
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 29


Mumma made me and Namjoon sit together and placed a red dupatta over my head that complimented my baby pink outfit pretty well. Took over the aarti from Tia and did our tilak and handed over a red envelope with money to both of us and finished it by giving us, sweets.

This ritual is called 'Roka', an important ritual in Sikh weddings when they fix a marriage.

To my surprise, Namjoon's parents and his brother followed in on the ritual after my mother. Our parents looked extremely happy except for Me, Tia (who was still trying to figure out things) and Namjoon and his brother.

After the Roka, we all went to the dining room for lunch.

Throughout the lunch, I tried so many times to speak to Mumma but Namjoon kept bringing something or the other every time. So, I thought I'll speak to her once Namjoon and his family leaves.

Mumma called me into her room.

'I know what you thinking baby, you're worried about whatever has happened but how about we take it as a ray of hope and try to shift our focus on the good things coming to us? Namjoon really loves you.' She spoke.

When I looked at her, she said 'Trust me, the way he looks at you… says it all.' I nodded but deep down I knew it was all an act to win over my mother and guess what he succeeded.

She held my hand and asked me if I am happy. I nodded not because I still liked Namjoon or that I gave into the love act he kept all afternoon but because my mother looked happy and content at that very moment. She looked like she has got something she always wished for!

And I didn't have the heart to take her happiness away from her. Though I still have my doubts about this whole marriage thing with him, the things he told me are fine and he wants a real marriage... eventually I do plan on getting married someday. I just never thought it could be him and out of all the times, I really am thinking about getting married when I have lost my career for good and all I want is revenge.

But I guess Mumma is right, all this could be a ray of hope… maybe things get better. Namjoon did say he will help with my revenge and lawsuit. So, now I do not feel as reluctant as I was towards Namjoon's proposal.



I am sitting in the living room with my parents and my brother and my family are so happy about this wedding thing and excited to welcome Selena to the family soon. I, on the other hand, am still thinking about a way to make Selena agree to this without forcing her into this proposal. I mean I sort of forced her already but I really want if things could be eased out a little between us. Last I checked, she looked like she'll kill me at the first chance she'll get.

And I wouldn't exactly blame her. I had put a ring on her finger without her knowing, kissed her without her consent, and asked for her hand in marriage without even giving her a heads up.

Do I sound like a villain... gosh…. I'm not a villain, it's just that I have my own reasons.


Three days, it has been three days and Selena hasn't replied to a single text I have sent her nor answered any of the numerous calls I made. She is so hellbent on not talking to me! So ridiculously stubborn. But I have had enough... I need her to talk to me.

The next morning

I showed up at her mother's home exactly at 10 am. I had spoken to her and taken her permission to take Selena out on a surprise date.

When Selena saw me, she shot daggers at me with her eyes…. Tried to make an excuse to cancel our date but I didn't give her a chance and took her hand in mine and dragged her towards the car. She opened her mouth to complain but ended up smiling when saw her mother looking at us with a grin. But jerked her hand away the moment we were out of her mother's sight! And my hand mourned the loss.

'Don't touch me.' She said through gritted teeth.

'Otherwise?' I looked at her calmly.

'Otherwise, you would be dead before you get your damn inheritance.' She looked like she meant it but I found it cute. :D

I stepped closer and caged her in my arms.

'Do not say things you can't do, Sunshine.' I said to her.

'You' she opened her mouth to retort but I shut her up by landing my lips on her. She stomped on my feet with her heels and caught me off guard. When I stumbled back, she ran and settled into the passenger seat. I looked at her sharply but she ignored it.

'I'm only going to play along in front of our families and I have zero interest in your inheritance so do not think I'm doing it for money, especially not for money. This whole thing that you have trapped me into, I don't know if you actually believe in your plan to work for everything... I'm not sure if I can promise you a future in this marriage. I am not sure of this and I don't know why you so firmly believe that I am the right person for your plan.' She spoke looking at the front.

'What made you change your mind?' I asked her.

'My mom, you involved my mom into this Namjoon and she looked happy and content about all this, about me getting married!! She thinks you love me and we'll be happy together and I… I didn't have the heart to break her heart, especially when everything else is already fucking messed up for me. So, I guess I can at least make my mother happy by agreeing to your proposal.' She said in one breath.

Yes, super annoyed but there's nothing I can do about it at the moment.

I need her to agree to this, to make my plan work, and to help her with her revenge. Even if that means, her being angry and annoyed with me.

Time Skip...

The past week has been crazy busy, I never thought getting married was this hectic. I'm on leave from next week when the wedding rituals start so I had to wrap up a lot of work before the leaves.

We decided to have a private wedding so only our family and some close friends are invited from both sides, I also didn't want Seleno to be uncomfortable under the media presence. She's still fighting a battle inside.

Monday arrived, and we are officially getting engaged today. We just arrived at Selena's mother's home for the engagement. She welcomed me with a bear hug and was so happy to meet me. This past week, we've met 4 times and I have grown fond of her. She's such a lovely mother, warm and happy.

We all took our seats and then Selena came downstairs along with Tia. She looked beautiful in her floor-length baby blue gown that hugs her curves like a glove and the skirt had pretty white pearls embedded in it. It is nothing glamorous but still the most perfect and modest outfit for the evening and I am wearing a baby blue suit matching her gown. Yes, we are color-coordinated.

My hands touched her almost bare back when I hugged her as it was only a see-through fabric covering her back and my hands itched to stay there longer than required. She was reluctant to hug me back but kept her act intact.

We exchanged rings and I found Seleno looking at the ring, I guess she like it. I had personally chosen the ring for her and I am satisfied to know that she likes it.