
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 28


Park Namjoon… what the hell is he doing at my home?

'Hi, Selena.' Namjoon says giving me a charming smile.

'Hi.' I replied with a stiff smile but seeing him sitting there and smiling at me brought back the memories of last night, I was all ready to stand up and throw him out of my house but what I heard next stopped me.

'Namjoon and his parents came to ask for your hand in marriage. I can't believe this is happening, I am so happy today.' Mumma spoke taking my hand in hers.

What the actual fuck???? I pinned Namjoon with my eyes and he just smiled. Cheeky bastard.

Shock is an understatement for what I feel right now. I looked at Tia and she looks equally shocked! Gosh... I didn't get the time to fill her up about yesterday evening.

'Selena, why didn't you tell me about it sooner?' Mumma asked.

'About what?' I ask her.

'About you two, that you are seeing Namjoon and that too for three years.' Mumma said pointing at me and Namjoon. If Mrs. Park hadn't called me last evening, I would have not known about you two!

Seeing Namjoon!!! For God's sake… I only have a crush on him, correction I had. It ended the moment he tricked me into that trap last night and nothing else.

'Actually aunty, we decided to keep it private.' Namjoon spoke.

'I see.' Mumma said.

Namjoon's parents spoke to me for the next 30 mins, trying to get to know me better, and asked about my studies, likes... dislikes, and posts that our parents got busy talking to each other and I decide to use that opportunity to talk to Namjoon.

I walked up to him and said, 'We need to talk.'

He looked at me with a smirk and nodded his head and followed me out of the living room.

We went to the lawn in the back next to the pool and my second favorite place in my second home, my two-story house is my first home and its terrace is my first favorite place.

'What the hell are you doing here?' I ask him.

'Making things official.' He spoke.

'Making things official? Are you serious? I didn't agree to your proposal.'

'You did. You're wearing the ring.' He pointed at my hand.

'That's because this damn ring is stuck.' I yell at him.

He walks up to me not looking really pleased with the way I just yell at him, puts a hand on my waist, and pulls me closer, 'Just the way you're stuck with me Sunshine.' He spoke.

I release a defeated sigh and looked at him. 'What do you want Namjoon?' I asked him.

'My inheritance.' he said and started walking inside dragging me along.



I took her hand in mine and started walking towards the living room where our families were sitting. Still mad about the way she just yelled at me, well I gave her the reason but I still didn't like it.

I saw our mothers talking happily to each other and discussing the rituals and everything.

'Mumma, I need to tell you something.' Selena spoke.

Her mother looked at her and asked her if everything is okay as Selena looked tense standing next to me.

'Everything's fine aunty, she wants to get married as per both our cultures.' I spoke holding her waist. Selena gave me a sharp look but I ignored it... I can't let her ruin my plan.

'That's great sweetheart, in fact, we were just discussing it and we have almost finalized everything. Come here you both.' Her mom informed us.

As we both come from different cultures, our families decide to follow both our Korean and Indian cultures for the wedding and wedding rituals. So, we will have a white wedding and an Indian traditional Sikh wedding… only if Selena lets go things smoothly… which I doubt. But I have to persuade her into doing this with me and I will do everything to convince her.