
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · 都市
199 Chs



Cars were flying on the road headed to different places as per the command from detective Harris. The car in which Roderick and Pete were in, along with many others, was headed towards a neglected building in the midst of thick forests. Roderick, upon seeing the old building, began to have renewed hopes of finding his son. The building stood in a densely forested area, and it was well hidden. Roderick had a feeling that they were at the right place. It had to be the right place, or where else could Dylan be?

Detective Harris gave him a sharp glare and said "Doctor sir, you, Pete and Carl and some bodyguards have to remain here. Please. Let's not argue about his. We are going to walk now, until we reach that place. We can't risk taking our cars there."

Roderick remained silent, not knowing whether to obey the instruction or not.

"Fraser! Is everyone in position?" Harris asked and Fraser confirmed.

In the blink of an eye, the men separated into different positions and they all started walking in silence, heading towards the old deserted building. Roderick looked at them all, feeling as if his heart was going to pop out of his body. Carl continued to restore confidence and hope in his employer. They must have waited for seven or eight minutes when they were all startled by the sound of running men.

"Did you hear that?" Roderick asked.

Before both Carl and Pete could utter a word in response, the sound grew louder.

"I have to go and save my son!", Roderick said while he already started to run towards the building.

"Stay here and I will go!" Pete said to him.

"It's too dangerous sir please!" Carl called, while him and the bodyguards ran after both Roderick and Pete. Although Roderick was unable to outrun the men, none of them dared oppose him. All they could do was to ensure that they did everything in their power to ensure the billionaire's safety.

When they were very close to the building, they saw a policeman kneeling down, but he did not utter a word to them. They also could not afford disturbing him, so they proceeded.

"Our cops are a bit slow, I think!", a bodyguard announced in panic.

Roderick felt sick and a cold wave ran through his entire body. He did not want to believe that the cops were making an error I any way, despite the evidence before his own eyes. Just then they heard, from their right side, Fraser's voice, "we need backup!".

They all tiptoed to near where Fraser was, and on seeing Roderick and Pete, Fraser could not hide his anger, "What!! Why did you come here with sir de Milo?" he barked at Carl.

"I'm sorry but they insisted! We're all wearing our bullet proof vests." Carl crouched down, taking the same position that most of the bodyguards were taking. Fraser did not say anything.

Instantly everyone heard Harris' voice commanding, "stop right there!"

A loud roar of a man's laughter was heard, followed by a child's cry.

"They're already dead!!" the man cried out. When Roderick heard that, his knees gave way, and he could have slumped into the ground was it not for Carl and Pete who supported him.

"Team A, check the building for the hostages!" Harris shouted.

The man laughed out loud again and held the gun to the wailing baby's head.

"If I die, then he too dies!" he said before bursting into a louder laughing episode.

"Put the gun down," Harris said calmly. "That's just a child…"

"Just a child!! Just a child, you say? Well, I have made sure that this boy is safe until now, not because I love him!! No!! I do not love him!! But I have kept him safe!! I have provided his food and medicine when he was sick!!" the man's laughter suddenly sounded like loud cries, but still he held on tight to the child.

"Calm down, give me the baby", Harris spoke as he took a few steps forward.

Harris immediately recognised the man, and he said in a composed tone, "Israel Bassard. You are alive!"

"We meet again, detective! You were a fool to believe that I could die that easily." Bassard spoke through gritted teeth.

Harris took another step forward and Israel spoke out, "Stop! Stop right there! I still have the child in my arms, remember?" he screamed.

"Why would you harm a child? What has he done?" Harris did his best to remain calm. The way the detective spoke, it was as if he was not in such a critical situation. He sounded calm and collected.

"Oh he has done a lot!! Believe me, this boy has done a lot!", Israel laughed like a mad man before going on, "this boy has lived a life of luxury!! He has been the spoiled little brat, enjoying his life to the fullest! I will not let that man Lucas enjoy anything on this earth!"

"Lucas?" Harris frowned. "Do you mean Lucas la Martina?"

"Who else?!" the man shouted at the top of his lungs. "Lucas la Martina killed my brother!! He killed Vice!! He killed Vice!! Lucas killed Vice!!" he cried hysterically.

It appeared like the more Israel cried, the angrier he became. The man was also very much alert, for each time Harris tried to take a step forward, he would immediately remind him to stay in his lane or else the child was going to get harmed.

Fraser took a few steps towards Harris and whispered, "His name is Eden Salatto."

"Eden Salatto. Real name Israel Bassard. Dealt with him many times him before. Dangerous criminal." Harris whispered before he called out to Israel, "Let the child go, Israel. We can talk this out" he pleaded.

"Talk this out? There is no talking anything out!! I want my justice, and my justice is with this child! Yes! I cannot let this child go. I want Lucas to witness his child in my hands, and know that finally I have ruined over him!"

"There are other ways of getting your revenge! You don't have to harm the child," Harris said.

"You don't get it, do you?" Israel spat out the words. "You will never get it!"

"Then help me to get it. Give me the child and we will talk" Harris' voice was loud but not harsh. He was doing his best to convince the man.

"No!!!" Israel's voice roared in the thick forest.

"Israel…" Harris began to speak and the criminal cut him off with

"No don't call me that! My revenge is in this child! Lucas killed my brother!! He must feel the pain too!!" he started to cry again, heaving in pain and anger. Hatred was written all over his face.

Harris took one step forward, which the lunatic seemed not to notice. "Lucas la Martina is dead. We can talk about him later. For now, where are the hostages?" Harris asked.

"Dead? You don't know him, detective! You think Lucas is the type that would just die? He is alive somewhere, using a different identity."

"Lucas was buried…"

"If you buried anyone, then you buried the wrong body. There is no way that could have been la Martina. I know that man like the back of my hand! I trained him. I made him into the person that he is. Believe me, Lucas is still alive!"

"Where are the hostages?" Harris ignored what Israel was talking about.

"He was reported dead. There is a grave here in Yellowleaf; his grave." Fraser whispered again, passing on the information which he was being updated by the other officers who were investigating online. Harris nodded his head, keeping his eyes fixed on the mad man holding Liam.

"The hostages, Israel? Eden? Whatever name you want to use, tell us where the hostages are!"

"Well, keep searching!!" Israel sneered.

"West wing clear! No sign of hostages," an officer reported.

"Keep searching!" Harris responded.

"Give me the baby Eden, then we can talk." Harris spoke.

Eden burst into one of his maniacal laughter again. Then with great anger; so much anger that he was even shaking from it, he started to talk again; "Lucas la Martina stole my life!! I was the one who came up with the idea of that waste management business. Double L Waste Management?? That was supposed to be my business!! He stole my ideas!! He stole my life!! He stole my brother from me!! la Martina destroyed me!!"

"We can talk about that later. For now please hand over the child to me."

"This child's father chocked me countless times before! And if I hand him over to you now, then you will take me away. No, I am doing no such thing!"