
Destiny's Observer

Leo is a 33-year-old office worker who has been plagued by recurring nightmares for the past month. In these nightmares, he witnesses the enigmatic world of Elysium through the eyes of a young orphan cultivator, shunned by society. However, Leo's life takes an unexpected turn when he dies on Earth and reincarnates as the very same boy he had been seeing in his nightmares, thanks to a mysterious oracle system. Equipped with the power to predict the causes of events that shape destiny, Leo embarks on a journey within the world of Elysium. He uses the oracle system's predictive abilities akin to a skilled gambler, seeking to uncover the underlying causes behind the events unfolding around him. With each successful prediction, Leo grows more powerful, harnessing the system's assistance to identify the factors responsible for reshaping the fate of cultivators and other influential figures. As Leo observes the triumphs and downfalls of the inhabitants of Elysium, he maintains a detached mindset, refraining from interfering in their affairs. His sole focus is on survival and leading a cautious, steady life, steering clear of the tumultuous struggles that grip Elysium. Despite witnessing the grandeur and the tragic consequences of the world he now inhabits, Leo remains distant and indifferent, harboring a resolve to navigate this unfamiliar realm without being drawn into its conflicts.

WriterOfEnd · 東方
30 Chs


As Leo slowly left his basement room with his wet bed sheet in his arms, he tiptoed his way up the stairs, being careful not to make any sound. He had just woken up from another bad dream and realized he had wet his bed again. Panic began to set in as he headed to the upstairs bathroom to clean the sheet before the pretty lady, the headmistress of the orphanage, woke up and realized he had wet himself again.

As he reached the ground floor and headed towards the bathroom, he heard the sound of a door opening ahead of him. His heart sank as he saw the pretty lady step out of her room and look directly at him and the bed sheet he was carrying. Leo realized he had been caught and froze in his tracks. The pretty lady spoke to him in her sweet and considerate tone, calling him "honey," and asking if he had another bad dream.

For a moment, Leo almost felt relaxed and happy to see the pretty lady. However, he quickly remembered that she had a habit of tricking him with her sweet voice and fake kindness. He stopped himself and slowly backed away. The pretty lady continued to speak, "Sweetie, why didn't you come to me? Didn't I tell you that whenever you have a bad dream and wet yourself, come to me?" Leo tried to deny that he wet himself, hiding the bed sheet behind his back. "No, I didn't wet myself. I just want to clean the bed sheet," he said. But the pretty lady looked at him with furrowed brows and shook her finger, saying, "Now, now, sweetie. Don't lie. Lying is bad. Don't be a bad child and come to me. Let's clean your bed sheets together."

Leo didn't want to be a bad child because he knew that would mean he wouldn't have the right to eat and would be locked in his room. But he also didn't want to go to the pretty lady and clean the sheet with her, especially after what happened last time. So he turned back and noticed that the door of the orphanage was open. For the first time in his life, he felt curious about the outside world. He made up his mind and started running towards the door, thinking that the pretty lady would catch him. He ran with all his might and made it to the boundary that separated the orphanage from the outside world.

After a moment, he realized that the pretty lady wasn't coming after him. Feeling puzzled, he turned his gaze towards her and heard her say, "Sweetie, you don't want to run from here. You can't survive in the world, and even if you escape, you will be brought back to me. So sweetie, come back here. Don't make me worried." Leo didn't believe her and decided to escape from the orphanage.

Leo dashed through the busy city streets, jostled by the hurried adults who chided him for not watching his steps. The downpour soaked his clothes, and raindrops stung his already-bruised body. His wounds, opened by his frantic running, burned with pain. However, as the rain continued to pour, a refreshing coolness began to wash over him, soothing his injuries and easing his discomfort.

After hours of running around the city, Leo suddenly bumped into someone again. Without stopping to apologize or look back, he resumed his frantic dash. But someone was holding him back, and he heard a stern voice say, "Where are you off to like that, kid?" Leo turned around to see a police officer in uniform.

At the sight of the officer, Leo felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this was his chance to find a way out of his miserable life as an orphan. He poured out his heart to the officer, telling him everything that had happened to him and showing him his wounds. The officer listened patiently and then took him to the police station.

In a small room at the station, Leo sat nervously as the officer asked him more questions. But the officer was kind and gentle, promising to help Leo and protect him. Leo felt a sense of safety and security that he had never experienced before in his life.

"Thank you, Uncle" Leo said, using the term of endearment that came naturally to him And for the first time in a long time, Leo felt a glimmer of hope for a better future.

Leo was startled by a sudden knock on the door. As he looked up, he saw the police officer walking out of the room. He peered through the glass wall and noticed several men in suits conversing with the officer. They showed him a card and slipped an envelope into his pocket. Leo couldn't quite grasp what was happening until the police officer called him over.

With a hopeful gleam in his eye, Leo rushed over and eagerly asked, "What is it, uncle?" His enthusiasm quickly turned to confusion and disbelief when he heard the officer say, "Kid, these guys will take you back to the orphanage. Don't lie again and try to escape." Before he could protest, he was lifted up and carried away. He struggled, but to no avail. From the men's backs, Leo locked eyes with the officer and pleaded, "Why are you sending me back, uncle? You said you would protect me and save me."

All eyes in the police station were on Leo as the officer shook his head and avoided eye contact. Leo's desperation grew as the men carrying him moved quickly towards the exit. He couldn't contain his fear any longer and let out a heart-wrenching cry, "Please don't send me back!"

Leo suddenly woke up and found himself lying in a room. He looked around and saw Ava sitting on a chair to his left, an old man and Peak Master Derek to his right. As his gaze landed on Peak Master Derek, he heard him speak in an overly kind voice, "You had us all worried, Leo."

Upon hearing the tone of his voice, something snapped in Leo's head.