
Destruction Of The Gods

That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below ... - - - - Hermes the fastest of all gods. Guardian of souls, God of medicine. He who layed low to nations has now been improsined, He will lay waste to all the gods. His revenge shall know no bounds.

NotMickeyMouse · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


As Jace had just knocked out someone he realized 'What am I doing what if they're lying about you cant die as he looks at the person he just knocked out,

As he kept staring at the girl he spotted someone come through the doors 'That's unfair he came late why would they let him in'

"Judge Q your recruitment choice isn't bad, but he can't be a match with mines," Judge P Said 'As Juge Q glared at Judge P and said are you sure about that as he dashes at Judge P

'Oh shit not another competitor could it just get any worse As Jace checks the competitors level he finds out that he was level 10, As Jace glares at him 'If I take him out ill win says the randoms 30 people tried knocking him out but they all ended up knocked out

' I would not want to mess with him Jace says as he punches someone, The girl with the sword dashes at level 10 but he dodges and looks at her panties she quickly tries to cover them up ' What do you want you perv says Mira, 'How about we get to know each other he tried picking her up to look at her panties

But Jace dashes at him and punches him, Jace, realizing he broke his arm from that The perv quickly gets up dashes at Jace, and punches him using only one hand in a straight jacket, 'Imagine how strong he would be without his straight jacket Jace says

Sang tries to go for another punch but Jace breaks his wrist as soon as he hits him 'Impressive Sang says glaring at Jace As Mira dashes at Gang and uses bare hand style deva pushes him away and kicks him but he does not take any damage 'What the hell, Jace says, Not realizing that sang was getting up Jace sees a glimpse of someone with shoes that has wings but he didn't pay much attention to it

Gang dashes at Jace trying to kick him but Jace quickly dodges and uppercuts him not doing damage someone punches sang fatally leaving him on the ground "And stay down you bastard says Han Daewi as Kang was knocked out the FFA was over 'You will be participating in a 1v1 against others if you lose you will be kicked out the tournament says the announcer

* * * * * *

Thank yall for reading the chapter ill send a pic of sang and Han Daewi in the chat till then keep being lonely, senora gamers or readers idk

ill be making a discord server when I reach 50k readers

NotMickeyMousecreators' thoughts