
Destined to fall in love with, my Enemy

Whatever is meant for you will come to you. It always finds it ways...and that is called destiny. You cannot run from it.

Hina_Saeed · ファンタジー
33 Chs

A journey across the sky....

"What did you just say...?"asked Amber as she couldn't believe her ears.

"I said you can fly or do whatever you want....your highness"said Aaron.

"I can fly...its just it. Are you serious?"asked Amber.

"I am serious...you can"said Aaron.

As the clock struck 12, both of them were sure that it is the best time to go out. So Amber after a long week took out her wings, a beautiful set of long heavy wings that she felt happy and relieved about having them back.

It's not that she actually lost them or can't feel them but the thing is that she can't fly with them so it was exactly same as not having them.

Aaron looked at Amber that how beautiful she looked with her wings but he simply held back.

So he wished Amber good luck and went to bed that was waiting to hug him. As Amber was about to take a flight she felt scared and threatened. She wants to fly but she just can't. So she took a quick glance at Aaron who was trying to sleep on the bed that was only belonged to him for him just for this night.

"Hey...."said Amber.

"What happened now...?"asked Aaron.

"I was wondering if you could visit my home with me"said Amber.

".......why do you think that?"asked Aaron.

"It's just that you never visited a fairy kingdom before, so it will be fun"said Amber.

As Aaron was about to deny Amber's offer, he noticed that she is still looks worried so he agreed to go with her.

"So how we will go there....you can fly but not me remember?"asked Aaron.

"Ofcourse I remember.."said Amber as she begin to think.

"I know....you can fly there with your own set of wings and I'll just ride my dragon"said Aaron while putting on his shoes.

"A dragon....no it is too big.."said Amber.

"Then pheonix will do the thing"said Aaron.

"That will do the trick....wait a real pheonix...are you crazy they are only in legends and myths"said Amber.

"Oh...boy. Let me show you one of a kind"said Aaron in excitement.

Aaron bought a beautiful blue pheonix of a breed that was only found in the moon land.

As Aaron got seated on his extraordinay and beautiful pheonix that was called crescent because he had a crown on his had shaped like a crescent moon. Amber patted the bird and kissed it. She kept admiring how beautiful can a bird be until Aaron asked her to focus and lead the way.

As Amber spread out her wings to lead the way to her homeland, Aaron followed her with his big little birdie.

In the sky, happiness could be seen miles away from Amber's face. She was doing all sort of crazy stuff in the air. She was having her best time...why because she was in her true self.

Aaron was having fun just by looking at Amber who was getting weird since she hit the sky.

They stopped here and there, so that Amber could try other things as well like visit to a night market. Aaron wanted her to see what is life at night in the human kingdom. Guess what...both of them had a great time. They played, ate and did a crazy dance with some happy weirdos.

It took them almost an hour or may be more to get to the eastern kingdom. But it was not what Amber had imagined. Her perfect little picture of home was now gone or shattered into pieces or burnt down.