
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 9


Everyone was looking in my direction.. some with questioning eyes, a few with surprise, some of them looked concerned, and a few with disdain. Raymond, standing next to me was surprised and concerned at the same time.

Few mins passed… thankfully someone turned off the projector and the video stopped but I was still frozen at my spot. Tia said something to me but I couldn't make out the words. I knew what was happening around me but I couldn't move, my anxiety came rushing back and got a better hold on me in this very moment.. but I couldn't let that happen, I cannot let my anxiety win over me, not right now. I closed my eyes and took 3 deep breaths and counted to 10 before opening my eyes again. I straightened my back and looked everyone in the eye. I reminded myself what Dad used to say, he told me never to be afraid of anyone or anything when you are not in the wrong and I was doing exactly the same.

I knew no one would believe me but I still said, It wasn't me and left the set along with Tia. My bodyguard was waiting for us at the exit. I believe Tia might have informed him to be ready to leave already.

I thought about Chris because he had mentioned he will come over later to bring me the chocolates his mother sent for me and I didn't see him when I was leaving but my phone lightened up with a text from him.

It was just 3 words, 'I trust You' but it made me feel so much better. It was a big relief knowing your best friends trust you even when the large mass thought the opposite.

The car ride was quiet, Tia was busy handling calls about the goof and my bodyguard was driving in silence. We reached home and Tia decided to spend the night with me. I didn't want to talk about what had happened.. at least not now. So, I just went to sleep and Tia is an understanding person so didn't say anything and carried on with whatever she wanted to do.

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