Synopsis: In a bustling city, Ana, a college accountancy student, finds herself grappling with the heaviness of being an orphan after losing her parents in a tragic accident. Despite the odds stacked against her, she's been pushing through, fighting tooth and nail to excel in her studies and make ends meet. Struggling with grief and the weight of responsibilities, Ana reaches a breaking point, feeling as though life's challenges are insurmountable. But a chance encounter with a wise mentor sparks a flicker of hope within her. This mentor introduces her to the concept of 'reset'—the idea that sometimes life needs a complete overhaul to find a new path. Determined to change her fate, Ana starts afresh. She seeks guidance, takes on new perspectives, and discovers hidden talents within herself. Along this journey, she encounters unexpected friendships that become her pillars of support, and she slowly begins to heal from the wounds of her past.Through unwavering perseverance, Ana undergoes a transformation, not just academically but also emotionally. She learns to embrace change and the unpredictability of life, understanding that resilience and adaptability are her greatest assets. As she nears graduation, Ana's newfound outlook leads her to opportunities she never dreamed of. With her grit and the lessons learned from her reset, she doesn't just graduate with honors but also secures a prestigious job offer.The tale of Ana's reset serves as an inspiration, showcasing the remarkable strength of the human spirit to overcome adversity, rebuild, and carve out a new destiny against all odds.