
Destiny of a lost man

Story of a man that finds himself in a situation where no one is left on earth. He takes on adventures and travels across the universe to catch the culprit and save his people.

jadiawan030 · SF
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Adam came out of the pod and he was not able to find anyone around him. When he was put in this pod there were a dozen of scientists around him dressed in white lab coats. They were doing an experiment on him. He soon passed out inside the pod and when he woke up and got out of the pod he saw nobody around him. Hall was empty the audience was also gone and he was alone standing in the hall. There were a lot of things going through his mind. He was thinking this might be an attack. Clothes of scientists were lying here and there. Adam was just wearing underwear. He was not wearing anything besides that underwear, Adam a muscular guy with six-pack abs and well built. Adam stood there for some time he was not able to figure out what has happened there because there was no sign of any movement there. The place sounded like a morgue. He first looked around for his clothes and after some effort; he was able to find his dress. He wore the dress and then he decided to go out and see what was going on. He walked to the door but the door was locked. Adam needed a password to open the door. He looked around for things to open the door with but he was not able to find anything he could open the door with.

He went to the compartment where the audience was sitting and he saw some weapons there. Pistols and guns which were in the hands of those colonels and their guards, all weapons were lying there some on the ground and some were on the chairs. He was again thinking what should he do? What might have happened here but the more he was thinking more he got confused. The thought that was circulating in his mind was that they might have got attacked but if this was so. How come everything looks so good and in place except for all these clothes lying there? An attack means firing and if bullets were fired here where are the marks or empty shells. He was also not able to trace any blood spots and if someone attacks why would they leave him alive.

His mind was full of questions that needed answers so he thought to get out of this place first. It was a top-secret military base and breaking out of here is going to be hard but he was trained for all this. He served as a navy seal for 7 years. Adam was part of some very dangerous missions but he led his team through every obstacle like a hot knife through butter. He was a tactical genius therefore he was selected for this top-secret experiment.

A thought came across Adam's mind that this might be a test but what kind of test this can be. They might be testing his intelligence or there was some other matter he was not able to figure out. Adam thought he should act as he was taught he is a military officer and he should do what can be necessary for this situation to prove his worth. Adam took a gun and went to the door that was locked.

Adam fired some rounds on the lock and the lock opened and he went outside. He walked through the corridor and came out in another hall. Big screen and computer desk it was an intelligence center but it was also empty as there was no one in the hall. Everything was working screens was on. He went near a computer he wanted to see the security camera footage. The cameras were not working he looked at the clock and he found out an hour has passed since he entered the pod. So everything that happened here has happened in the past one hour. He played back the footage to see what happened in the past hour. He entered the pod at 0800 hours and after 10 minutes they lost all the cameras. Adam came out of the pod after 45 min of entering the pod so everything that

happened here happened in 35 minutes.

Adam was thinking about what military power or what power in the world could do this in just 35 minutes. It is a highly guarded top-secret facility. How someone can enter and do all this without leaving a trace of any kind. No dead body, no nothing it was hard to believe but something has happened here and it was up to him to find out. He tried to contact the pentagon but there were no network Telephones were also not working. He tried to contact his best friend who was in the pentagon right now but no connection. Now Adam was worried something big has happened.

He took a satellite phone and came out off there he went to the weapons facility and gathered some weapons. He took an M16 and an HK416. He gathered some rounds. He took some grenades and an M249 and put it all in a bag. He went to the military parking facility. He put his bag in a military vehicle and drove it outside. Adam was now sure that it is not a test and it is some serious matter. He tried to call his wife but still, there was no coverage in the area.

He came out of the vehicle near the gate because the gate was closed and he had to open it by himself. Adam went inside the guard's cabin and looked inside the guard's uniform k for his card to open the door. He swiped the card and opened the door. Adam sat inside the vehicle and started driving he was going very fast he was headed towards Pentagon. Adam was about 400 hundred miles away from the pentagon.

On the road, he saw cars crashed into each other. The highway was totally blocked and there was not even a single person on the road. He took another route to the city. The scene here was no different at all. Cars crashed and when he got near the city he saw a plane crashed on one side of the road. He was not able to understand what has happened to this planet in just God damn 35 minutes. He tried to call his wife again and again but he was not able to find any network. His way to the pentagon he saw no one. Not even a single person was there in the whole city. Empty like empty space.

In the pentagon, he tried to watch the camera footage but the same was the case here. Cameras stopped working after 0810 hours.

He checked Telephones but the lines were dead and he was not able to contact anyone. He took some important measures and left the pentagon. He was now headed towards The White house. He wanted to see what was condition there? If there is anyone left alive in The White house. He took Henry G. Shirley Memorial Highway to go to the white house. It took him 10 minutes to reach The White house.

On the way to the white house, he kept trying to contact his wife but no signals. The gate of The White House was closed so he climbed the fence and entered the premises. He went inside the guard's cabin and opened the main gate. He drove to the front door of the white house and came out of the vehicle.

He entered the president's house. The scene was the same as everywhere there were clothes of people lying around on the ground. He saw cell phones, laptops, and papers lying here and there on the ground. Adam was not able to figure out what kind of attack was this? What country could have done this? Who has the technology to do such a thing? A lot of questions were circulating in his mind.

He went from door to door checking every room of this huge mansion but there was no one in the building. He went to the presidential office and there he saw a lot of cameras in the office focused on the presidential desk. A press conference was going on when this happened. There was a dress on the seat of the president.

Adam started checking the president's suit; he was looking for the nuclear launch codes. He took the nuclear launch code from the front pocket and went near the cameras to see if there was anything in the cameras but he was not able to find any footage after 0810 hours. Adam turned on the television but there were no signals.

Adam was thinking was this the only city that was attacked or the whole country was attacked. Adam was worried about his wife she was in New York and he was thinking about what might have happened to her. Adam was thinking about what to do next what should be his next move. He was thinking to go to New York.