
daughter in law

they both helped each other to fresh up and then dress up . Lia wore a yellow colour floral knee length dress while Mark was wearing yellow t-shirt with pair of jeans . both were looking coordinated and beautiful couple . mark had told her that his mother wanted to meet them.

Lia on the first hearing said yes for the meeting as she do not want his parents to think negative about her . hence she decided to meet them.

Mark and Lia arrived at the mansion after their hour long drive .

as soon as they entered Lia was in daze , at the entry of the mansion there were gardens of beautiful flowers , these gardens were huge and thick.

soon they reached the door and went inside . madam Collins , rose came towards them and hugged Mark lovingly , " oh my baby , it's been a while since you have visited me ." rose said hugging him." Mark is this the one ?...." rose asked while looking at Lia "yes mom" mark answered pulling Lia from her waist towards him.

rose was happy same contented to see his son acting lovey-dovey towards Lia.

she still doubted his son's intentions before but seeing his real emotion flowing she was satisfied.

rose pulled Lia from his hold and hugged her. " dear , you look very pretty, how can I doubt my son ' s taste ." said with a smirk which made Lia blush hard.

" thank you aunty " Lia blushing hard. " don't you dare ....call me aunty .you are my daughter now call me mother ." rose said patting her head .

" okay mom , now stop making her blush , see her cheeks will burst out ." Mark grinning like a child .

" don't interfere it's mother and daughter's talk . help your self inside your father wants to see you , he is in his room go meet him ." chasing Mark away.

Lia and rose went towards the kitchen where they both sat on the counter munching snacks and talking. while Mark went upstair to see his father .

Bernard was sitting in his study reading some files when Mark arrived " hey dad !! " " oh hi Mark , how are you? sit ".

Mark sat next to him on his couch taking the news paper kept on the table and started reading . both of them neither talked or even looked to each other as they were so engrossed in their reading.

after some time the gate opened and rose came inside followed by Lia who was partially nervous. both the ladies were noticing their men sitting cross legged and reading without paying any attention.

" honey ..." rose called Bernard to look at them and leave the files for some time

" y-yes .." Bernard stopped reading and looked up.and even Mark stopped and stood up striking towards Lia . he guided her to sit beside him while rose went next to Bernard who was smiling looking at his wife.

" dad this is Lia , and Lia this my father " " Lia , nice meeting you."Bernard smiled "pleased to meet you sir ." Lia shyly replied .looking at her nervousness Mark grinned widely.

" what's with sir call him dad just like Mark , soon you will be my daughter in law so why this business names " rose said gazing at them .

hearing the word daughter-in-law Lia blushed and her face couldn't hid her thoughts . seeing this Mark was smirking while pulling Lia more closer to him by pulling her shoulder towards him.

Rose and Bernard saw this small but lovely act of theirs. Bernard was happy to see Mark with some one and especially someone like her. Bernard had known Lia since her birth also he had the knowledge of her lifestyle and family.

Bernard kept this secret from rose and Mark may be he will reveal in future but not now .

" mom , dad we both are going for an outing for some days , so I won't be here ...just in case wanted to inform you." mark said while Lia was surprised hearing this as even she was being informed by him for the first time of their outing.

" no worries , enjoy yourselves and have fun " Bernard said with a huge smirk " yes yes go on a big vacation have fun .....and give me good news " rose grinning hard .

while hearing his parents comments Lia blushed like ripe tomato while Mark was happily smiling at her but rather looked like an affirmation to his mother's wish.

..... all of them a nice warm lunch while Lia and rose were talking about ladies outings soon while Mark and Bernard being jealous of being left out .

soon after their lunch they bid their goodbyes and Mark quickly strode towards his car while pulling Lia along with him . and both left the mansion.


after reaching his appartement

" Mark why did we rush out , is there something urgent " Lia pulled mark's sleeve for his attention.

as the door opened and both entered , Lia was suddenly attacked by mark's lips on hers .