
Despondent Sisters

Airi and Ami Ayami, two teenage twin sisters who have been split up for 14 years, tackle living together at last. Trouble starts to rise when Airi realizes that her sister is unfairly focused on other things, more than her own sister. Tag along for stories of two broken sisters fixing their extreme relationship problems.

TylerUta · 若者
28 Chs

A Sibling's Curiosity...

Tuesday, with Ami...

Now that our teacher, Miss. Rika said she would give me guidance, I felt both ecstatic, and restless about it.

She was willing to teach me how to improve my overall disposition, and how I could become a better tutor to others.

First, she instructed me to write down a list of what kind of subjects I thrive in, and what kind of things my pupils have said to me...

The day after next, that I asked for her guidance, she brought me to our school's library, and warned me that this may take a few days.

Her warning was right, teaching me on technically two problems, made the next two weeks flow right pass us...

I should add; Because of her teacher's determination, she assisted some others classmates on the same days as me. How does she do it...?

Meanwhile, R.W> to Tuesday's late dinnertime, with Airi...

Airi contently said, ''Ami! I heated up our bento's from mom and dad! Let's sit down, -and enjoy!''

''Uhh... Right...'' Ami said, unsure. '' What did our dad...buy for you?''

Airi replied, ''Take a peek! This is totally from him! -It's got salmon, rice, pork, and lettuce. Hm-hmm...! It's always been like him, to make sure I'm eating right!''

[Munches excitedly]

''Airi? . .You grew up with our dad, didn't you?'' Ami curiously asked. ''Did he ever tell you any sort of reason, why they divorced?''

''Hmm, now that you say it Ami...'' Airi replied after she swallowed. ''No, he always had a weird reaction, and said, 'remembering it, arises chasms of stress in him, to vast to cross.'

''What kind of response.....is that?'' Ami asked, looking down.

''Sorry, I've never thought about it, very much.'' Airi said, while eating happily.

Friday, in Airi's room, after her job...

Our talk at dinner, days ago, got me more curious about it, than I was before... Cause' of my part-time job, I see kids passing by with their mom, or their dad a lot.

I wondered what a 'normal family,' should be like... Are we the weird ones, or.....?

When I got home, I went up to my room, and decided to try calling dad, to ask him about it again. See what might or might not happen.

[He picked up]

Airi said, ''Hi, dad.''

''Airi? (Gasps) It's nice to hear your sweet voice, again.'' Kosuke joyfully said. ''Is there a reason, you are calling so late? It's almost 10:00 a.m.''

''Yeah, that's correct. Um.....'' Airi explained, hesitantly. ''My sister got me more curious than before... So, I'll get to my point.....

''Dad. I know you don't like it, but... --Can you please tell me some kind of reason, why you and mom divorced?!''

''. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eh?'' Kosuke was left speechless.

Airi asked, ''Dad.....?''

''Airi..... That's why you called, is it...?'' Kosuke stumbley asked. ''You...yearn to know?''

Airi puzzled, replied, ''Please. Can you please, tell me?''

Kosuke wearily sighed, and said, ''If you asked me, like this..... I presume, that I can give you, a decent reason...''

Airi said, ''O-kay... Go ahead...''

Kosuke wistfully said, ''Hm? Where do I began...? Years ago, when your mother and I were simply, a loving husband and wife... Pregnant with twin offspring... We were overjoyed at our prospects...''

Airi clarified, ''Us...?''

Kosuke continued, ''You bet... Hm... I didn't foresee, that signs of our fate, were already making itself known, months before your entry into this world...

From the dawn of the m-moment, that we had to appoint you girls a name, was when it a-all gradually started to drop, like common sales charts...

Me and Rei..... We... We..... M-me and y-y-your mother-! Rrrghhh-! (Sounds of anguish)''

Airi worriedly asked, ''Dad? . .Are you doing okay? Daddy?!''

''Arrrghhh!! Darn it all!!! The waves of memory lane!! -It's too much!! Rei!! Rei!!!!'' Kosuke cried out, as he hung up in grief.

''Dad..... Why did...you hang up, before...you were done?'' Airi fretfully said, as she looked down. ''You sounded... so upset... I hope that... you are okay..... I wanted to know...the whole truth.....''

As I looked down at my cellphone, I saw our mom's contact info... Dwelling on her info... I settled on trying to ask mom about the rest.

Airi thought, ''Is this...the first time, that I've called mom? . .I'm not sure...''

[She picked up]

''Ai...ri? You're calling me?'' Rei asked, interested by the call. ''This is new..... I think?''

Airi agreed, ''You're unsure, of that too? (Shakes head to get focused) Never mind, there was some things that I wished to say.''

Rei asked, ''Huh? . .Alright, spit it out then.''

Airi timidly explained, ''Um, right... Mm! . .Minutes ago, I called dad on my phone, and asked him something that I wanted to know.....''

Rei confused, asked, ''You called your father, at this time of day? What was so important?''

Airi tensely said, ''I... asked him why both of you, divorced... I was at a loss, cause' he actually told me a bit... before he got so shaken up, that he hung up...in the middle of telling me.''

''He... He really did that...?'' Rei asked, sounding rattled up. ''Kosuke spelt out past...?''

Airi said, ''I believe, at most, less than half.''

Rei, ''. . . . .''

Airi asked, worried, ''Mom? Are you there?''

''Tch-! That- That really ticks me off!'' Rei said, as her fury was rising. ''D*mn it! That ticks me off, so much... -I'm ending this call, right now!''

[She furiously hung up]

''Mom...? Ahh-hhhhhh.....'' Airi asked concerned, as she put down her phone. ''She hung up too... First dad... And now mom cut me off..... What's with them? Why...won't they tell me...?''

''Why won't..... -Why won't they tell me?!?'' Airi asked loudly, as she started heavily crying. ''D-D-Dad and m-mom!! They w-won't answer m-me!! Snrgh! N-N--Not one little bit!!!

Why won't they?!? Is it m-me and A-Ami's fault, somehow?! Did we c--c-cause them, to..... to spilt up?! Snrgh!! Maybe.....they don't love me, like I thought....they did...?''

Meanwhile, directly downstairs, with Ami...

''Miss. Rika said that to place my math lessons, here..... Uh?'' Ami thought, as she started hearing sobbing. ''Is that.....crying?

From my sister's room? Is that her crying, I am hearing? . . . .Did she...purchase a new manga, with more sad tales?''

The next morning, with Ami...

That morning, I walked out of my room prepped for class, when I saw my sister walking down the stairs, ahead of me.

Ami thought, ''No, morning greetings... or a wave? Isn't that her routine, at this point? Is it me, or... does something seem...off about her?''

Later, before 1st period...

''Good morning, Airi.'' Aya greeted to her, walking forward to her desk. ''How is your morning, faring? . .Airi? . .Did you hear what I said?''

Airi disoriented, replied, ''S-Sorry. I'm sorry, Aya! What was it, you said?''

Aya puzzled, said, ''U-um... It was nothing major. I only greeted you.''

Airi replied, ''Oh... Thank you, Aya...''

Aya asked, ''Is everything alright with you? . .You seem to be... distracted...''

Airi dazed, replied, ''Hm? No, no. I'm alright. Don't worry, I'm stellar.''

Aya baffled, said, ''Um, right. If those are your words...''

Later, switching to another class...

Miss. Rika asked, ''Huh! Y-you! The other Ayami twin. It's time to switch to another class. Why are you still here?''

Airi absent, said, ''Huh? Huh?! Sorry-sorry... I was lost in thought. I'll go now...''

Miss. Rika thought, ''What's with her? Usually, when we switch classes, she chats with her friends on the way... (Inspecting) And, what's with her body language?

Something about it is... off today...''

Later, before Home Ec begins...

'Hey! Does Airi's expression seem off to you?' Asked, one of Airi's class friends to another. 'So it's not just me than? I thought so too!'

'That Ayami twin... Isn't she always the bubbly one?' 'I think...you're right...' 'Hmph! I hope that she's doing alright.....!'

Ami thought, ''What they're saying... I think...they may be correct, on their worries... Did...something happen to her?''

The end? for today...?