
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 2


The next day, I reached the set at my usual time but we had to wait until Christian comes, Chris (yes that's my nickname for him) had a flat tire on his way so it will take some time to reach.

I, on the other hand.. went through my script again, got my make-up and hair done, and rehearsed my scenes with my manager Tia, Tia Sehgal.. a petite blond, standing tall at 5'7" with an exquisite charm but a tongue so sharp that can kill you with just words. She could easily make a killing if she decides to be an actor basis her looks but she says she is a pathetic actor and couldn't agree more with her on this. :D

So that's why she decided to be a manager, Tia and I were the same age so we're naturally friends too but she most of the time stays in her manager mode. Her father is an Indian and her Mother is an American. She got her looks from her mother but at heart, she's an Indian just like her father.

An hour later, Chris arrived and quickly finished his make-up and hair. By four, noon, we had finished half of our schedule for the day. I had a few more scenes with my mother and sister where Chris had scenes with his Family.

We wrapped up the day rather quickly than expected but still a long day.

We were currently shooting for the second season of our blockbuster show "Destined Lovers". It was a story of two people from totally different backgrounds and how they ended up together, from fighting with each to fighting for each other, eventually falling in love, and the struggles they had to go thru when they decided to marry. It was an Instant hit from episode 1. The storyline, the characters, actors, and the main leads' chemistry.. all were highly appreciated. So on public demand, here we were shooting season 2. The second season consists of how they get married and the new challenges that await them on their journey of love. The shooting just started last week.