
Chapter 30

'Run!' I shout to her through our link. She takes off running, but they don't bother to follow her. I'm the one they want. I bite Sam's neck as he watches Evelyn run. He growls threateningly at me.

The grey wolf growls yanking Sam off me. I look in his eyes and only see hunger, and it's directed to me- great.

Next thing I know wolves are lunging at the two. I feel relieved knowing they are from my pack. Holden nudges me helping me stand. 'Finally.' I say.

'Sorry, Isaac was asking me questions because you blocked him out.' I nod looking at the wolves fighting, and more keep coming. Luckily only from our pack.

A howl erupts from behind Holden and I. I look behind me seeing Isaac's huge black wolf. His eyes black with a deadly look. Is it sad that him like this turns me on? I hope not because I can feel my wolf hum with delight from seeing him.