

In a world where destiny is inescapable, two immortal beings, Karin and Kelvin—also known as Nicholas—find themselves cast out and betrayed by those they once held dear. Their paths cross on Earth, setting into motion a series of events that could alter the very fabric of their existence. Exiled from their mystical realm, they stand as the last beacon of hope for their people. Yet, the choices before them are fraught with peril. Will they join forces to exact vengeance upon those who wronged them? Or will they embrace the tranquility of their earthly lives, abandoning the relentless pursuit of power? But the most pressing question remains: What happens when these formidable immortals, bound by a forbidden attraction, fall irrevocably in love? Will they succumb to the cruel twists of fate, rendered powerless by the very destiny they seek to defy? Or will they shatter the chains of obligation, heeding the call of their hearts for the first time in eternity? Embark on a journey through the tumultuous tides of sorrow, betrayal, and the struggle against an unyielding fate. Dive deep into a tale that promises to captivate your senses and leave you yearning for more.

ravia_chaudhry · ファンタジー
17 Chs

3:Holders of same destiny


As the dawn breaks over the city, stirring it to life the streets buzz… and workers stream towards the elegant towers of L & P, [ Life and Power.] The company's buildings, tall and imposing, stand as monuments to ambition, their sleek facades reflecting the golden morning light. Actors and employees alike pass through the revolving doors, ready to power the pulse of the city.

But at the far top of the building, perched in the steel-and-glass forest of the city, Kelvin's office was a sanctuary of order and ambition. The expansive desk was a clear surface of polished mahogany, reflecting the soft luminescence of the overhead lights. Each item was meticulously placed, from the sleek, silver laptop to the trio of minimalist black frames showcasing abstract art.


The panoramic glass wall framed a living painting of the city, its vibrant energy a stark contrast to the serene stillness within. Kelvin, the chairman, sat at his desk, the embodiment of focused intensity. His handsome face was lit by the blueish hue of the screen, casting shadows that played upon his chiseled features. His black hair, always impeccable, complemented the sharp lines of his dark suit, tailored to perfection.


His eyes, a striking shade of dark blue, were fixed on the reports before him, missing nothing. Those eyes, often described as windows to a soul of steel and strategy, held a depth that many found captivating. As he worked, his presence filled the room, an aura of power and determination that was almost tangible.


Kelvin's office, much like the man himself, was a blend of form and function, elegance, and efficiency. It was a space where decisions were not just made but crafted with the precision of an artist, and Kelvin was the master of this domain, his every move a testament to his disciplined mind and the organized nature that had propelled him to the pinnacle of his career.


He took a sip of his coffee and took a deep breath …

A parasite is present in my company…who is it?... the company's latest financial review, discrepancies clearly hinted the misuse of funds. Suggesting that someone is channeling L & P's resources for unauthorized purposes…but who?

He thought while finishing his left-over coffee. Suddenly there was a knock on the door,

"Sir?", the person said. "Come in.", kelvin answered

"What is it, Edward?", kelvin asked

James after making sure the door was properly closed said, "nothing, I was just missing you"

With that he sat comfortably on the couch which was present in front of kelvin's desk

"Hmmm…it seems you have a lot of free time on your hands. Do you need me to give you the that new project…or I guess African project will also do. dont, you think so?", kelvin said without looking up from the screen.

James suddenly sat straight and glared at kelvin, "Nicholas, you are inhuman…you should have at least a little bit of humanity inside you? you don't even acknowledge the sacrifices I did for your sake"

Kelvin while still looking at his laptop screen said with an indifferent attitude, "I never said I am a human…and about your sacrifices it was your duty to do them. "He suddenly looked toward James, "and don't look at me like that…you always forget who I am to you"

James sighed, "you're impossible" kelvin raised his eyebrows "ok ok I am sorry …your highness" jake said dramatically while raising his hands in surrender and started playing a game on his phone. While kelvin shook his head and continued his work

After a minute of silence, he suddenly sat up straight "oh I remembered! I heard a juicy gossip, do you wanna hear it?"

"No, thanks I have no interest" kelvin responded, who now seems to be busy signing some documents.

"Come on, it will prove useful to you." he said now becoming more enthusiastic "so, I met our spies they told me a news about ahh…northern realm"

Edward relaxed his rigid posture, allowing his shoulders to drop away from their ears. his spine softened from the formal, upright alignment into a gentle curve, as he leaned back into the embrace of the chair. The stern expression melted away from his face, replaced by a serene, contented ease.

His arms, previously folded or placed strictly on the armrests, now rested casually along the sides of the chair. Overall, his entire demeanor shifted from one of alertness and tension to one of relaxation and comfort.

He closed his eyes and smirked, "ahhh…northern realm… I wonder how Katarina is?"

James seemed hesitate and said, "well that's the news two day we escaped from southern realm she also…umm killed"

 Kelvin suddenly sat up straight and glared at James…what...his heart skipped a beat as the news struck him; a mix of shock and sadness washed over him for only learning now of the passing of someone he had once held in high esteem.

But he couldn't accept it even though she was… "but how can she die wasn't she the most powerful… how?" he was unable to complete his speech

"Well, weren't you too the most powerful …" James said "well her condition is quite similar to yours…well she was betrayed by her…ummm…fiancé…who is now the king there" James continued.

Kelvin stood up and smashed his cup in anger, "that jerk, I knew he was up to no good." He said after walking towards the glass wall.

James clearly confused from kelvin's reaction said, "weren't you supposed to be happy? Afterall she was your nemesis… anyways the rumor is that she would be reborn on earth."

"So northern and southern realm have decided to join hands so they can find you and her on earth even though they are not 100% sure that she would be reborn…anyways maybe it's all a rumor except her death off course" James said returning to his boring tone.

"So, they joined hands?" kelvin smirked, "Like two peas in a pod, they match perfectly — if only in their shared folly."

"Well, do you know her identification symbol would be a birth…" James

Suddenly stopped in middle after seeing kelvin's raised hand.

"someone's here" Kelvin said and went back his desk and sat down on his chair. Second later a knock was heard, "Mr. kelvin, may I come in?" a feminine voice said.

Kelvin quickly waved his hand over broken cup which suddenly came back to its place all fixed, while James stands up straight and pick up some files.

"enter" kelvin said.

"Sir, plz sign this document." The women asked while putting the file in front of him.

"Well then please excuse me Mr. Kelvin" James said completely changing his tone with that he bowed his head and left.

"Here anna, you may leave now" kelvin said, after signing the document and giving it to Anna. With that anna bowed her head and left his office.

A tear escaped from kelvin's eyes,

"It turns out you are already dead; we really share same destiny dear nemesis."