
Death of my father

It all started with the day of my mothers funeral as we gathered infront of her tomb singing and crying. I could see the horror in the eyes of my father, however his heart shattered till this day of his beloved funeral. People sang and comfort us but they could not fill that void. How I wondered how would it be to lose a mother and yet it has happened to me.

All that was once light became dark, I cannot see anymore with hope and joy, everything is just dull. The house is filled with sad memories but I had to move on as life carries without anyone. I cried out but all those tears could not bring her back my mother. I stayed in my room and never left it as I saw no hope outside of it. My boyfriend and dad tried to get me out of my misery but still no progress. Finally after a month the lost senses came back and I could see what was dark turning light once again.

I had the time to stay with my friends at school and played as once a child who had a mother, not knowing she will be gone. I now enjoy life with a smile in my heart I hear the beat in my eyes as I looked into things that once made me happy. At school I saw my mother infront of the boardin class she looked upon me and told me that "I love you sweetheart abd I miss you... Your father is going to..." before I could answer she vanished before my iris. My had to leave for a month for a bussiness trip. I was so devasted my heart ached just to the thought of him leaving. I ought that I should never talk to him even on his return because I was mad at him, but I had no power to be mad at my father the only person I have in thus world.

A month later I hear the phone ring it was my dad we spoke over the phone, his eyes were as wide as the river, I could feel it in me. Few hours later I heared him calling out my name over the phone with fright he said "I love you". The phone dropped I was so scared to lose him as that was the first thing on my mind. Two hours later a call came I thought it was him unfortunately it was someone from the road saying come to this place as this concerns your father. I drove the car with my friend and boyfriend as I reached the place I was drowned by the smoke that folled my eyes. As I was closer it was a private jet, I ran closer it was the jet of my father and he was laying there not even a single heart beat in his body. I screamed out his name and that was the end of him and the beginning of the horror in my life ...