
Destiny: A Silent Adventure

Years of fighting... Hive gods... Fallen houses... Vex warminds... Cabal warships... What else was going to come? Hopefully a guardian to end it all. Follow this guardian on their path to save the world! Don't get her wrong, shes only doing it for the style points!

EmptyWriter · ゲーム
5 Chs

The Tower

Ghost: "Lets check this quest... the first step is completing a mission on the moon?! Are you up to the task Ria?"

Ria nodded, however, she needed a break from the the shooting and decided to relax on the Tower for the rest of the day. She took of her helmet in order to get a breath of fresh air, letting her magenta hair flow down her shoulders. Inspecting her helmet once again, she could see that three of the nine spikes were longer than the rest, almost as if they were special.

Pushing aside the idea for now, she decided to check the gunsmith, she had never been there so far. It was only a few steps away from her current location. Arriving, she could see a robot at the stands, polishing an auto rifle.

Banshee-44: "How may I help you, guardian?"

Ghost: "We're just looking around."

Banshee-44: "I see. Well, I am the gunsmith. I will buy and sell all the weaponry you need."

Ghost: "We picked up a lot of weapons from the fallen, would you take those?"

Banshee-44: "I will take as many as you can give, I was running quite low on gun parts. I don't have much glimmer on me right now, but as payment I could improve your weapon, or build you a new one."

Ghost: "Yes, actually, we were looking for some new weapons. We have some leftover resources from Sepiks Prime. Currently, we only have close to mid range weapons. I was hoping you could make a sniper rifle for Ria."

Banshee-44: " Yes that shouldn't be too hard. You want the weapon to match your armor?"

Ria nodded, and the Ghost brought out the weapons they gathered from the fallen. There was about two hundred of them.

Banshee-44: "Woah! So many? I should be making you two weapons!"

Ghost: "We only need one, but we may return for upgrades in the future."

Banshee-44: "Of course! Give me the materials, and I shall have your sniper ready in no time."

The Ghost transmitted the leftover materials from Sepiks out. Banshee-44 gathered them up and brought them behind his workshop.

Banshee-44: "Return in a few hours, it should be done by then!"

Ria nodded, and went out to explore the Tower more. She felt like seeing Cayde and Zavala again, so she headed back down to their table.

Ghost: "Cayde... Zavala..."

Cayde: "Hunter, that armor looks... very cool, and yes, I am jealous."

Zavala: "Indeed, the armor suits you, hunter."

Ria nodded in thanks, and walked up to Cayde to fist bump him.

Ghost: "We were taking a break for a while. Is there anything to do here?"

Zavala: "Not much… Believe it or not, you are one of the first guardians to get tired of fighting of the darkness…"

Ghost: "I see… Ria, what do you want to do then?"

Ria was in thought, she wanted to wait for her gun to be done, but she didn't want to sit doing nothing.

Zavala: "There is an open area right above us, you can use that for training."

Ria nodded and practically sprinted away, she wanted to train with her light once again. It was addicting, seeing her light get stronger and stronger.

She reached the training area. Surprisingly there was no one else there. Apparently no one was addicted to this training like she was, she wasn't sure why.

Ghost: "It's because they aren't as skilled as you with the light. Most guardians aren't able to bend the light as easily as you. When they choose a class they train with abilities already created. Usually a hunter's movement would be restricted to a double or triple jump. But you have created abilities on your own, I am not sure how."

Ria nodded.

Ria: "Tell me more…"

The Ghost was surprised Ria spoke again, but he obliged.

Ghost: "Of course… Each class has two subclasses. We can start with hunters. Hunters can be Bladedancer, the arc element, or Gunslinger, the solar element. Right now you are technically a Gunslinger. Gunslingers use the solar light to create a handgun which can deal a lot of damage. Bladedancers use the arc light to create knifes of arc that can also do alot of damage. Titans can be Defenders, which are void element, or striker, arc element. Defenders use void light to create a safe bubble, this subclass is mainly for defense. Strikers channel the arc energy through them to allow them to smash into the ground creating massive shockwaves. Finally, warlocks can be Sunsingers, the solar element, or Voidwalkers, the void element. Sunsingers can be used in two ways, they can either infuse themselves with the light in order to gain a temporary boost, allowing them to throw grenades rapidly, or they can use the light to revive themselves on the spot, instead of their ghost needing to revive them in a different location that's safe. Voidwalkers use the void energy to launch giant void balls that create large explosions"

Ria nodded, the whole time she was thinking of different ways to use her light, and she realized she was using most of these already. Golden gun from the Gunslinger was being used, strikers ground slam was used except with solar energy, Voidwalkers void bombs were used, just as solar grenades. The only abilities she didn't use were the titans bubble, and the warlocks self revive ability, which were both pretty much useless to her as she didn't really get hit much anyways.

She thought they would be good to learn, however, as she might come up against enemies that can deal attacks she cannot dodge from.

Using inspiration from the titans bubble, she gathered light from around her and attempted to shape it into a hollow sphere. Which proved to be, incredibly easy. Who designed these abilities? Couldn't they do something more complicated? It's just a bubble of light!

With the flame bubble around her, she looked towards the Ghost and commanded it to fire.

Ghost: "I'll be using your weapon for this"

The Ghost picked up Ria's with his magical floaty powers and shot it three times at the bubble. None of the bullets were able to penetrate. Ria was satisfied, however she wanted to test further. Stepping out of the bubble, she picked up her weapon and summoned the golden gun. She fired three fully powered shots at it and watched as they had no effect on the bubble.

Now Ria was completely satisfied, she had yet to see anything compare to the firepower that her golden gun possessed. So she wasn't too worried about the strength of her bubble.

Moving on to the self revival ability. She had no idea where to start. How even was she revived by the Ghost? How would she be able to use the light after she had died?

Putting this idea on hold, she thought back to her Crucible matches and the frustration she had when she couldn't find any enemies. She could always have the Ghost scan the area but the enemies were always moving, and the scans weren't able to constantly watch what was happening. She needed to change that, if she ever needed to fight enemies that knew how to hide and runaway from her.

She gathered flames on her hand, and tried to touch the flames to the ground. Her idea was to try and sense things through the flames, like the flames were an extension of herself.

This didn't work the way she wanted to. She wasn't sure why the light didn't do what she wanted. All of a sudden, she had an idea. Maybe it it wasn't a problem with the way she handled the fire, maybe it was because the fire was incapable in the first place? What if she needed something other than fire? She remembered back to what the Ghost said, and she remembered. Bladedancer. It used arc, which was basically just electricity. Perhaps the electricity could stimulate the same effects as the signals her body used to sense.

Ria tried to change the shape of the light. Not just changing the shape of the fire, but changing the shape of the energy that made the fire. Slowly but surely, her light started getting sharper, closer to the abilities that Amanda used in the Crucible. She remembered how terrible Amanda did, so she didn't want to copy the abilities Amanda used exactly. She wanted to make them stronger, just a simple knife wouldn't work. She decided to try and replicate the golden gun, but with the new arc light. It seemed to work exactly the same way. Since her flames were blue now, there was barely any difference between the two golden guns. She tried firing the new arc golden gun at her flaming bubble. To her surprise, the bullet pierced straight through, leaving behind a stream of blue arc energy and a small hole straight through the bubble. The piercing power of the arc was way higher than the solar, however it seemed that besides the small hole the bullet made, there was no other damage. The solar had explosive damage, and the arc had piercing… To Ria, this was great, she knew now she was successfully able to change the element of her light, and the new element had different attributes than the solar.

When she was able to successfully convert her light to a different element, her appearance changed. Her cloak and armor was no longer just simply on fire. The flames seemed to have merged with the new arc element. Creating something rather interesting. The arc didn't interfere with the fire in any way, and only sparked around it. It looked really cool…

Moving on and retesting her earlier experiment to sense objects through her light, she conducted the new arc energy through her hands and into a small ball. To Ria's surprise, she was actually able to feel the ground through the ball. She could feel the texture and shape of the ground. It felt as if she was running her hands along the surface of concrete. Using her other hand, she felt the same surface, the feeling was exactly the same.

Ria was excited, and moved onto the next step in her test, she needed to spread the arc energy everywhere.

She sat down and focused, trying to spread her energy as far as she could.

She was focusing so hard, she could barely feel the time pass…

Ghost: "Ria, you have only 5 percent light left… it's been almost two hours."

Ria was shocked, she was too absorbed in her experiments. Luckily, her time wasn't wasted. She was able to successfully feel everything within a 50 meter radius. Being right above the table, she could feel Zavala and Cayde below her, talking. She could feel the vibrations in their throat and could slightly make out what they were saying.

Zavala: "Ria… guardian… glad to have… indeed…. indeed"

Cayde: "Ria is great… jealous of her… No she won't be a titan!"

Ria could only assume that Zavala was trying to convert her to a titan, she wasn't interested for now. Mainly because she wasn't limited to a class, but she really liked the cloak. She had no intentions of changing it.

Finishing up her experiments for the day, she decided to go check to see if her weapon was complete. When she approached Banshee-44, he waved.

Banshee-44: "Yes, your weapon, other than the missing servitor core, it is complete. The way it would work is you would channel your light into the core, and depending on your light element, it would fire that element. For example, say you were using the solar element, your sniper would shoot solar bullets."

The gun was a perfect match to her armor. It was black with some small spikes along the barrel and side of the gun. The sight was long and sharp. There were two cracks that traveled from the base of the gun to the middle piece where the servitor core would be. Other than that it was a perfect weapon.

Ghost: "It looks great!"

Ria nodded, she didn't think she would want to use her alien blaster anymore. However strong it was, in comparison to her sniper, it was just ugly. Unfortunately, she needed to suck it up until she got a servitor core, as her sniper was useless until then.

Signing, she decided her break was over and she would set out to get a servitor core, as well as start her little quest on the moon.