
Chapter 47 : pardoned

Helis's mind was racing, the only reason he had joined the blood brothers was because of his hatred against his own family , deep down he hated the thing he had become his body was constantly in pain as the maggots dug into his charred flesh but he was afraid of his master , afraid of his wrath . His mind raced but the clock was ticking and everybody was awaiting his decision.

"Can you truly help me?" He asked again this time his tone was different showing the struggle with his conflicted feelings

" It'll take some time to exorcise you but I believe I can purge the foul from your body" the priest answered calmly 

"Then I'll tell you all that I know of the blood brothers" Helis paused for a while still sorting his thoughts out before continuing

"The leader of the blood brothers is my master , we call him Zenoki . Nobody knows his real name and no one has ever seen his face that is always hidden under a demon mask , my mas- uhm Zenoki has always said that his reason for starting the brotherhood -" 

"Cult!. You mean" the priest cut him off 

"Yes cult.... The reason he started the 'CULT' was because he has a great grudge against Zebha and he won't rest until it's eradicated, and most of the members of the cult are former citizens of the kingdom that have grievances with it just like me , the cult has about twenty members but you have already killed five including Trevor one of his most trusted men . Master's-... Zenoki's plan was to destroy the kingdom from the inside out while working with it's enemies but it seems to me that there are bigger forces at play other than the cult because I have seen him having a meeting with this other strange person that had a huge amount of breath inside him . They are going to help La'faura destroy Sondor before invading the capital" He explained everything he knew 

The priest cast a sound barrier preventing them from hearing their brief discussion .

" He is telling the truth " the priest spoke up , Finn nodded

"I saw that , but I'm worried about the promise you made to him about helping him . I cannot let a criminal off without punishment for the hundreds of death he has caused all for what?" Finn explained 

"You don't have to let him off . I mean we can use him in a way." The priest gave the two a knowing smile 

"You mean? But isn't that dangerous , I mean it might come back to bite us " the old lady spoke 

"Since when have you been one to overthink things Mol? I promise you this will work just place him under me a d I'll do the rest " the priest looked at Finn as he spoke

Finn thought about it for a while before nodding slightly , the priest released the barrier and waited for the king to talk 

"Helis Jorn I place you under the care of the church , you have been pardoned for your crimes against the kingdom . Take this opportunity to redeem yourself and atone for your crimes ." Finn spoke in a calm voice before looking at the two who had brought in Helis.

" You have done well my Blades"finn gave a nod to them and he was about to send them away when the old lady suddenly stood up and approached Timothy , her iris had changed color from black to white . She placed her hands on Timothy's face as she started talking gibberish

"In the realm of fate ,where destiny entwine

I see your destiny, your destiny divine

But you must first find yourself in the forgotten lands

Find yourself before HE finds you 

For he lurks around the corner waiting for you" 

Short chapter

SHADOW_IVcreators' thoughts