? I had to light up another set of candles. Spring was also anxious about what is going on. The patrols passing by only said that he is judging a witch, but there was no execution in the afternoon. The assembled crowd was displeased, but they peacefully moved away after the sun set down. I wonder what happened. Did the devil's pawn take him? Now I am even more worried than before...

She bit her lips then started circling around a small table. The house she was in had only one floor but it was cosy. The furnace gave a warm feeling and the walls were well decorated. In the window not far from her there was a little girl no more 12 years old with almost the same facial features. This girl then shouted while pointing at the window. "Sis look! He came back!"

So the devil didn't take you today..."Thank the deity. "She put her hand on chest and let out a smile.

"Sis! Someone else is also coming with the guards."

Spring is right. There really is someone with the guards but, I can't see very well who she is. I can only see that she has a blue robe. "I am going to wait for him in the hall. Do you want to my hands while we go there?" asked with a heartfelt smile on her face.

"No!" Spring started to shake her head rabidly. "I am old now. I can go there myself! "She held up her noise and went to the hall.

What's with her all of the sudden? She used to never let me go and now, she is all 'grown up'.


"We welcome you home" the sisters said then bowed in unison. Five of them used to say this to their father whenever he arrived. All of them were lined up perfectly to do this in unison, but now there were visible gaps between the two sisters...

"I am glad I came back" This was also what their father used to say but no matter how much did the sisters hear this from their brother, it never sounded right. "Margherita, Spring I have something important to tell you."

Now that's strange. He has to tell both of us?

We agreed that he won't bring up anything about politics or military affairs because we can't be much help to him anyway. Only if... It is urgent and concerns our safety! Both sisters looked at Ermo with a serious expression.

"No it has nothing to do with your safety."

Both of them let out a relived "sigh"." What is it then? Now I am curious"

"First I need you to sit down, just to be safe."

What are you planning to do this time? By the way, why do I need to sit down? Is this like last time? When you said that you have to send all the maids away? Because there is more need for them at the bakery preparing rations. I haven't seen our maids since then, and that was 3 days ago.

Then Ermo told them about a ludicrous theory about a witch who tried to kill The Fourth Prince, a man who came from another world, and that there is also a man from another world, and many other crazy ideas. All this made them think that, is this man really their sceptic brother? "By the way, this witch is going to live with us. Introduce yourself to Morrigan." He gestured toward the door where a woman came in.

It has nothing to do with our safety?! She is the same blue robed person we saw! Hold on a second. Ermo wants us to live with one of the devil's pawn!? Absolutely not! She is one of the carriers of all evil that befall this world! She might realise that I... Why did he not consider this option! Maybe she can save people with her curse, but that doesn't mean she have to live with us under the same roof!

I admit, I am not willing to risk such a thing. I just have to talk to Ermo, and all this nonsense will end!

Spring stood up and rushed forward to meet the new guest, "Hey lady! Can you zap other people with lightning coming from your eyes?"

Morrigan was startled. 'No... I can't do that..."

"Then why are your eyes glowing?"

"It has nothing to do with my power, I think... It started to glimmer after the day I became a witch, but this is all there is to it."

"Then what about your..." After a storm of at least a hundred questions, Margherita could not wait any longer and decided it is now or never.

There must be a chance to convince Ermo that this witch brings no good." Ermo I would like to talk to you." He understood her gestures and while Spring stormed the guest with even more questions they sneaked out of the hall. In the corridor they stopped and Margherita began to voice her concerns: "Are you out of your mind? Sharing the same house with a minion will bring misfortune! What about your sister don't you fear for her safety?"

"Tell me, what was the motto of the Church?"

You know it well why do you want me to say it?


"Always chose the lesser evil... Yes there are many people in here that need the medicine but, is that really necessary to have her live in our house? What if she finds out that I used to work for the Church? In the cloister there were many young girls that I taught. I personally made sure that they believe witches are disgusting abominations worthy of no compassion or mercy! I even took part of two witch burnings and you know all that, yet you still decided to bring her here? What if she finds out and then tries to avenge those who were killed? I know I did horrible things but I fear for Spring and you. If not for the guards I would have never let my eyes off Spring."

"Her power can't harm others. Only if very certain conditions are met, but I told you that."

"You lost me after you said that she is unaffected by the God's Stones. Spring never had a chance to get that far..."Suddenly both of them burst out in laughter, and the atmosphere became lighter..."I don't thing I can chance my point of view on witches completely. After all I had to be believable in the cloister..."

"You can always choose to leave out the details."

"I am sorry, but I can't do that. That would be unfair. I took part of the burnings not just as a spectator but as a Persecutor. I don't feel it right to just sweep everything under the rug." The Church was wrong and what they did is unforgivable. They tried to use their believers as tools and made them rise up against their lords, and I answered their call. The only thing that saved me, was the fact that my own family became their target..., "I think Spring made her debut. It's time for mine." She then went back into the hall and saw Spring, Who was still talking to the blue robed witch.

"So is there no way you can change your ability?"

"No there isn't."

"I feel bad for the witches with lame powers, because they ar..."Suddenly a hand covered her mouth but she still tried to speak.

"Spring, a lady should never use such a word like 'lame'."

"B-u-t y-o-u J-u-s-t s-a-i-d I-t !" She still tried to speak and even fought back the hand that covered her mouth. It was a fierce fight indeed.

"My apologies I haven't introduced myself yet." She then let go of the vicious mouth and, made a proper bow. "My name is Margherita. We welcome you to our home." She said it with a courteous smile.

I trust Ermo but, I can't help it. I already suspecting her before she even did anything…I believe it is too late for me...

I made an editing error with the volumes and chapters previously. I am not sure how to fix it so I am going to leave it there for now.

Have fun reading.

InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts