
Chapter 31

We walk into the zoo and I'm clinging onto Mervin's side. My arms are wrapped around his torso and his right arm is wrapped around my shoulders. Mervin kisses my head as we keep walking. "Everything will be fine." He assures me. I nod my head trying to stay strong.

We reach the wolf enclosure and spot her sitting on a bench. She's talking to a girl though, who seems to resemble how Katie looked. My mother looks up and meets my eyes. She stands up and hesitantly steps closer. "Mama?" I question feeling tears sting my eyes.

"Sabrina?" She questions with glassy eyes. I let go of Mervin as she opens her arms. I run into her embrace and we both cry. "Oh my baby girl." She coos.

"Moma, I missed you so much." I cry. "I thought you were dead." I say shakily. She hugs me tighter.

"I know." She pulls away quick to look at my face. "There are some people I would like you to see." She says. I wipe my tears and taking in a deep breath.