
past years....

Coming from a well known family of Ken , Lia Ken elder daughter of Richard Ken was a very calm girl , her mother died when she was 4 due to lung cancer , she was broken ,hurt , her father was the only one left with her whom she loved the most.she managed her self very well.

soon within few months his father married Mona Parker daughter of an industrialist . Mona was not very much fond of Lia ,never treated her as her daughter nor she hated her . soon Mona gave birth to a girl Cheryl . Cheryl being pampered to limits was a spoiled brat she never cared for anyone not even her own parents . Cheryl lived a luxury life with her mother father in a mansion Rico ,which was one of the most biggest mansions in the A city . while on other had Lia lived simple live in small 2 bedroom flat near her father's company . although her father had stacks of money she never demanded anything . rather she started to work in her father's company. she would get salary of any average employee of the company would get.

Richard owned a big entertainment company "The star" . she started her career as low as an intern and slowly with her skills he became the chief manager of the company...but without her father's help. people knew that she was the owner's daughter but marveled at her capabilities .she was well known for her kind and compassionate behaviour even towards mere workers. but on other hand Cheryl always shuned and disrespected other.

Lia herself chose to stay here in a small apartment because of two reasons one that it was close to the company as she worked more than an average employee and second that Cheryl never liked her and would get in fight with her every now and then .this caused her father to get angry at both of them but because of his wife he never said anything to Cheryl but rather asked a Lia to shift to another mansion ,he agreed to provide her a luxury house but she choose to not waste more money to such expense and selected a small flat with her own savings.

she always cared about her father his likes his dislikes and more she knew that he loved Cheryl more than herself but never complained ,she was aware of his partial nature because of Mona and her wealthy family but rather she cared for him regardlessly . she never had friends as she studied from house and had no school experience . she graduated from Howard university majoring in business skills but never had that arrogance and pride of her achievements.. she was a dancer painter and tennis player a full all-rounder she always dreamed of being a dancer but gave up because she wanted to earn money and not ask her father anymore.

she worked hard day and night . she even did part-time as hotel part-time waiters and even back up dancer for events and celebrities .but she always kept her profile low and was always in her mask makeup to hid herself . worked like this till she became 24 when her work at the company started to pile up in loadsss . even Cheryl joined the company not as an employee but as an artist a singer ..she had a good voice and her parents found great scope in her becoming a singer ,her father owing an entertainment company made it easy . she started singing songs for her father which made her well known . seeing her father caring for Cheryl Lia never said anything but somewhere in her heart she felt sad that her father never asked her to become a performer knowing she was even better than the famous dancers in the company .

being selfless was her attribute....hardworking

lovable , compassionate could not define her....longing for her father's love and support she devoted her complete life...but was never acknowledged

it was raining heavily when he saw her running on the road with loads of bags ... his gaze never went off and followed her till she vanished...

maybe her life is going to change soon..

minty06creators' thoughts