
Destiny's Observer

Leo is a 33-year-old office worker who has been plagued by recurring nightmares for the past month. In these nightmares, he witnesses the enigmatic world of Elysium through the eyes of a young orphan cultivator, shunned by society. However, Leo's life takes an unexpected turn when he dies on Earth and reincarnates as the very same boy he had been seeing in his nightmares, thanks to a mysterious oracle system. Equipped with the power to predict the causes of events that shape destiny, Leo embarks on a journey within the world of Elysium. He uses the oracle system's predictive abilities akin to a skilled gambler, seeking to uncover the underlying causes behind the events unfolding around him. With each successful prediction, Leo grows more powerful, harnessing the system's assistance to identify the factors responsible for reshaping the fate of cultivators and other influential figures. As Leo observes the triumphs and downfalls of the inhabitants of Elysium, he maintains a detached mindset, refraining from interfering in their affairs. His sole focus is on survival and leading a cautious, steady life, steering clear of the tumultuous struggles that grip Elysium. Despite witnessing the grandeur and the tragic consequences of the world he now inhabits, Leo remains distant and indifferent, harboring a resolve to navigate this unfamiliar realm without being drawn into its conflicts.

WriterOfEnd · 東方
30 Chs

First Kill And Chaos In The Forest

Leo held his breath, hoping that the darkness of the night and the thickness of the tree trunk would be enough to keep him hidden from the beast's keen senses. As he watched the creature turn its gaze away from his location, he breathed a deep sigh of relief. It had failed to detect him, even though it was five realm above him in terms of cultivation level. This meant the beast was extremly vulnerable, and Leo's greed intensifed at the thought of the potential spoils. However, he knew that he had to be cautious and plan carefully.

Taking a moment to consider the worst-case scenarios, Leo realized that there were no other beast in the area. He knew this because any other creature would have joined the hunt as soon as they sensed the vulnereability of the beast, with this knowledge, Leo began to craft a plan that was fast and silent, ensuring that he could strike quickly and decisievly.

Leo cautiously climbed the tree, reassured that the wounded beast was no longer focused on him. Once he reached a sturdy branch, he retrieved pieces of dead beast meat from his bag and then slowly toss them in the direction of the injured beast, leading a trail of meat pieces towards his tree. The beast, drawn by the low tapping sounds, shifted its gaze towards the direction of the noise and spotted the meat pieces. It stoot up, leaning forward, and began to eat the pieces as it made its way towards Leo's tree. With the need to replenish its energy and aid its recovery, the beast continued to consume the meat.

As Leo observed his plan unfolding without error, he drew his sword from its sheath and grasped it with both hand in a reverse grip, its tip pointing towards the ground. As the beast approached, he positioned himself by bending his knees forward and lowering his hand to the chest level. Leo felt like an arrow drawn taut, awating release, his body trembling as the creature drew closer. To steady himself, he repeated inwardly, 'I will survive, I will succeed' attempting to hypnotize himself. Gradually, his trembling subsided and his mind grew calm, his sole focus on the beast's movements.

Leo patiently waited for the beast to walk underneath the tree, and after a while, it finally reached the position he had chosen for his attack. Taking a deep breath, he leaped from the branch and aimed his sword at the creature's head as he descended. The beast, startled by the sound, looked up at the sky and caught a glimpse of the sword glinting in the moonlight. it was the last image it ever saw.

Feeling the sword's succesful penetration with the force of gravity behind him, Leo released the weapon to avoid the recoil and rolled to the side. After he regained his footing and saw the dead beast illuminated by the moon, he whispired to himself, " I have succeeded"

After taking a moment to rest, Leo approached the beast's corpse and retrieved its core and his sword from its body. He then retraced his steps back to the first battlefield and collected the fox beast's core. Feeling content with his successful acquisition of two sixth realm of Qi Condensation cores he resumed his journey towards the forest border.

As Leo muttered to himself, he declared with conviction, "I will only seize future opportunities that present a similar or lower risk than this one. I refuse to put myself in dangerous positions just to chase after gains like Leo, who was blinded by the pursuit of fame and power."

Leo was relieved that the rest of the night passed without incident. Though he caught the attention of a few beast, he skillfully evaded them, even if meant deviating from his path and increasing his distance from the border, and with the first light of dawn, Leo had already completed half of his journey.

The forest floor trembled, and Leo felt his heart skip a beat. It was as if the forest was coming alive before his very eyes. Vibrations shook the ground, causing tree branches to sway and dance in the breeze. Fear seized Leo's mind as he wondered if his worries about the dangers of the forest were about to become a reality.

A sudden roar shattered the silence, followed by the sound of flapping wings. Leo knew that his worst assumptions had come to life. Cursing his luck, he muttered under his breath and turned around to take a peek at the commotion behind him.

High up in the forest canopy, two majestic beasts hung suspended in the sky. As Leo gazed upon their silhouettes, he was instantly reminded of the folklore tales about the mystic forest where powerful beasts dwelled, rumored to possess spirit-severing cultivation levels. these must be the very beasts that the tales spoke of, for they were indeed majestic and powerful. One was a white flying tiger beast, and the other was a half-lion, half-eagle beast a griffin. just looking at them sent shivers down Leo's spine.

Despite their formidable presence, the two beasts appeared indifferent to each other's presence, as if they were solely focused on the mystical green-brown orb that floated between them. Leo's attention was drawn to the orb, and he could feel a strong, pure wood Qi emanating from it, despite the vast distance that separated them.

Leo's gaze was fixed on the wondrous sight before him, and a fleeting thought crossed his mind 'What if he approached the beasts and tried to take the mystical ball from them?' However, he quickly brushed aside the reckless idea, knowing that it was born of his own greed and lack of reason. Speaking to himself, he reasoned, "I may be courageous, but I'm not foolish enough to risk my life in a foolhardy attempt to play the protoganist and hoping for a miraculous outcome. I've long since stopped believing in miracles."

Lost in thought, Leo failed to notice the two beasts reaching the mystical ball and recognizing each other. Suddenly, the air crackled with the materialization of Qi, and the two beasts launched into a fierce battle. Their claws and wings clashed, each unleashing unique Qi techniques in the form of different shapes. The energy they unleashed was so powerful that the ground shook, and aftershocks rained down upon the forest.

With instincts kicking in, Leo quickly abandoned all caution and sprinted towards the forest's border in a desperate attempt to save his life. As he fled, other beasts emerged from their nests and ran towards familiar and safe places, paying no heed to their surroundings. It was clear that danger had engulfed the forest, and Leo had no choice but to flee.

As Leo ran through the forest, he could feel tension in the air. The once tranquil place had turned into an apocalyptic landscape where every living being fought for survival. Leo noticed the space inside the forest beginning to crack, creating multiple portals around him. Frustration crept in as he realized the extent of the chaos around him.

Leo's annoyance turned into anger as he shouted into empty air. " A high-level battle in the sky wasn't enough, and now this space cracking thing? Why must I be so unlucky?" He desperately tried to avoid the space cracks while escaping the aftershock energies of the battle in the sky.

The forest had become a battleground, and Leo was caught in the middle. With every step, he felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him. Would he survive this apocalypse, or would he be just another casualty of the battle for survival? Only time would tell.

Leo had been running frantically for half an hour, but his exhaustion was catching up to him. As he slowed down, he felt the intensity of the battle in the sky and the space cracks around him only increasing. Fear started to grip him as he desperately searched for a way to survive.

All of a sudden, Leo noticed the air around him growing hotter and hotter, almost as if the oxygen was being burned away. He scanned the area, trying to locate the source of the sudden change. His eyes finally locked onto sky, where he saw a massive fireball hurtling towards him. The sight was enough to make his blood run cold.

Without a moment's hesitation, Leo knew what he had to do. He steeled his nerves and took a deep breath, repeating the phrase, 'Desperate times call for desperate measures' in his mind. He summoned all of his strenght and leaped towards the nearest space crack, hoping that it would be his ticket to survival.