
Chapter 19

After the four of us hung out for awhile Bentley started to get tired. I picked her up and was heading back leaving Isaac and Holden. I'm happy she remembers her brother, I just hope she is okay with staying with me.

I put her in bed and head to my room to see my father sitting on my bed. "Where were you two?" He asks looking at me as I shut my door.

"Out." I answer. He stands up clearly not happy with the answer.

"Where?" He asks.

"Why do you need to know?" He growls at me, but I growl back.

"Karla stop being so frustrating. Where were you?"

"We went on a walk, and bumped into Holden." I say leaving out the whole Isaac thing. He raises an eyebrow at me, and crosses his arms.

"Then why do I smell the Blue Moon pack on you?" He questions, and I curse under me breath. "That's what I thought, Karla you saw him." He concludes, and I roll my eyes.