
Chapter 45

"I'm sorry, but I'm not doing it." I say innocently. Water flows into her through her mouth choking her. I watch as her hands go to her throat. She struggles to breathe dropping to the ground. I feel nothing for her as she slowly dies in front of me. "A mother wouldn't do this to her family." I say with one lone tear slipping from my eye.

I walk towards her as the fire makes a path for me to get to her. I look down at her narrowing my eyes. She looks up at me with pleading eyes. I squat down to her level growling. Before I could do anything she takes a sliver knife and stabs me with it. I scream falling to the ground clutching my side. I see flames go crazy hearing her scream and I know Gabriel is taking care of it.

I cry trying to stop the bleeding knowing my unborn pups' lives are at stake. 'Mervin!' I scream trying to reach him.

'Sabrina what's wrong?' He asks frantically.