
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 6


The family dinner date went well, all we did was eat food, my brother shared his college stories, and Mom and I talked about everything starting from my new show, career plans, her health, family back in India, and her increasing obsession with me getting married as I'm nearing my 30. Typical Indian parents' things.

I had another jam-packed week ahead waiting for me with the shoots and promotions lined up for the show.

Two weeks later, we were done with the first half of the shooting schedule and it was time for the premier launch but what caught my attention was Tia being on her toes about everything. She was behaving a little more concerned about everything and giving my bodyguard and team a hard time for every little thing.

I tried to talk her out of it but she didn't budge and told me it was just because the show's launch date is coming close and she wants to make everything perfect for me. I, of course, didn't give in to it but didn't press the matter further because as she mentioned we had to focus on the show for the now considering, the first episode is due to go on-air next week following the trailer launch on Saturday and its Thursday already!

Saturday evening arrived earlier than expected. Everyone at the launch party was happy, giggling, and enjoying their time. I, Chris, and Raymond chose a corner to rest because we were too tired from smiling at the cameras and shaking hands with people, and my six inches heels were already killing me so I needed a place to sit and rest and the boys decided to accompany me. Tia joined in between but like Raymond's and Chris's manager, she was mostly busy in networking. I told her so many times that she should enjoy these parties as just another person at times but she says it's the best time to showcase their networking skills.

Manager stuff….

By the time, the launch party wrapped up, exhaustion and sleep were visible on every team member's face. For god's sake, we all have been working nonstop for the past 2 months. And I could see how everyone starting from our director to our crew members was dying to go back home and sleep.

That saddening reality of show business, unlike the white and blue collared jobs, our industry had no fixed working hours.

Anyway, I'm finally on my bed and we have a two-day schedule off for the whole crew.

So Good night.